A trip to Eilat in October: weather, photos and holiday reviews

October in Russia is a time of rains, gloomy skies and everyday bustle. And, of course, those people whose vacation fell exactly this month would like to escape to some southern country - closer to the warm sea. Fortunately, there are many options for autumn beach holidays today. Some vacationers travel to Thailand, others to India or Vietnam. Resorts in these countries are certainly very convenient. including in October. However, the flight to East Asia from Russia is long. Meanwhile, the inhabitants of our country can find themselves on the shores of the warm sea, spending on everything about everything a maximum of 5-6 hours. All you need to do is purchase a tour to Eilat. In October , this Israeli resort is just fine weather.

Location Features

Eilat is located in Israel on the Red Sea, 7 kilometers from the border with Egypt. To get to this popular, but, unfortunately, country that has been closed to Russian tourists for some time, you can literally get it in 15-20 minutes. The climate in Eilat, therefore, has about the same features as in Egypt. The level of service at the same time in local hotels, according to many tourists, is much higher. However, tours to Eilat cost, of course, a little more expensive than to the resorts of Egypt.

to eilat in october

Pros of the town

The advantages of this Israeli tourist center, domestic vacationers include primarily:

  • a large number of comfortable hotels of various price categories;
  • the presence of all kinds of entertainment;
  • lack of strong winds;
  • calm warm sea.

The lack of precipitation is one of the reasons why many tourists travel to Eilat in the fall . In October , as at other times of the year, it is very dry. It rains in Eilat no more than 7 times a year.

Eilat weather in October

Disadvantages of rest

This resort, like most others in Israel, has practically no disadvantages. The high cost of local hotels and services in the city is perhaps the only drawback of the Eilat resort. The beaches are comfortable and the sea ​​is warm. Very praised by tourists and locals. Israelis treat their guests kindly. Perhaps, thanks to the benevolence of the local population and excellent service, thousands of tourists annually choose Eilat as their vacation destination. The beaches at this resort are not as wide as in India. And therefore, on the seashore there is usually very crowded. This, of course, can also be attributed to some of the disadvantages of the resort.

What is the weather in Eilat in October

The water temperature in the sea at this resort never drops in October below +22 C Β°. For most of the month, she is kept at +25 Β° C. Winds in Eilat, as in Egypt itself, almost never happen. And consequently, the sea here is always calm. You can swim in it, unlike, for example, Turkey, without fear of catching a cold, even at the end of October.

As in many other countries in the region, the hottest weather in Israel lasts during the summer months. In October, the air temperature begins to drop a little. By the standards of the locals, the city is getting a bit cool. All month the air temperature in October in Eilat is kept at +33 Β° C during the day and +2 3 Β° C at night. That is, even in the evening, European tourists do not need to wear sweaters or jackets here. Therefore, vacation in Eilat in October , without exception, all vacationers consider it very comfortable.

tours in eilat in october

Rain, in this resort , as already mentioned, almost never happens. Eilat was built, in fact, in the driest region of Israel. Humidity here never exceeds 20-30%. And this means that the beach items of tourists and hair after bathing in this city dry up almost instantly. In this regard, Eilat, of course, in comparison with India and Thailand, greatly wins.


Tours to Eilat in October are certainly very popular. In most cases, vacationers come to this resort in the fall , of course, in order to enjoy a relaxing holiday by the sea. It is believed that these tourists are most suitable for the northern beaches of the city. The service in this place of the coastline is simply excellent, and the sea itself is calm and clean.

Some tourists come to Eilat specifically for diving. The underwater world of the Red Sea at this resort is really extraordinarily rich. For such vacationers, the southern beaches of the city are considered the most suitable. It is here that you can look at a variety of species of fish, jellyfish, coral and other marine animals.

Admire the beauty of the underwater world on the southern beaches of Eilat not only diving enthusiasts. Ordinary tourists can go in for a less extreme sport - snorkeling. So called swimming on the surface of the water with a mask. The sea in Eilat is so clear that even with this method it will be completely uncomplicated to discern many interesting underwater inhabitants.

holidays in eilat in october

Eilat Vacation Reviews

Why do many tourists choose to spend their holidays Israel? Eilat (October in this city is a time of warm sea and great weather), according to most vacationers, the resort is actually very convenient. The airport, for example, is located directly within the boundaries of this settlement. And therefore, tourists can get from here to any hotel in just a few minutes.

Vacationers consider the surroundings of this city to be extremely beautiful. The jungle here, as in India, of course not. However, the desert, as well as high mountains and, of course, coral reefs also look just great.

As you know, holidays in Israel are, unfortunately, expensive. Eilat is a pleasant exception in this regard. The fact is that this city is located in a special economic zone of the country. Goods are not subject to VAT. Therefore, products and things are cheaper in local stores than in many other cities in Israel. This is a lot of tourists, of course, also refer to the advantages of the resort of Eilat.

Vacationers like not only the service and beaches of this cozy town. According to many tourists, there are simply a huge number of interesting sights at this resort. In October, in Eilat , at any other time of the year, many tourists go precisely to explore all sorts of ancient places. The city is actually very old. Even in biblical times, Queen of Sheba came here to visit the ruler Solomon . Later, at various times, military garrisons of the Romans, Turks and Crusaders were located in Eilat.

israel eilat october

A beach holiday is, of course, something for which, according to many tourists, Eilat is most suitable in October. Reviews about the sea ​​in this town on the network are only good. Shopping , as most vacationers think , is unfortunately not particularly interesting here. Goods in this town are cheaper than in many other places in Israel. However, nothing particularly original, as in the same India and Thailand , unfortunately, is not for sale in local shops and markets.

Holidays in Israel: Vacation Tips

Of course, tourists who decided to go to Eilat in October should also know some of the features of a vacation in this city. Locals here are very friendly. However, the traditions of Judaism are significantly different from the Orthodox. Tourists, for example, are unlikely to see pork in any form on the menu of local hotels or cafes. If dairy dishes are served for breakfast in the dining room, you will probably not be able to order a single meat dish.

Day off in Israel, including in Eilat, falls on Saturday. In fact, it begins at 2 pm on Friday and lasts exactly one day. At this time, even elevators do not work in hotels. For tourists living on the upper floors of high hotels, special Saturday lifts are provided. In the dining rooms of the hotels on Shabbat, guests are most often served pre-cooked and warmed meals.

eilat october reviews

Resort Features

Traffic on the streets in the city of Eilat is not too intense - circular. At least there are never traffic jams. There are no traffic lights on the streets in Eilat. All of them were once removed and installed in the central square as a monument to traffic jams. Some bridges in Eilat are drawbridges. Tourists also need to know about this.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15711/

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