Postage stamps of the USSR. stamp collecting

What people do not collect in the modern world! One of the most popular areas of such activity is philately. Many believe that this is the most harmless and cheap hobby. However, some are willing to give a fortune for one or another rare brand. What are the features of this type of collecting? What is the most expensive postage stamp of the USSR? About all this - in our article.

A postage stamp is ...

A postage stamp is a special sign that confirms the fact of payment for a postal service and has its own nominal value. This tiny piece of paper with ribbed edges for many collectors has become almost the meaning of life.

In addition to the face value, the number and name of a particular postal administration is often marked on postage stamps. On any brand, as a rule, a certain pattern, inscription and decor is applied.

USSR stamps

All postage stamps are divided into several types:

  • official (state standard);
  • unofficial;
  • stamps of private mail production.

In Soviet times, many were fond of collecting stamps. Even today , USSR postage stamps remain the central object of interest for a number of philatelists. For many, this activity is a great way to nostalgic about the Soviet past.

Philately as a way of life

Many philatelists begin to get involved in this activity from early childhood. First, they collect the most common postage stamps of the USSR, and then they begin to hunt for rarer copies. Over time, in adulthood, such people already have at their disposal a solid collection of various postage stamps.

USSR stamps and their value

The term "philately" comes from two Greek words: "philos" - "love" and "atelia" - "collection, duty."

It is worth noting that philatelists collect not only the stamps themselves, but also envelopes, postcards with postage stamps pasted on them. The first philatelic catalogs appeared in the middle of the XIX century, in England. In modern Russia there is the so-called Union of philatelists. The country also regularly publishes a thematic magazine under the laconic name of Philately.

USSR stamps and their value

The most expensive postage stamp in the world is the so-called Mauritius stamp of 1847. The price of one such little thing comes at auctions up to $ 20 million! In total, 28 of its instances are known.

USSR stamps vary greatly in value. For example, the collection price of many Soviet postage stamps of late years of issue does not exceed 50 rubles. However, some of them cost several thousand dollars. And most surprisingly, there are many who want to give such huge days for a small piece of paper.

the most expensive postage stamp of the USSR

On the Internet you can find many offers for the sale of whole sets of Soviet brands. So, for example, the full annual set of "postage stamps of the USSR in 1974", which includes 109 stamps and 8 blocks, can be purchased for 1700 rubles. The price of such sets is largely determined by the year the stamps are issued. So, sets of brands of the 40-50s are much more expensive.

The five most expensive postage stamps of the USSR

What are the most expensive postage stamps of the USSR today. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of five such items.

  1. Mark "Blue Gymnastics" in 1959. It was sold a few years ago for $ 13,800. The history of this brand, the circulation of which has never been released, is very interesting. The fact is that the brand was dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Soviet circus. However, it was not possible to establish in which year it was founded.
  2. The mark "250 years of the Poltava victory" of 1959. In the world there is only one instance of this amazing brand, which was sold in 2013 for $ 28,750. The circulation of this brand was not released due to the planned visit of N. Khrushchev to Sweden.
  3. Stamp "Transcarpathian Ukraine" of 1965. There are only a few copies of it, its price reaches $ 30,000.
  4. Brand "Consular fifty dollars." Despite the circulation of about 70 copies, the collection value of this brand is $ 65,000.
  5. Stamp "The First All-Union Philatelic Exhibition" 1932. Only one existing instance is known. And he was sold to one collector for 776 thousand dollars.

USSR stamps 1974


Postage stamps of the USSR are an object of interest for many contemporary philatelists. For some, collecting these brands is nothing more than a harmless hobby. And someone devotes all his free time to this and is ready to give huge money for a rare copy.


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