Residential complex "Domodedovo Park": reviews of residents, apartment planning, infrastructure, photo

Today we can observe a tendency to densify the population due to the construction and commissioning of comfortable residential complexes in cities. The most striking example is the metropolitan region. The borders of the Moscow Region are expanding rapidly, one by one new microdistricts, quarters, houses, and squares are being erected. According to reviews, the residential complex "Domodedovo Park" is a cozy place to live, which has its pros and cons. About them and will be described in detail in the article.

Description of the microdistrict

The residential complex "Domodedovo Park" is located near Zlatoglava - a few kilometers from the sleeping quarters to the capital. The microdistrict is formed at the junction of the northeast of the village of Domodedovo and the western lands of the village of Pavlovskoye. Two rivers flow near the LCD - the Oka and the Moscow River, and forests and fields stretch around. But despite this, the territory of the residential quarter is urban, as it belongs to the urban district of Domodedovo.

Today the population of the city is almost 170 thousand people. Domodedovo is considered one of the most dynamically developing in the Moscow region: dilapidated buildings are being actively demolished here, and new buildings are being built in their place, and infrastructure is being developed.

"Domodedovo Park" is a large modern building economy class. Based on its name, it is easy to guess where the microdistrict is located. The area occupied by the construction of new high-rise buildings is more than 250 hectares. According to the plan of the developer, the microdistrict will consist of several quarters. Seven dozen houses and 25 thousand apartments will have to accommodate about 85 thousand residents. If everything goes according to plan, then by the scheduled deadline for completion of the residential complex “Domodedovo Park” it will be a small town with developed infrastructure.

As conceived by the developer, residential areas should consist of buildings of varying number of storeys. Panel and monolithic new buildings on the 17th and 25th floors. The first square A1 has already been commissioned. It consists exclusively of panel high-rise buildings.

Information about the developer

In 2013, the construction company Domodedovo Park took on the young development company Constructor, which is part of the capital's engineering and construction holding Thermoservice. The developer of the residential complex “Domodedovo Park” is endowed with virtually unlimited possibilities in the implementation of its projects. The company carries out the whole complex of work, therefore it is Constructor that is the customer, designer, and, in fact, the contractor.

rent an apartment in lcd domodedovo park

And although the company not so long ago became a full-fledged player in the Moscow real estate market, on its account there are several ready-made objects put into operation that can serve as an example of construction work. We are talking about LCD "Novogorsk Park" in Khimki and LCD "Center-2" in the city of Zheleznodorozhny. The total area of ​​projects implemented by the Designer is about 3 million square meters. m. Therefore, the construction company has provided with its apartments more than one thousand residents. Partners involved in the sale of apartments are real estate agencies "Est-a-Tet" and "Miel."

Appearance of houses

According to customer reviews, the originality of each apartment building can hardly be called an external feature of the Domodedovo Park residential complex. The entire complex does not even meet two identical buildings - all buildings are completely different, differ in both the type of construction and the color design of the facades. At the same time, the buildings themselves are not much different from each other: panel construction technology is used everywhere, plastic double-glazed windows are installed.

Most of the residents in the reviews of the residential complex "Domodedovo Park" call the most unattractive house number 5, which is located on the first line of the district, on the street. Creativity. If it weren’t for the red brickwork, this would be the usual in the understanding of most of us panel structure of a discreet gray-concrete color. But there are exceptions in the quarter - monolithic high-rise buildings with decorative facade decoration and beautiful wooden frames. So, for example, RD-17 series houses erected in the courtyard of the residential complex, at the intersection of blvd. Builders and st. High altitude. According to the residents of the residential complex "Domodedovo Park", they especially like the delicate pale yellow facade with blue and beige inserts.

The design layout of the neighborhood also includes high-rise buildings that have not yet been built. First of all, these are 209, 210 buildings of the residential complex "Domodedovo Park", they will be built along the Boulevard of Builders. In the near future, the commissioning of buildings 108 and 109 is planned. The 110 and 111 buildings of the Domodedovo Park residential complex will be fundamentally different from other buildings. These are panel-brick buildings, which, at first glance, seem monolithic. Unlike the others, these two houses are carried out according to individual projects.

A characteristic feature of the residential complex "Domodedovo Park" can also be called the entrance groups of houses, which for some reason resemble a gloomy mausoleum for some reason. The corridors and public areas here look too dull. Perhaps, with the appearance of the concierge, order and a favorable atmosphere will reign in the entrances.

Finishing, layout and cost of apartments

The housing stock of the new Moscow region is represented by one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments. Moreover, the latter are the most popular - they were sold out quickly enough. The quadrature of the premises allows us to consider them quite spacious. So, for example, in the erected building 209 of the residential complex “Domodedovo Park”, the size of one-room Euroformat apartments starts from 35 square meters. m and reaches 66 square meters. m. Moreover, the area of ​​two-bedroom apartments averages 60-61 square meters. m, and this is less than spacious "odnushki". The footage of three-room apartments is 85-95 sq. m

Type of apartments

Metric area (sq. M)

Cost, rub.)



2.5-3.7 million

Two rooms


3.5-3.8 million

Three rooms


5.3-6.2 million

According to the project, the commissioning of 209 buildings of the Domodedovo Park residential complex is planned for the last quarter of 2018, and 210 buildings will not be commissioned until spring 2019. Apartments in a residential complex are sold without finishing. In customer reviews of the residential complex "Domodedovo Park" there is a lot of indignation in connection with the delivery of apartments with a wooden door. Indeed, when buying an apartment, the owner will immediately have to take care not only of “turnkey” repairs, but also of installing a high-quality front door.

LCD Domodedovo Park

All monolithic buildings have an individual layout. In each apartment, builders erect partitions for zoning living space. Double-glazed windows are required to be installed on the windows, and single-pane windows on balconies and loggias. Passenger and load-lifting elevators of the Karacharovsky Mechanical Plant with a beautiful chrome strip, which organically combines with the matte finish of the main part of the surface, and shiny buttons operate in all the apartment buildings of the complex.

The first and ground floors of residential buildings have a commercial purpose. While the process of construction and repair of apartments of the residential complex "Domodedovo Park" is not completed, the development of infrastructure is quite slow. There are very few food, hardware, and construction stores here, and even they have a very modest assortment.

“Weeping” walls in the residential complex “Domodedovo Park”

The main disadvantage of apartments in the houses of this residential complex is excessive audibility. This problem is inherent in all panel buildings. And if the issue of wild audibility can be partially solved by individual soundproofing, then what should residents of the apartment whose walls in the apartment literally “cry”?

The thing is that the door on the landing is almost always open, which means that the walls of the house adjacent to the stairwell are very cooled. In turn, no thermal insulation is provided inside the apartment. The result of the interaction of temperatures is the formation of condensate. In the residential complex "Domodedovo Park", according to mystery shoppers, owners of apartments on the lower floors had to deal with such a problem. In the cold season, these rooms have a high level of humidity, which forces residents to seek help from a management company.

But not even the dampness of the walls is considered the main disadvantage of the residential complex "Domodedovo Park". According to reviews, building 210 has not yet been commissioned, although the contracts concluded between the developer and buyers indicate a different deadline - the end of 2017. The construction of objects according to the official project of the developer is designed for 2013-2025, which means that the construction will last at least another 7 years. Of course, this is a significant drawback of all new buildings, but there is no escape from this.

lcd domodedovo park customer reviews

Residential complex instead of the sea: facts from history

It turns out that millions of years ago, at the place where the construction of the Domodedovo Park microdistrict is ongoing, there was a huge reservoir. Judging by the preserved layer of limestone, once upon a time there was a sea here - this is the opinion of historians and archaeologists. They argue their arguments with the fact that the remains of marine animals are traced in the rock deposits.

For the first time about Domodedovo and its environs was mentioned in the XIV-XV centuries. For several centuries, the connecting Kashirsky tract passed through this territory - the path from Moscow to the south. Later, during the time of Peter I, Domodedovo volost was transferred to the possession of Prince Alexander Menshikov.

Another interesting fact: it turns out that through these lands in 1812 the French army of Napoleon fled from Moscow. Around the same period, the territory of the current Domodedovo began to transform into a settlement. Small artisans were replaced by the first small manufacturing enterprises - quarries, flour mills, a paper spinning mill, brick and lime plants.

Shortly before the start of World War II, the population of Domodedovo was about 9 thousand people. It was already a formed workers' village with developed infrastructure (by the standards of the time). In the postwar period, the industry of the village had to be fully restored. In 2006, Domodedovo received the status of an urban district of the Moscow region.

Living conditions with children

If you believe the reviews, many young families would like to purchase housing at the Domodedovo Park residential complex. The size of the residential neighborhood, taking into account the construction of all project buildings, can be compared with a small city. It is no coincidence that the developer has planned here a whole infrastructure network, which should include:

  • six comprehensive schools for 825 places and one for 1100;
  • eight kindergartens, each of which can accommodate from 125 to 250 places;
  • fitness centers;
  • medical institutions;
  • shopping centers and shops;
  • pharmacies;
  • restaurants and cafes;
  • post office;
  • library;
  • police Department;
  • fire station;
  • banking organizations and ATMs.

Of all that the developer promised, so far only a few grocery stores and a Umka kindergarten are operating. There is enough space for walking, and the bright facade of the building has toddlers. In principle, the builder took good care of the local kids - there are playgrounds in every yard, there is even a skating rink.

By the way, only those parents who are fortunate enough to arrange their child in this crowded garden are happy with the preschool. Those who did not get to Umka on the territory of the residential complex have to take their children to the nearest preschool child development center in the village of Pavlovskoye, which is a 30-minute walk or 10-minute drive away.

LCD Domodedovo Park School

According to reviews about the residential complex “Domodedovo Park”, parents are also dissatisfied with the fact that they have to take their children to Konstantinovo or Domodedovo for an appointment with a pediatrician, and this is also located several kilometers from the house.

So far, not a single high school has been opened, but it should be noted that the developer has found a way out of the situation and has taken care of organizing regular school bus flights for children living in the Domodedovo Park residential complex. They promise to open a school in the microdistrict by the beginning of the new school year.

Theater groups, dance classes, an art school, sports sections, foreign language courses - all this is not yet in the microdistrict, and therefore children have to be transported to Domodedovo. To reach the city by public transport, it will take at least 45-50 minutes. There, in Domodedovo, there are several universities.


In reviews of the residential complex “Domodedovo Park” many complain that the concept of “a yard without cars”, fashionable for the capital, has not taken root here. Residents of apartments drive around the yards and park their cars at the porches where it suits them. Those who do not like this type of parking can use the free multi-tiered parking. However, there are restrictions: you can only take a seat for one car in the family. If this is not enough, owners will have to take care of finding a car space by buying or renting it.

Also, it is not planned to erect an underground parking in the residential complex “Domodedovo Park”. According to reviews, a parking lot was originally planned under building 108, but for unknown reasons, this idea was not implemented. Despite the presence of ordinary flat parking, the number of parking spaces in which even exceeds the total number of apartments in all houses, residents still leave their cars in the courtyards.

Location and traffic intersection

By car, Moscow can be reached in two main ways:

  • On the Kashira highway. From the residential complex "Domodedovo Park" to the Moscow Ring Road approximately 15 kilometers, to the airport "Domodedovo" - 26 km.
  • On the toll highway M4 "Don". This is the shortest way. The disadvantage is half-hour traffic jams at the entrance to Vidnoye.
  • On the Simferopol highway. On the bypass road from Domodedovo highway, the path to the Moscow Ring Road will be 23 km. Here traffic jams are much less common than on the M4 Don.

To relieve traffic in the Domodedovo area, a large-scale reconstruction of the Domodedovo highway is planned. A stretch of about 3 km will be expanded to four lanes and soundproof panels will be installed that will not allow noise from the road to disturb the comfort of the residents of the complex.

lc domodedovo park reviews of residents

If there is no personal car, you will have to travel by bus, train or subway. According to reviews, there is a minibus number 899 from the Domodedovo Park residential complex every 45 minutes. You can also get to the center of the capital by electric train: from the Leninskaya railway station, it goes straight to the Paveletsky railway station. The route takes 35-40 minutes, but the station itself still needs to be reached. If you walk, you have to leave the house half an hour earlier. Thus, you can get to the center of Moscow from the residential complex "Domodedovo Park" in an hour or so.

The metro stations closest to the microdistrict are Varshavskaya, Nagatinskaya and Tula. By car they are reached on average in half an hour, by public transport - in 50-60 minutes.

Shopping centers, shops

At the moment, the trade infrastructure of the residential complex is at the lowest level. There are no supermarkets in the area, so local residents have to hope for a couple of private shops operating in the complex. According to reviews on the residential complex “Domodedovo Park”, in block 210, on the basement and first floors, it is planned to open entertainment facilities and a gym. Two large shopping centers will be erected in the perimeter of the microdistrict. In the meantime, they exist only on paper, and newcomers will have to go to the nearest shops for groceries and essentials.

lcd domodedovo park 210 housing reviews

Today, shopping is not a huge problem for residents of the residential quarter. Most people who have bought housing here prefer to shop at Domodedovo shopping and entertainment centers. In addition, many people buy products immediately for a week in advance at the Karusel hypermarket, Magnit, Pyaterochka and Dixy chain supermarkets. By the fall of 2018, it is planned to open a new shopping center at the intersection of Kashirskoye Shosse and the M4 Don highway. Auchan, Leroy Merlin, Decathlon, and other chain hypermarkets are always welcome customers from Domodedovo Park residential complex.

Ecological situation

In general, the environmental situation in the microdistrict is favorable. From the side of the newly built building 108 LCD Domodedovo Park offers a beautiful view of the spacious fields. The complex is located in the valley of the Pakhra River, where there is a lot of greenery and clean air, but there are no squares, parks, alleys nearby.

Of course, there were some problems. A long time ago it was planned to build a waste recycling plant in Domodedovo, but instead mountains of garbage are being built, which periodically light up and smoke spreads throughout the district. The situation is aggravated by large highways, which envelop individual exhaust bodies (for example, 110, 111).

Residential complex “Domodedovo Park” is located in relative distance from enterprises that have a slight, but still negative impact on the environment. These include a solid waste landfill, a concrete plant. Boiler houses, sewage treatment plants and sewage systems play their negative role. In addition, aircraft fly very low over the complex and land at the nearest airport. Many of those who decided to first rent an apartment in the residential complex "Domodedovo Park" in order to take a closer look at the neighborhood, were not able to decide on the purchase of housing due to the constant buzz of aircraft.

Leisure for residents of the complex

Young families are the main contingent of the residential complex, so it should be comfortable at home here. The pedestrian part of the Builders Boulevard was expanded, equipped with benches and lanterns, flowers and bushes were planted - now mothers with strollers are regularly walking here. In the future, the developer intends to build a fitness center with a swimming pool and a promenade along the banks of the Pakhra River for the local population.

Entertainment for residents on the territory of the residential complex "Domodedovo Park" so far there are no. The only immediate option is a trip to the city center, where you can visit museums (the museum of local lore and the airport museum), a cultural center, and a cinema. Those who are not familiar with the history of the city district will be interested in taking a walk around the sights that seem to reflect the connection of modern Domodedovo with the past. Especially memorable are the Morozov Manor, Syanovsky quarries, the Temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and other memorable zones. On weekends, children are taken to the herringbone amusement park "Fir-trees", and not far from it there is another amazing place with the fabulous name "Space of a child’s dream."

Should I buy an apartment here

Despite the fact that the first positions were handed over not so long ago, some have already become disappointed in the acquisition and are in a hurry to get rid of real estate. The so-called secondary buildings in the residential complex “Domodedovo Park” are still several buildings, and even those are half empty. However, this housing has its advantages for those who would like to live in a new building, but do not bother with repairs. Accordingly, secondary housing is more expensive than apartments from the developer in draft finish, since the price includes all funds spent by the previous owners on the repair and arrangement.

Some risks will have to face both buyers of new buildings and those who purchase an apartment in the secondary market. For example, when concluding an agreement on shared participation in construction, you need to consider the probability of receiving keys to your own apartment later than the deadline for delivery. Residential complex “Domodedovo Park” often late commissioning of all facilities. Developers of the company "Designer" often postpone the commissioning of housing. For example, building 105 was handed over to the residents with the greatest delay - two years after the date specified in the contract.

apartments in lcd domodedovo park

New settlers of this residential complex often have to deal with problems of a communal nature. On the forms, residents leave dissatisfied reviews about the management company, noting the confusion with the tariffs of housing and communal services, poor-quality cleaning of house territories and entrances, disconnecting water and electricity.

In addition, all potential buyers, without knowing it, literally run the risk of settling in warehouses. Before the deal, few people study the development plan of the microdistrict in detail, and after all, it implies the construction of many warehouse facilities, the opening of a large “dry port”, the side effects of which will be noise, busy roads, and the formation of landfills.

Reviews of people living in Domodedovo Park

This residential complex cannot boast of an original concept, masterpiece architecture or fanciful landscape design. There is no illusion about the Domodedovo Park residential complex, but many initially expect only the worst from it. Despite a considerable number of negative aspects, this young and developing microdistrict has advantages. It would be foolish to expect something grandiose and truly impressive from economy class housing. But this, it turns out, is not necessary for the locals at all. People are mostly satisfied with their chosen place to live due to:

  • Convenient location. First of all, the complex attracts a banal advantage - proximity to Domodedovo and Moscow. You can get to the capital quickly enough (the way by car, depending on traffic jams, will take from 15 to 30 minutes).
  • The budget value of the apartments. In the residential complex “Domodedovo Park” there is a really favorable price for housing in comparison with other objects in the near Moscow region. And although this real estate segment belongs to the economy class, location, satisfactory environmental conditions and the planned development of infrastructure make a significant contribution.
  • Landscaping of the complex. The construction of new buildings takes place at a remote distance from the commissioned houses.
  • A large number of playgrounds and a charming landscape that opens from the windows.
  • No parking problems. Car owners will always be able to find a parking space in the neighborhood even when the neighborhood is fully populated by residents.

In general, living here could be called quite comfortable, if not for the negative reviews of people complaining about:

  • lack of fine finishing in apartments;
  • high audibility in panel houses;
  • poor thermal insulation;
  • poor condition of entrances;
  • the irresponsible attitude of the management company to the performance of its duties;
  • lack of infrastructure;
  • construction progress over the next few years;
  • landfill.

In addition, the territory of the residential complex "Domodedovo Park" is not fenced at all, therefore it is open to all comers. Also, car parking is not guarded.


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