How to make a puppet with your own hands: two ways

Playing with dolls is one of the most beloved activities of children and even adults. At first, the kids are busy with little babies, then they switch to long-haired dolls and gradually reach a hobby for Barbie. Children and many adults, especially women, have a love of dolls throughout their lives.

Movable toys

With what pleasure mothers buy another doll for their princess! And how all the puppet theater beckons! Bright and beautiful toy characters move independently behind the screen: they talk, wave their hands, dance ... Each child felt a desire to become Karabas-Barabas for a moment and have his own puppet theater. Puppets that move and know how to conduct a dialogue are called "puppets." This ancient masterpiece originally from Italy has become very popular in all corners of the globe. An amazing toy had a lot of guises, styles, characters, and has come down to modern times.

However, for this it is not necessary to be a long-bearded fat man. Making a puppet doll with your own hands, like in a theater, is not at all difficult.

puppet dolls

Miracle doll

The puppet has the ability to move thanks to thin, invisible strings and sticks, with the help of which the puppeteer has the ability to guide her.

There are some interesting ways to make a puppet with your own hands. Taking this opportunity, everyone can create their own home puppet theater.

how to make a puppet do it yourself

Paper puppet

Paper is an amazing material. From its texture create original decorations, colorful decorations and paper puppet actors of the stage.

The following instructions detail how to make a puppet out of paper with your own hands.

Before you begin, you need to prepare everything you need to create a "toy personality":

  • paper, cardboard;
  • paints, brush;
  • tight threads;
  • a simple pencil;
  • awl;
  • push pins or buttons;
  • scissors;
  • blank templates.

Detailed steps of how to make a puppet with your own hands:

  • First you need to decide what the doll will be. It is advisable to draw it or print the image.
  • Draw all the details on paper. All parts of the puppet's body that will be movable should be considered, and drawn separately.
puppet patterns
  • Carefully cut out all the parts, then stick them on cardboard. Then cut again after drying completely.
  • Use the paints and brush to decorate the details of the doll.
  • Mark with a pencil the junction of the limbs, trunk and head.
  • With an awl, pierce all the outlined points. In the area of ​​the hands, stretch dense threads through the marking points. Also connect the lower limbs with threads.
  • Use buttons or buttons to fix “movable joints” to the doll’s body from the back. Pull the ends of the dense threads through the junction on the back and outward from the lower body. Pulling one of the threads, the child will be able to "revive" an interesting toy.
how to make a doll puppet do it yourself

From the troupe of Karabas-Barabas

The second option, how to make a puppet with your own hands, involves more painstaking, but no less exciting work.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;
  • paints;
  • napkins, newspaper;
  • plasticine;
  • cord;
  • wire;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • synthetic fabric;
  • threads, ribbons;
  • PVA glue;
  • wooden sticks;
  • fishing line;
  • self-tapping screws.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a puppet doll with your own hands:

  • Before creating a puppet character, you need to draw or print an image of the future "actor".
  • Draw a full-length puppet diagram on the paper, dividing the body parts into sectors.
  • From plasticine, roll a large ball for the doll’s head and a pair of strong shoes that will serve as a foot at the same time.
  • Clay plasticine blanks with napkins and a newspaper, sprinkle with varnish and leave to dry completely.
  • From thick cardboard we draw the patterns of the future man. We cut out parts of the body and glue it with a newspaper to give volumetric forms.
  • Gently cut the head and shoes in half, pull out the clay. We stretch the lace through the head, and in the shoes we attach the hooks from the paper clips. Glue the cut parts.
  • From dense fabric we sew palms and fasten a wire frame.
  • We wrap the doll’s head with a synthetic winterizer. From light fabric we sew the “head” and pull it on the workpiece. We draw or draw a face using the application method. We make hair out of threads.
  • In order to make a puppet with your own hands, as a professional, you need to compact her body. We smear the details of the arms, legs, and body with glue and wind tight threads so that the “skeleton” turns out to be more durable. We connect the details. We fix the head.
  • This is followed by work on the main part of the puppet management. We connect two wooden sticks crosswise. On the ends of the wood planks and on the parts of the body of the "mobility" dolls we screw the screws. The control threads will be located here.
doll drawings
  • We thread and fix the threads or ropes into screws. We make clothes for the puppet. We make out the appearance of the doll.

The artist for the home theater is ready.

Home theater

How to make a puppet doll with our own hands out of paper and other improvised means, we figured out. Now the only thing left is to draw the scenery, write the script and arrange funny home performances.


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