Social democracy: the origins and history of development

This article is devoted to a section of history called "the development and formation of social democracy", as well as to the origins, ideology, values ​​and significance that separate it from other important manifestations in the field of public administration. For a better understanding of this type of socio-political movement, it is necessary to identify key components. Let's see what exactly is hiding under the concept of "social democracy."

The origins and history of development

What is social democracy? If you take any dictionary, textbook in your hands, then as a definition for this term it will be indicated there that it is a socio-political movement and an ideological and political movement that is pursuing a revolution in politics, the struggle for equality. This is an important part of the history not only of Russia, but also of other foreign countries.

modern social democracy

How did

The emergence of social democracy was determined against the backdrop of the French Revolution, as well as then existing capitalism. It was at that time that the Social Democratic parties appeared. The creation of such parties was associated with the defense of the interests of the working class. The people never liked the fact that rich people had more rights and opportunities. Special unions appear that are members of such parties.

In the process of the establishment of social democracy, the Frankfurt Declaration was adopted, which enshrined the main values, as well as the possibility of pursuing a specific goal. The goal set by party members is to create a solidarity society.

The very concept of "social democracy" appeared in 1888. And for the first time voiced by B. Shaw. The core of the concept was an established program to integrate the working class into the political system. A system called the “social state” incorporates income differentiation, which leads to stability and harmony of social relations. The center was propagandized freedom. But freedom here means not only social, but also an individual, that is, an individual.

It should be noted that the emergence of social democracy determined the formation of a culture in which realism, honesty, tolerance and a tendency to compromise are inextricably linked. Everyone should have the right to freedom of speech and the realization of well-meaning goals. Infringement only suppressed progress.

representatives of social democracy

Higher worldview

How was the ideology of social democracy formed? Politics developed with the ideas of S. Fourier, R. Owen and others. The origins themselves originate against the backdrop of the industrial revolution, utopian socialism. Marxism had a great influence on ideological manifestations. But later, in the twentieth century, with the positive movement of the working class, this influence receded into the background. Even later, the ideas of social democracy and the ideas of Bolshevism began to compete with each other. Time has shown that the interests of the working class can be protected by peaceful means. Here, as a significant example, it is worth mentioning the “Swedish model”. Its difference is the refusal to participate in wars, that is, in other words, political pacifism.

Key Points

The Stockholm Declaration proclaimed freedom, equality and solidarity. The main provisions were divided into political, economic and social democracy. All of them are united by the desire to improve the quality and living conditions of citizens, their well-being, the ability to work, improve, and use their potential. At the moment, these views are difficult to separate from other political ideological orientations, since they have similar concepts and attitudes.

social democracy ideas

Values ​​and Goals

The main list can be given as follows: protection of human rights, equality, the principle of fair trade, social partnerships and trade unions, support for the poor, combating unemployment, state and social guarantees (child care, pensions, healthcare), and environmental protection.

modern social democracy

In the Russian Federation

The Russian political system developed very slowly, within the framework of the labor movement. In the 60s of the nineteenth century, Marx and Engels created the so-called International. It was expressed as a huge international party of workers. The very first such party in Russia was created in 1898. Further, on the basis of contradictions and disagreements, the party was divided into “left” and “right”. The international has been modified and renamed. To date, the Socialist International.

In modern Russia, the Social Democrats are trying to find new allies, development paths. At this stage, the principles of this trend are in constant formation, since there is a shortage in the number of voters. There is a division into groups that differ in their specific approaches: by the degree of state intervention in the economy, by the ratio of economic sectors and others. The emphasis is on priorities. And this is the formation of a civil society, the creation of a socially-oriented market economy, respect and realization of legal rights and freedoms.

social liberalism and social democracy


The Russian party is called the RSDLP. The number of its representatives totals more than thirty. Among them: Golov A. G, Dzharasov S. S., Lakin M. I., Martov Yu. O., Obolensky A. M. and others. As for the foreign representatives of social democracy, here are a few of them: Lassalle F., Zundel G. F., Andersson S. U. and others. To date, there are about eight dozen such parties in the world. The main representatives are the working class, the intelligentsia, medium and small businesses.

Modern social democracy

What is she now?

In the early nineties, some changes took place in the social democracy of Russia and foreign countries. In individual countries, such as Sweden, special packages of documents were adopted that determined the development plans of this movement for a certain period of time. According to representatives, social democracy in the person of the working class has achieved great success, but still this is not enough to take political power into its own hands. But here their main task is implied. At the present stage, members of the Social Democratic Party distinguish a market economy and a market society. The second can be safely called capitalism, which is opposed by the Social Democrats. They also actively promote equality, the ability to work and learn new professions, and increase the level and quality of life of the working class.

Social democracy in Russia

Social liberalism

One can cite the hallmarks of social liberalism and social democracy. Representatives of the latter are called democratic socialists, since, in fact, they advocate democratic socialism. They express a rejection of the modern market, have their own formed ideas. In the first place - justice, dividing into equal parts of public income. They are also for social guarantees, for proper regulation by the state, lowering tax rates for further development. Social democrats support the right of the state to own its property through society.

Social liberals, on the contrary, are for private property, and also against the state power wielding means of production. According to the existing ideology, there must be both. Social liberals for one, for example, production. But there must be both production and redistribution, as well as supply and demand. The expansion of foreign trade can also be attributed to their views.

New time and political ideologies

At the present stage, the main political ideologies can be distinguished - this is social democracy, liberalism, conservatism, as well as fascism, communism. Liberalism arose against the backdrop of feudal orders, and its main views were:

  • the ability of workers to participate in management;
  • private property relations;
  • public justice, rewards for talent and work.

Conservatism began to serve as a response ideology. Its main focuses are: home, family, order and stability. Maintaining a person, preserving values ​​formed in the past.

Fascism is also worth highlighting. Since its inception, he began to express the aggressive views of various layers of the bourgeoisie. The dominance of one race over another is the key. Distinctive features were harsh methods in government, the suppression of the interests of society, their rights and freedoms.

Social Democratic Parties in Foreign Countries

The main such party in Germany can be called the General German Labor Union. Such a party consists of more than four hundred members who pay mandatory fees. Within this party, special subgroups of workers were created to protect the interests of individual social groups.

The Social Democratic Labor Party of Sweden is recognized as the largest party. She works closely with the trade union parties of the country. Their ideology lies in the desire to shape democracy, equality, public rights and freedoms. They pay special attention to the development of social programs. There are also related organizations: the union of youth, women, students. The main organ of the party is the Party Congress.

You can also call the Democratic Party of Italy. This party became the successor to the coalition, which was losing the number of its voters. The party consists of regional unions, regional and provincial. The main body of the party is the National Assembly. The following internal party movements are: liberal, Christian-socialist, environmental, social-democratic.

Rating. Negative or positive?

Assessment of the situation remains traditional, and also covers the aspects of socialism and democracy. There are constantly reasons to accuse her of insolvency. This was especially expressed after the division in Russia of the party into Bolsheviks and Social Democrats. One side blamed the other, for example, for abandoning the class struggle. The revision of views led Social Democracy to a kind of revision of established doctrines. Many representatives of the party were harshly criticized, because they were inclined not to the workers, but to the middle bourgeoisie. After a slight loss of political influence, such a movement still holds and is considered quite popular. This is because social democracy is considered the very ideology that must be adhered to and followed, although it is not always possible to put it into practice.

Russian social democracy


In order to avoid separation of interests of society and the state, ideas are needed. And these ideas should be significant. Therefore, speaking of social democracy, we can say that it helps to make citizens in society equally liable to the state. The protection of rights and freedoms, social security, the opportunity to look at a brighter future are already coming to the fore here. This course over many years of existence has shown a variety of ideas. Despite some changes, Social Democracy was nevertheless able to solve the problems that it had before. Therefore, today it can be called the leading force of the public. A plus was the change in social democratic ideology. And the main advantage can be called the fact that the liberal concept was closely attached to the socialist one.

No one knows for sure what kind of idea people developing social democracy had, but it led to positive results. Life has definitely become easier for every citizen. This reform policy did not lead to a revolutionary struggle, but rather resolved the conflicts of centuries.

We examined the concept of social democracy. The Russian current movement has also been mentioned.


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