Fabric flowers. With our own hands we create bouquets, decor for clothes and home

It's no secret that in order to give individuality to any item, it is enough to stylize it in a handmade manner. And in this sense, fabric flowers made with their own hands will come in handy.

Where to begin?

Making flowers from fabric with your own hands is not so difficult. The list of materials and tools for this type of needlework is not so wide, and the technique is available even to those who do not consider themselves an ace in sewing.

So, the materials and tools. The main material is, of course, fabric. The needlewomen do not have a unanimous opinion as to which material is best to choose. Someone prefers to work only with artificial fabrics, while someone is experimenting with a variety of types. Be that as it may, the most used are satin, felt, silk, viscose, satin, crepe de chine, brocade, velvet. The main condition is the uniformity of the fabric. Using other types of color, it will be difficult to achieve a natural look of flowers.

As an additional, but optional material can be called beads, buttons, wire, tape tape.

Flowers made of fabric with their own hands are made in various techniques, and therefore, in order to determine your set of tools, you must choose the design of a beautiful creation of nature. For beginner needlewomen it will be useful to stock up with scissors, a stapler, a needle and threads of various colors, pins, a lighter (if artificial fabric is chosen), as well as cardboard and pencil.

master class of flowers from fabric

The creation technique in its most generalized form looks something like this: for a selected type of flower, a stencil is made on cardboard, which is then transferred to the fabric. Further, blanks - petals - are cut out of matter. If necessary, their edges should be fused with a lighter, after which the resulting curly cuts are stitched or fastened with a stapler. A bead is attached in the middle, a splendor is given to the flower. However, in order to master this technique to perfection, it is worth trying to make the flower presented below on your own from the fabric. The master class will help to understand how to work with fabrics and at the same time achieve the maximum similarity of artificial flowers to the creations of nature. So let's get started.

Workshop of fabric flowers

This is the easiest way to create flowers from fabric. They are ideal for decorating a festive table.

So, in order to create such a decor, you will need fabric, a glue gun, scissors, a pencil, a glass, threads and a needle, a skewer.

fabric flower master class

The process itself is as follows. Sixteen circles must be cut from the selected fabric. To speed up the process, the material can be folded four times, and on one side with a glass and a pencil, mark four circles. To fasten each of them with the remaining layers with a pin and cut.

fabric flower master class 11

Next, eight circles need to be folded four times again. Advice for those who use easily crumbling fabric: before starting to assemble the flower, the edge of each circle should be processed, for example, holding it over a fire.

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Using a thread, the circles folded in this way are pulled together so that they form a hemisphere.

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fabric flower master class 15
Next, the resulting half of the flower is glued to a skewer and left to dry completely.
do-it-yourself fabric flowers

In the meantime, it is necessary to perform the second half of the bud. This is done in exactly the same way as in the previous case. Then this hemisphere is attached to the skewer. And that’s it, a small masterpiece is ready to decorate the holiday table!

fabric flower master class 7

So easy to create flowers from fabric with your own hands.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15761/

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