Reformed activity Speransky M. M.: Intentions and results

The accession to the throne of the young emperor Alexander I coincided with the need for radical changes in many areas of Russian life. The young emperor, who received an excellent European education, set out to reform the Russian system of education. The development of basic changes in the field of education was entrusted to M. M. Speransky, who proved himself worthy in transforming the country. The reform work of M. Speransky showed the possibility of transforming the empire into a modern state. And it is not his fault that many wonderful projects remained on paper.

reform activity of the Speran m

short biography

Speransky Mikhail Mikhailovich was born in the family of a poor rural clergyman. After receiving a good home education, Speransky decided to continue his father’s work and entered the St. Petersburg Theological College. After graduating from this educational institution, Speransky worked for some time as a teacher. Later, he was lucky to take the position of personal secretary of Prince Kurakin, who was one of Pavel I’s closest friends. Shortly after taking the throne of Alexander I, Kurakin was appointed prosecutor general of the Senate. The prince did not forget about his secretary - Speransky received the position of state official in the same place.

reform activity m m Speransky
An extraordinary mind and excellent organizational skills made the former teacher an almost indispensable person in the Senate. Thus began the reform work of Speransky M. M.

Political reform

The work in the Secret Committee prepared M. M. Speransky to work on the implementation of political and social transformations in the country. In 1803, Mikhail Mikhailovich set forth his vision of the judicial system in a separate document. The “Note on the Organization of Government and Judicial Institutions in Russia” was reduced to a gradual restriction of the autocracy, the transformation of Russia into a constitutional monarchy, and the strengthening of the role of the middle class. So, the official suggested taking into account the danger of a repetition of "French madness" in Russia - that is, the French revolution. To prevent the repetition of power scenarios in Russia and soften the autocracy in the country - this was the reform activity of M. M. Speransky.

Briefly about the main thing

In political transformations, the reform activity of M. M. Speransky was reduced to several points that would allow the country to become a rule of law state.

3 reforming activities m m Speranskogo
Alexander I generally approved the "Note ...". The commission created by him began to develop a detailed plan of new transformations, which laid the foundation for the reform activity of M. M. Speransky. The intentions of the initial draft were repeatedly criticized and discussed.

Reform plan

The general plan was drawn up in 1809, and its main points were as follows:

1. The Russian Empire should be governed by three branches of state power: the legislative power should be in the hands of the newly created elective institution; leverage of executive power belongs to the relevant ministries, and the judiciary is in the hands of the Senate.

2. The reformist activity of Speransky M. M. laid the foundation for the existence of another authority. It was to be called an advisory board. The new institution was supposed to be outside the branches of government. The officials of this institution should consider various bills, take into account their reasonableness and expediency. If the Advisory Council is in favor, a final decision will be made in the Duma.

reform activity m m Speransky summary

3. The reform work of M. M. Speransky aimed to divide all the inhabitants of the Russian Empire into three large classes - the nobility, the so-called middle class and working people.

4. Only representatives of the upper and middle classes could rule the country. Property classes were granted the right to vote, to be elected to various authorities. Only general civil rights were granted to the working people. But, with the accumulation of personal property for the peasants and workers, it was possible to transfer to property classes - first into the merchants, and then, possibly, into the nobility.

5. The legislature in the country was represented by the Duma. The reform work of M. Speransky served as the basis for the emergence of a new election mechanism. It was proposed to elect deputies in four steps: at first volost representatives were chosen, then they determined the composition of district thoughts. At the third stage, elections were held to the legislative council of the provinces. And only deputies of provincial thoughts had the right to take part in the elections to the State Duma. Chancellor appointed by the tsar was to supervise the work of the State Duma.

These brief theses show the main results of the painstaking work that the reform work of M. M. Speransky awakened to life. The summary of his note grew into a multi-year, phased plan to transform the country into a modern power.

Action plan

Fearing revolutionary movements, Tsar Alexander I decided to carry out the announced plan in stages, so as not to cause severe disasters in Russian society. It was proposed to carry out work to improve the state machine for several decades. The final result should have been the abolition of serfdom and the transformation of Russia into a constitutional monarchy.

Reform m m Speranski results

The promulgation of the Manifesto on the creation of a new authority, the Council of State, was the first step along the road of reform that was undertaken by the reform activities of M. M. Speransky. The summary of the manifesto was as follows:

  • all projects aimed at the adoption of new laws should be considered by representatives of the State Council;
  • the council evaluated the content and reasonableness of the new laws, evaluated the possibility of their adoption and implementation;
  • members of the State Council were to take part in the work of relevant ministries and make proposals for the rational use of funds.

Curtailment of Reforms

In 1811, the reform work of M. Speransky led to the appearance of a draft Code of the Governing Senate. This package of documents was supposed to be the next stage of political transformations in the country. The separation of branches of power assumed that the entire Senate would be divided into the Government and the Judicial Branch. But this transformation was not given to happen. The desire to provide the peasants with the same civil rights with the rest of the people caused such a storm of indignation in the country that the tsar was forced to curtail the draft reforms and send Speransky to resign. He was sent to a settlement in Perm and lived there the rest of his life on a modest pension of a former official.

reformist activity


On behalf of the king Speransky M. M. developed projects of financial and economic transformations. They provided for limiting the expenses of the treasury and increasing taxes for the nobility. Such projects aroused sharp criticism in society, many famous thinkers of that time spoke out against Speransky. Speransky was even suspected of anti-Russian activity, and against the background of Napoleon’s strengthening in France, such suspicions could have very profound consequences.

reform activity m m Speransky briefly
Fearing open indignation, Alexander dismisses Speransky.

Relevance of Reforms

The significance of the projects initiated by the reform activity of M. M. Speransky cannot be denied. The results of the work of this reformer became the basis for fundamental changes in the structure of Russian society in the middle of the XIX century.


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