How to find out the MHI policy number by last name and other useful information

Compulsory medical insurance policy (compulsory medical insurance) must be in every citizen of the Russian Federation, in contrast to the policy of voluntary medical insurance (voluntary insurance). The former is needed much more often than the latter. But what if you forgot this document at home, lost it, don’t have it at hand, and you urgently need to provide information about it? About how to find out the number of the MHI policy by last name, we will tell you in this article, among other things.

Why do I need a policy

The importance of this policy is that it certifies your right to health care under compulsory insurance. Unlike VHI policies, each citizen can have only one such document, valid throughout the state.

Under this policy, you are guaranteed to have the right to the following free medical services:

  • Primary medical and sanitary care is usually the treatment of the most common diseases.
  • Ambulance - cases where immediate medical, surgical intervention is required.
  • Specialized assistance - the use of special methods of examination, treatment, complex, resource-consuming and unique technologies.

find out the Oms policy number by last name

Without the availability of such a policy, you can only get emergency medical care.

Where is the free medical care for the policy?

Upon presentation of the MHI policy, you should be guaranteed to help free of charge in the following medical institutions:

  • polyclinic;
  • local dentistry;
  • emergency room;
  • Dermatovenerologic Dispensary;
  • oncological clinic and others established by law.

find out the Oms insurance policy number by last name

Funds allocated from the federal and municipal budgets also guarantee the following free assistance for citizens:

  • treatment of HIV, tuberculosis and other intractable diseases;
  • emergency;
  • preferential medicines;
  • prosthetics;
  • expensive medical services in institutions included in the list of the Health Committee.

CHI and contributions

The amount of contributions for compulsory medical insurance is regulated by Ch. 24 of the Tax Code. For working citizens, today it is equal to 3.6% of wages. For the unemployed population - children, schoolchildren, students, people with disabilities, pensioners who have lost their jobs - such contributions are paid by the state.

Now let's move on to how to find out the MHI policy number by last name and other ways. There are several ways to your attention.

Where can I find the MHI policy number?

By last name - this is not the only way by which you can get acquainted with the number of your policy. If the document is at your fingertips, then you will see the number directly on it:

  • Paper version . This is a blue-bluish form of A5 format on which watermarks are visible . Also its authenticity is confirmed by the hologram and seal of the insurer. Although the document looks like an unprotected piece of paper, you should not laminate it - this can damage the information printed with ink. It’s easier to just attach it to a hard file. You will see 16 digits of the number on the "face" - where the information about you is written down at the bottom of the document.
  • Electronic version . Such a policy is more like a bank card. The 16-digit number is registered in the same place where the numbers of "credit cards" are indicated - on the front side under the chip.
  • Universal electronic card . This "plastic" is not only a policy, but also SNILS, a bank card, and a travel card. A separate line is highlighted for the policy of the mandatory medical insurance policy.
  • Temporary policy . This document at your request should be issued by the insurance company while your main policy is in production. It is valid for 30 days and completely replaces the usual functions. Only his number is special - 9-digit, starting with the combination "001".

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How to find out the number through an insurance company

The most effective way to find out the number of the MHI insurance policy by last name is to refer to the official website of the insurer. To do this, you only need to remember its name and have access to the Internet. In some cases, a passport.

Further everything is very simple:

  1. Register on the website of the company that provided you the compulsory medical insurance policy.
  2. After registration, you will be given access to the online service. It is there that it is possible to find out the MMI policy number by last name.
  3. Depending on your insurance company, the system will prompt you to enter a full name. and passport data or full name and place of residence (registration).
  4. If you entered everything correctly, then the system will give you the desired 16-character number.

Where to find the Oms policy number by last name

But where can I find the MMI policy number by last name if there is no Internet access or registration on the site fails? As an option, contact the branch of the insurance company that issued this document to you, be sure to bring your passport with you.

How to find out the MHI policy number by surname yet?

There is another way that can help you find out the code of the compulsory insurance document by name, surname, third-party online services that are not related to the insurer. There, in the contact window, you will also need to enter the name, surname, patronymic, as well as the address of the place of registration. The search result will be both your policy number and its validity period, the name of the insurer.

However, we recommend that you access these resources with caution - you trust personal information to third parties who can use them for their only known purposes. Choose only those services in which you are sure - for example, portals of large medical institutions or regional organizations known to you.

where can I find the Oms policy number by last name

You can find out the MHI policy number by surname in Moscow, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, and Novosibirsk by the universal methods with which we introduced you. You only need Internet access, a passport or a desire to walk to the insurer's office.


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