Platinum Bank: reviews. Platinum Bank: how to get a loan?

There are quite a few banks in Ukraine, and each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the largest commercial banks on the market is Platinum Bank. It has been operating since 2005, currently growing and developing, attracting new customers, developing various profitable products. But since the competition is quite fierce, each potential client chooses a bank not only on the basis of the terms of service, but also based on the opinions of users, that is, reads reviews. Platinum Bank is indeed discussed quite often, so it makes sense to find out how people speak about its activities.

reviews platinum bank


Currently, the bank provides a variety of lending, deposits, and credit card services. The main activities of the bank are lending to individuals and accepting deposits. It should be noted that in these areas Platinum Bank occupies a leading position in Ukraine. It has a high degree of reliability.

A great advantage for customers is that they have a personal account on the bank’s official website that allows you to track the movement of funds in your account, view dates and amounts of payments, and make money remotely. And this is not all the opportunities that the bank provides its customers.

But, despite the positive characteristics, the high level of service quality and impeccable reputation, not all reviews about Platinum Bank, contrary to expectations, are positive. The network posted many reviews of dissatisfied customers. What is the reason for this? It should be sorted out.

Cash loan

Currently, the bank offers several loan products to customers. Among them, the client can choose the one that is most suitable, individually, according to their requirements and wishes. You can learn more about the programs and conditions on the official website or office of the bank.

This bank works with customers only directly, without intermediaries and credit brokers, so you should not pay attention to the offer if a third party promises to assist in the issuance of a loan for a modest fee.

Currently, a cash loan is provided in the amount of up to 30,000 hryvnia, with a credit vacation. That is, the client can skip the next payment if he really needs it. And this is far from all the advantages for borrowers that Platinum Bank provides. Reviews will be presented below, perhaps not everything is as good as the creditor promises customers.

Cash loan benefits

In fact, there are several lending programs, and each has its own characteristics, but if you combine them, you can identify several obvious advantages of the bank:

  • a loan is provided to pensioners;
  • interest rate at the discretion of the bank, depending on the reputation of the borrower and other factors;
  • payments are divided into equal parts;
  • minimum package of documents;
  • in the case of conscientious fulfillment of obligations to the bank, the client receives long-term cooperation on the best conditions.

And this is not all that can be said about the loans of Platinum Bank. Reviews confirm all these facts. Especially respectable clients resort to his services repeatedly, finding cooperation beneficial for themselves.

platinum bank reviews

How to get a loan

As mentioned above, in order to start working with a lender, you need to personally contact the branch or the website of the Platinum Bank institution. How to get a cash loan and what documents to provide should be clarified with the employee. After all, it all depends on many decisive factors: age, financial situation, official employment, loan term and amount.

Nevertheless, there are a number of requirements for borrowers:

  • age up to 71 years;
  • registration in the region where the loan is issued;
  • length of service at least 6 months;
  • the presence of a passport.

Depending on the candidacy of the borrower, the requirements may change at the discretion of the bank. In most cases, for processing a small amount, it is enough to present only two documents - a passport and TIN. No collateral or guarantee is required.

There are several convenient ways to repay a loan, for example, from a card of any bank through the “Personal Account” service, self-service terminals , bank cash desks and partners of the Platinum Bank institution. How to close a cash loan - there is a detailed instruction on the bank's website. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with this in advance so that there are no conflicts with employees in the future. For example, reviews about Platinum Bank may be negative for the simple reason that the client inattentively read the payment terms and did not pay off the payment on time, for which he received a fine or penalty.

Cash Loan Reviews

It’s hard to answer what color the feedback from customers is because the opinions of people are mixed. Some note that the terms of lending and the attitude of employees towards borrowers are loyal, while others, on the contrary, are unhappy with the cooperation. Still others did not notice anything special in the cooperation, as well as its differences from other financial organizations.

But it should be noted separately that many users wrote about the “Credit Vacations” service, because the situations are different and it is not always possible to pay off the loan, then this service becomes a real salvation. In addition, the conditions of this service are quite acceptable, because the bank does not need to explain the situation. You just need to notify employees by phone; not every bank is ready to meet the needs of borrowers.

Credit cards

The client is not always interested in cash loans, mainly when planning large purchases and paying for urgent needs. But a credit card is a convenient payment tool for everyday use. One of the most sought after products of Platinum Bank is a credit card. Customer reviews are diverse, but in general their number is constantly growing, which means that the conditions are favorable for them.

bank reviews platinum bank

Premium Bank offers its customers a Golden Fish card. At the moment, it is the only one in the lineup, but it is in demand, more than 12 thousand customers actively use its services. Indeed, the main advantage is ease of use for paying for purchases, cash withdrawals at any convenient time.

The client is offered fairly acceptable conditions by Platinum Bank. How to get a credit card - you can check in the office of the company, of course, you need to provide a number of documents, usually the same as for a cash loan. On what conditions is a card issued:

  • currency - hryvnia;
  • card limit - 75000;
  • free registration;
  • free service;
  • cash withdrawals up to 10,000 per day.

Payment by card is simple, it is enough to deposit 65 hryvnias for each thousand spent and use the funds further.


Deposits - this is a profitable program for owners of their own funds, it will help protect them from inflation and ill-conceived spending. But many residents believe that it is safer to keep money at home, invest in purchases, for example, real estate or in foreign currency. But this is not necessary, it is enough to find a reliable partner who is not afraid to entrust his savings. To verify this, just read the reviews about Platinum Bank. Deposits are quite in demand among customers.

Why you should contact this financial institution:

  1. A huge number of customers invest their money here. So, they consider the bank the most reliable, and the conditions are favorable.
  2. The Bank has been operating in the market for a long time and cooperates with foreign partners; during its existence it has gained a positive reputation.
  3. There are several different conditions for investors, it all depends on the amount and timing, as well as the wishes of customers.
  4. A bank's deposit client may become credit, which in the future guarantees fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Types of Deposits

Despite the fact that each state and commercial bank has a huge number of offers, customers definitely choose Platinum Bank. Customer feedback on deposits motivates and attracts the attention of new investors.

So, the conditions for deposits are quite transparent, the terms and interest rates are flexible and depend on the product chosen by the client. The minimum deposit amount is 1000 hryvnia. It is also possible to open a deposit in foreign currency, but here the conditions should be clarified in the bank branch.

platinum bank how to apply for a credit card

It is advisable to consult with employees of a credit organization, they will help to individually select a program for each client. After all, it is known that profit depends not so much on the offer as on the deposit amount and the term in particular.

The client can learn more details only from the bank’s employees in person. Even on the official website, information may differ from reality. Therefore, it is wiser to personally go to the office and discuss everything in detail.

Deposit Reviews

Many users recognize that one of the most expensive and presentable banks in Ukraine is Platinum Bank. Customer reviews of deposits are mostly positive. The reason for this is obvious - the bank has the opportunity to pay a decent fee to its depositors.

Users noted that here you can get the highest percentage on deposit. Many investors come back here in order to open a new deposit. In addition, the range of products is huge, it is difficult not to make a choice.

It should be noted that there are customers in the network who noted the unreliability of this bank, and the reason for this was precisely deposits. Perhaps, it was really not the best period for the bank due to the unstable economic situation in the country. But, nevertheless, at the moment, the bank’s work has improved, and depositors can be sure of the reliability of their savings.

In general, it makes sense for owners of their own funds to pay attention to Platinum Bank. Feedback on deposits, at least, is positive, which means that most customers were satisfied not only with the services themselves, but also with the level of service. By the way, users also wrote about this in their comments.

Employee Reviews

Employees are those users who know the organization from the inside, so their opinion cannot be ignored. So, what are the conditions as an employer provides Platinum Bank? Employee reviews, it must be said, are extremely positive, they noted that this is a responsible and respectable employer, and more than 1000 people from all over Ukraine work in the staff of all branches.

The first thing that interests any of us is wages. Workers noted that it is paid on time in full, without delay. Not every employer can be proud of such indicators, especially considering the economic situation in the country. The level of earnings is quite competitive - as one of the employees of Platinum Bank wrote, which once again confirms the status of a reliable and prestigious financial institution.

Working conditions are completely satisfactory for workers; they comply with all norms and requirements. In addition, a friendly team is happy, which works smoothly, respectively, the fruits of his work are favorably reflected in the mood of customers. Of course, you have to work hard during the working day, but no one forces you to work beyond the norm.

platinum bank how to get a loan

There are other eloquent reviews. Platinum Bank has excellent leadership, which takes care of the well-being of employees, meets them, helps to cope in a difficult situation, in general, is loyal to each employee, and in our time it is very rare.

There are undoubtedly negative reviews, because it’s quite difficult to please everyone. Probably, an employee who did not have a relationship with colleagues or management could leave a negative opinion. Or maybe it’s his own fault that he was dishonest in his duties.

Incidentally, it is necessary to take into account one interesting fact about Platinum Bank. Customer reviews indicate that they had conflicts with bank employees over loans and deposits. Indeed, this occurs if one of the parties violates the terms of the contract for one reason or another, and disagreements cannot be avoided. Is it worth paying attention to the comments in which the client reproaches the bank for the fact that he is fulfilling his duties and demands to fulfill his obligations to the bank.

General customer opinion

It’s time to summarize which side is more reasonable to characterize Platinum Bank. The reviews are diverse, and there are a lot of them on the network, which makes it difficult to correctly analyze them. If you study them carefully, you can draw several conclusions. The bank has a huge number of customers, this is already clear, and each of them has his own experience of cooperation, which he shares with pleasure.

Often you have to see a comment about a high interest rate on a loan. Indeed, a new client, who has not yet earned trust, cannot count on better conditions, and this is at any bank. In addition, the interest rate is calculated from information about the borrower, because in this way the bank covers its risks. And, it should be noted that there are few refusals to provide loans, many borrowers who have not been given a loan in other organizations use this.

It is worth paying attention to the positive reviews. Platinum Bank appreciates its customers, even provides credit vacations, which is quite a rarity, usually there are no such privileges in financial institutions. Many borrowers use this right, as they write in their comments.

But there are quite fair negative comments about Platinum Bank. Customer reviews of loans indicate not always pleasant communication with bank employees about overdue debts. Indeed, in a conversation with customers, an employee of the organization should not be rude to the client.

bank reviews platinum deposits

Pros and cons

What conclusion can be drawn from the foregoing. The bank is commercial, large and reliable, it has a huge number of customers, judging by the discussions. Gives loans and draws up deposits, has advantages and disadvantages.

Opinions differ greatly on loans, some people think that the interest rate is too high, while others, on the contrary, say that the conditions are loyal and acceptable for the average population. After all, when issuing a loan, you need to understand that cooperation will be long, which means you need to think before signing an agreement.

The bank has an approach to each client, for example, it is difficult for depositors to find great benefits for themselves in another bank, they noted this fact, which means it makes sense to pay close attention to it. In addition, given the wide selection of banking products, it is difficult to remain indifferent.

This bank has many partners, this information is on the official website. This confirms his responsibility and stability. If you become a regular customer, you can count on preferential conditions for the provision of services.

There are clearly more advantages than disadvantages. A high interest rate on a cash loan is more than offset by a small percentage of loan refusals, and users have also confirmed this. That is, when other banks refuse financial assistance, Platinum Bank helps out.

Should I contact the bank

There are really a lot of opinions about the establishment of Platinum Bank. There are positive and negative reviews, of course, it is worth reading them, but you cannot completely follow them, and not every client gives an objective assessment of this organization.

To contact the bank or not, you have to decide for yourself, but you need to do this when it is really necessary. Because the borrower has obligations to repay the loan and must calculate his material abilities, otherwise he may have problems not only with the employees of the department for collecting overdue debts, but also with the law, and he is on the side of the lender.

platinum bank deposit customer reviews

There are positive aspects of cooperation, as evidenced by reviews. Platinum Bank provides excellent deposit conditions. If you have your own savings, it is wise to invest them in a reliable bank and make a profit from them.

So, what did the reviews say? Platinum Bank is a large bank in Ukraine that serves thousands of customers across the country. Someone is pleased with the cooperation and recommends it to others, some could not build strong financial relations with the bank. In general, the bank has a positive reputation in the market, it is growing and developing.


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