France, city of Nice, province of Provence: attractions, reviews

This city on the Cote d'Azur of France is associated exclusively with an ideal summer vacation on the white beaches under palm trees. A popular resort located in the province of Provence will satisfy not only sunbathers, but romantic lovers who dream of privacy and lovers of historical sights, as well as true gourmets who consider French cuisine to be the best in the world. Thanks to the year-round mild climate, the city receives a huge number of travelers who dream of a warm sea and even tan.

History of the Pearl of France

Nice (province of Provence) - a favorite resort of all aristocrats - was previously called Nicaea (in honor of the goddess Nika). The city founded by the Greeks was for a long time under the auspices of the Italian dynasties, until Napoleon annexed it to France at the end of the 18th century. At a referendum held later, residents expressed their desire to remain part of the country, after which all questions about the belonging of the most beautiful place in the world have disappeared.

nice province

Provinces of France

Before telling in detail about Nice, it is worth mentioning about the regions of the country of vineyards and high fashion, previously referred to as provinces. In our everyday life, this word has an implication of very deaf villages located far from the capital, and in France these are picturesque corners with their indescribable color. After dividing the country into departments, natural unity is created from them, which to this day bear the identical name. All the provinces of France have their own budget, they are even considered small states with their cultural and historical life, in which there are uniform laws and standards.

Huge territories with unique sights, although they are interconnected by belonging to one country, are original and unique. Unhurried Burgundy is world famous for its vineyards and cozy villages, the old Normandy is of particular interest to all those interested in historical monuments with magnificent architecture, Brittany, located on the ocean, is famous for apple cider and seafood-rich cuisine.

Provence inspiring

The Provence province located on the Mediterranean Sea with picturesque local nature has repeatedly become an inspiration for the works of Gauguin, Cezanne and Matisse. And still, colorful landscapes inspire the work of contemporary artists who come to Provence to work and enjoy the pacifying landscapes. Huge exhibitions are scattered right there, where every traveler can buy paintings that will become a vivid memory of happy minutes spent. Here are the famous purple valleys with a dizzying fragrance, and in order to look at the amazing lavender landscapes that fascinate anyone, tourist routes have long been laid.

nice museums

Delicious cuisine and expensive resorts

Combining local and Mediterranean traditions, the province's cuisine has long been considered the best, because it is not in vain that all gourmets go to local restaurants to taste delicious fish dishes, flavored with local herbs, fragrant goat cheeses, and how many sauces local cooks know - and do not count. Provence is known throughout the world for the Cote d'Azur region, where famous resorts are located that attract elite holidays to all the famous and wealthy - Cannes, Saint-Tropez, Nice. The province, whose attractions are so diverse that it is worth writing a whole book about them, has a single problem when visiting - the choice of a place for a future trip. The resort area, in addition to local architectural monuments, offers all vacationers exquisite entertainment, cultural programs, excellent cuisine and unforgettable shopping.

City of luxury

One of the largest cities in France and a favorite vacation spot for all lovers of comfort and bliss is, of course, beautiful Nice. The province of Provence has long been associated with a luxurious life, and annually held film and music festivals gather the entire world elite, not sparing money for entertainment events. However, you should not think that the resort town is famous exclusively for beach vacations and expensive hotels. It's not like that at all! The city of Nice provides a fascinating cultural program that will surprise discerning travelers with a unique historical heritage.

Nice airport

Feni Scenic Park

At the very outskirts of the city is a green park, stunning with its beauty and bright colors. On a vast territory there are pavilions with rare flowers and trees, all plants were brought from different continents to show the diversity of amazing flora. Visitors are amazed at the small garden sown with medicinal, fragrant-smelling herbs. All flower beds in the park are covered with dense carpets of fresh flowers.

nice time

The created attraction gradually turned into a small zoo with charming otters, small kangaroos and big-eyed lemurs. Later, an aquarium appears in the park with a large number of fish collected from around the world, and an insectarium, which is teeming with tarantulas and giant cockroaches. Exotic birds wandering around the territory of FΓΆhni make froze in amazement of adults and their children. Tired of traveling through the park, you can relax on the shores of a picturesque lake, along the surface of which pelicans and beautiful black swans swim. Tourists sitting near the cool water notice that while resting time in Nice seems to stop. And the musical fountain, playing nearby Viennese waltzes, will become a real delight for the eyes and hearing.

Chapel of Mercy

The Catholic chapel is a recognized masterpiece of world architecture. Beloved by art critics, the temple recently needed a multimillion restoration, but now the chapel is pleased with its richly decorated facade with stucco moldings and a truly luxurious interior in gray and bluish tones. Ancient murals, gildings on columns, colored marble surprise with the special beauty of all those who came to admire the temple. Quite often concerts are held here due to good acoustic properties.

nice province attractions

Promenade des Anglais

The main boulevard, stretching over 6 kilometers, has long been recognized as a symbol of Nice. Each tourist is in a hurry to walk around the main city attraction, which houses fashionable hotels for newcomers. Here you can rent a bicycle or take a special train, but it is best to walk along the boulevard on foot to enjoy the magnificent views.

province of provence

But even sitting in a chair on a busy promenade, you can get a lot of impressions by observing the sea landscapes. By the way, when the authorities tried to remove the famous blue sun loungers, there was a surge of negative emotions from the local public. Once upon a time, the famous Ernest Hemingway and Somerset Maugham rested in them, contemplating a sea of ​​stunning azure color.

City museums

The Municipal Museums of Nice are amazing historical sites that occupy their niche in the cultural enlightenment of society. Previously, admission to them was free, and from 2015 the cost of visiting will cost 10 euros.

The two-story museum of fine arts, located in the amazingly beautiful palace of Kochubey, acquaints visitors with both unknown to a wide range of creations and the famous works of venerable artists and sculptors.

If you find time, you must definitely visit the Franciscan Museum in Nice, which provides an opportunity to plunge into the life of Catholic monks. Religious exhibits will help a modern person to understand a little the ascetic world in which members of the order lived. For visitors, the Franciscan monastic cell was restored, in which there is a bed made of a heavy board.


As already mentioned, Nice (province of Provence) is a real gourmet paradise. An incredible number of cafes and restaurants offer both local cuisine with a rich assortment, as well as American fast food or gourmet Italian food. The nightlife in the resort town is in full swing, numerous nightclubs conduct entertainment programs until the morning. They note strict face control at the entrance, so it is not recommended to choose extremely frank outfits. Everyone will find an institution for themselves: lovers will choose a calm atmosphere at a cozy table, and cheerful youth companies will go to the dance floor to the fiery music. Without even leaving the hotel you can relax, because many cafes and bars are located on its territory.

nice city

Of course, shopping lovers can get confused by such a variety of boutiques and souvenir shops. They say that in Nice you can find everything. Shopping centers offer a wide range of products at different prices, often stores reduce the cost of last year's fashion collections, which is good news. In winter, Christmas markets open up for stunning souvenirs, antiques, and sweets. We can say that this is a heavenly place for all shopaholics.

Nice Cote d'Azur Airport

Vacationers get to the resort through airspace, the flight from Moscow lasts only 4 hours. When the plane lands, it seems as if it is landing right at sea. Arriving tourists will find a huge airport located a few kilometers from the pearl of France. Nice meets about 10 million travelers annually, seeking to relax and fully enjoy the local beauties. The main form of transport here is public buses that go on routes and at night.

The city of dreams - Nice (province of Provence) - will definitely not let anyone get bored. A vibrant cultural and entertaining life, beautiful landscapes, and the benevolence of local residents will be remembered by all visitors who will receive a positive experience. And the main problem for all tourists is only the lack of time to cover all the attractions of the resort.


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