Police salary in Moscow: salary level by region and position

Today, about 750 thousand people work in the police of the Russian Federation. Since childhood, many citizens have become accustomed to the fact that policemen receive huge salaries and pensions, they have higher salaries and many additional benefits, as well as state programs for additional security.

Evening Moscow

However, you need to understand that the position of the police of the Russian Federation is budgetary, respectively, the material support of specialists in this field completely depends on the decision of the state. As a rule, this has a positive effect on payments, since in this case delays in salaries are completely excluded. In addition, there is a long-standing practice according to which the indexation of salaries takes place, additional benefits and subsidies are provided.

What is the salary in the police in Moscow for an ordinary employee

To understand how much an employee of this structure receives in the capital of Russia, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to standard salary charging mechanisms. They work in all regions of the country, and the largest metropolis is no exception.

The salary in the Moscow police depends on several factors at once. First of all, you need to pay attention to the position of employee. For example, for an ordinary employee, this figure is 30 thousand, and the minimum possible should not fall below 20 thousand rubles. But the boss can receive up to 100 thousand salaries.

At the monument

Also, police salaries in Moscow may vary depending on length of service. For example, if an employee has served from 5 to 10 years, then the standard salary will be 25,000 p. Those who have worked in this structure from 10 to 15 years can expect a salary increase of up to 30,000 rubles. For employees who have been working for more than 15 years, the basic payment is provided in the amount of 35,000 rubles. However, it all depends on the rank of policeman.

Salary depends on the position

For example, if we talk about the salary of the local police in Moscow, then it is enough to analyze the labor market and current vacancies. On average, an employee in this position currently receives about 45,000 rubles (including allowances). This is not the highest bid. You can find an offer and more profitable. At about the same level, the salary of the lieutenant of the Moscow police. But here it all depends on the specific position. Of course, the junior lieutenant will receive a lower salary, and the senior - more.

If an officer works from 5 to 10 years, then his average salary will be 36,000 rubles. If he worked for more than 15 years, then he can count on 42,000 rubles. This is the maximum possible value for this post.

Flag of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The least student will receive a student whose salary is 6,000 p. But the deputy minister has a salary of 45,000 rubles, regardless of his seniority. If we talk about the salary of a police sergeant in Moscow, then in this case also everything depends on the service life and other parameters. Also, one should not forget about additional benefits and other state programs.

How much on average do cops get in the capital

If we consider the capital of Russia, then in this case you need to immediately add 10% to the standard amounts. This is the so-called Moscow allowance. It is intended exclusively for those employees who work in the capital or its suburbs.

If you are interested in the average salary of police officers in Moscow, then in this case everything also depends on bonuses, length of service and rank. Since the capital is concentrated most of all government departments, it is easy to guess that the work in this city is the most intense. If in a village police station you can wait for several days from citizens, then in large cities, police officers must constantly be on the alert and prepare for events of any complexity.

It also affects the size of the salary. For example, in those moments when employees should be especially vigilant, they, of course, receive both promotions and additional bonuses. If we talk about the minimum wage in the Moscow police, in 2018 it amounted to 20,000 rubles. But here we are talking about salary. If you add additional benefits and other allowances, then on average, a policeman who has even a short record, usually gets up to 40,000 rubles.

Capital of Russia

Federal and Moscow allowances

Of course, 40,000 rubles to any person seems to be not the largest salary, especially if we talk about such a huge metropolis.

For example, for federal programs you can get a premium of 35%. If a policeman serves in conditions of increased danger, then his salary is increased by 60%. As a rule, in this case we are talking about those people who work in the security and criminal investigation departments. For example, riot police and other specialized departments receive an order of magnitude higher. Also, salaries are higher for military police. They usually get 10-15% more.

Dog handlers working in Moscow receive a bonus of 20% of the total wage. Separately, additional federal programs operate that work only in Moscow. If you add everything, then the increase can reach up to 35%.

Many dogs

Salary based on population

The salary of a policeman also depends on how many citizens live in a particular region. For example, the police salary in Moscow will be much higher, as it is the largest city in the country. It belongs to the category of regions, with a population of over 2.5 million people.

For example, investigators, authorized experts, and other specialists can expect a salary increase of 17,000 rubles. For workers in regions with a smaller population, the amount of the supplement will be lower. In Moscow, 18,200 rubles, which are added to the salary, are proposed for senior investigators and other experts with an increased rank. The heads of the department receive an additional salary of 20,200 rubles. Their deputies can count on the same increase. The largest allowance of 29,000 rubles is provided for heads and deputy chiefs of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

How things are in regions with a smaller population

If less than 2.5 million citizens live in the city, then in this case the salary increases will be slightly different. The minimum increase of 16,000 rubles is received by investigators, security officers and experts. If the rank is higher, then in this case the policeman can count on 17,000 rubles. The maximum allowance is provided for the heads of territorial bodies, but in this case it will be 31,200 rubles.

National currency

Based on this, it is difficult to name the exact size of the salary in the police in Moscow. For each employee, it is calculated individually.

Indexing Features

Today, the government annually reviews new salary options for police officers. As a rule, indexation directly depends on how quickly inflation develops. For example, in 2017, only certain employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received an increase. In 2018, the police received the same salary.

However, more recently, a decision was made on the long-awaited increase in income. It is worth noting that the police will be promoted. Planned indexing may be 5%. And if we take into account the state budget, which is almost doubled by 2020, there is every reason to believe that these percentages may be higher. But it all depends on inflation rates.

Fringe benefits

If we talk about the salary of police officers in Moscow, then it is worth paying attention to guarantees, as well as to social protection and other bonuses provided for employees. First of all, a pleasant annual increase in salary is the annual free life and health insurance of a police officer. Insurance payments are made at the expense of the state.

Police at work

If an employee of this structure has dependent relatives, then in this case they also receive additional payments. If his loved one dies or receives severe injuries, then payments or the provision of free medical care are provided.

In addition, police officers receive free medicines and dental services, including prosthetics. In addition, the police have a vacation that is longer than the standard 10 days. At the same time, an employee can go on a free ticket to a sanatorium or resort and take the whole family with him. You will also not have to pay for them. In addition, police can receive free housing or material assistance to buy their own apartment.


Given that the benefits are paid by the state, we can say that the salary of a policeman in the capital is not the smallest. Of course, people who risk their lives should expect a larger salary. Most likely, this will definitely happen in the future, as the country is gradually emerging from a difficult economic situation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15791/

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