What is embroidery: basic types and concepts

There are many types of needlework, but now embroidery is gaining special popularity. Just as our great-grandmothers did centuries ago, so modern girls find reassurance and relief in this difficult but fascinating occupation.

Embroidery as a type of needlework

What is embroidery? If you ask a young man about this, he will begin to tell you about a special machine, which very quickly and efficiently applies the desired image to the fabric with the help of threads. And he will be right, but in order to truly understand what embroidery is, it is better to turn to older women or specialists in this field.

They all will unanimously say that embroidery is a special kind of art that allows one to create beautiful patterns and ornaments on clothes, tablecloths, towels and other everyday things with one's own hand. And you can even embroider paintings that will decorate the walls of your home and create a cozy atmosphere.

Of course, for many people, hand embroidery seems to be a relic of the past. However, even the world's leading designers are very partial to this needlework. So, things from Versace, Prada, Chanel are decorated with exquisite handmade embroidery.

Currently, cross-stitch and stitch embroidery is especially popular. Needlework stores offer a wide selection of sets, patterns, and embroidery supplies.

what is embroidery

How to embroider a cross-stitch

The technology of cross-stitch is very simple. However, here, as in any business, perseverance and accuracy are needed. First of all, you need to learn how to sew stitches. It is best to take a special fabric designed for embroidery. It is in each set, or you can ask that you cut a piece of the right size. This fabric is divided into small squares, which greatly simplifies the work.

Cross-stitch is quite easy to learn, even if you have never before done such a job.

You can embroider a cross with various options: from top to bottom, and vice versa, you can make the required number of stitches horizontally, and then go back, finalizing the crosses.

embroidery ribbons

In the first embodiment, the stitches are sewn from the upper left to the lower right. You can manipulate in the reverse order. The most important rule is to always work in one direction.

Each cross stitch consists of two stitches. It is very convenient to immediately perform the elements of one color scheme, and then proceed to the next components of the picture. If, following the pattern, you need to retreat a few cells, then the thread is carried out from the inside. The following stitches are sewn in the same direction as the previous ones.

Even if in theory cross-stitch seems to you to be something complicated and difficult, do not worry. After all, you just have to start, and you will see that everything is much easier than it seems.

Cross-stitching is an excellent training before mastering more difficult embroidery techniques. We will consider one of these in more detail.

What is ribbon embroidery

Lovers of original decor will be delighted. Another interesting type of needlework is embroidery with ribbons. For the first time this art originated in Italy, and later spread throughout the world.

Before embroidering with ribbons, you need to purchase the necessary material. Tapes vary in material and width. Silks are considered the highest quality, they look beautiful, and thanks to them you can make very small details. Satin and satin are a cheaper option, the pattern made with such ribbons looks impressive, and the details are very easy to do.


If you decided to use the atlas for embroidery, then it is advisable not to take wide ones, since the image may turn out to be rough and not very beautiful.

Ribbon embroidery is especially attractive when using corrugated varieties with a width of 6 to 25 mm.

Technical requirements for work

The fabric should be dense enough so that the tapes are firmly fixed and do not violate the relief of matter. For the first time, you can purchase a set and embroider according to the pattern. Having filled your hand and gained the necessary experience, try your hand at decorating ready-made clothes and accessories. Ribbon embroidery can revitalize blouses, shirts, bags, gloves, towels, tablecloths and much more. You can embroider a picture, it will decorate your home or be a great gift.

In addition to tapes and fabric, you will need a needle with a wide eye and a lighter for processing the cut ends of the tape (it is necessary that the material does not dissolve further). For convenience, hoops are usually used. If you are uncomfortable, you can refuse them.

What does embroidery with ribbons mean? There are several types of stitches, the simplest of which is straight or tape. It resembles ordinary sewing - the needle is displayed on the outside of the fabric, a stitch of the desired length is made, and the needle is displayed on the wrong side. Stitches can be made in different lengths, as required by the pattern. Keep the tape flat. Only with this stitch can you create the whole picture.

embroidery technology

Master Japanese and Twisted Stitches

Another important type of seam is Japanese. Repeat everything as in the previous stitch, but before you bring the needle to the wrong side, thread it in the middle of the tape (you can be closer to one of the edges to make the stitch sharp).

With this seam, ribbon embroidery acquires the ability to image stems for flowers or a beautiful frame. This seam is very simple in execution. Bring the ribbon to the front side in the place where the end of the stem is planned, then twist the ribbon several times and put it on the wrong side under the flower. It will turn out a beautiful `` twisted '' stem.

These are the main seams that you need to master in order to understand what embroidery with ribbons is.

Do not be afraid to try yourself in the development of new embroidery techniques. After all, what is embroidery? This is primarily a manifestation of your creative abilities. Will you be interested in cross-stitch or do you prefer ribbons, most importantly, do not be afraid to start, and you will succeed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15794/

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