Autumn photo shoot with a child: ideas in nature and in the studio

Autumn time is so romantic, cozy, contradictory ... The variety and contrast of color inspire everyone, causing an irresistible desire to capture, preserve feelings and emotions. Family photography in the fall is very common and popular among art lovers. Of particular interest is the process taking place in the company of children. They emphasize the perfection of nature with their spontaneity, sincerity, cheerfulness.

autumn photo shoot with baby ideas

Shooting preparation

Each family archive must have at least one autumn photo shoot with a child. Ideas for her have to be carefully considered in advance. It is necessary to determine the location of the shooting and the image of the participants, prepare the necessary attributes and accessories.

Every parent knows that children are impatient. The younger the child, the worse he suffers from unmet needs, especially physical ones. It is worth making sure that the little man does not want to sleep, eat or drink. When shooting, a light snack is useful, especially if it is planned in the fresh air.

For high-quality images, you can turn to professionals for help. However, an amateur may also have a successful autumn photo shoot in nature with children. You will need inspiration, good mood and good technique.

autumn photo shoots in nature ideas with children


The weather at this time of the year is unpredictable, so you have to take extra clothes with you. Then the child will not freeze if it gets colder. This measure also applies to parents.

ideas for an autumn photo shoot photo with a child

In order to stand out against a bright autumn background, you should pay special attention to the color scheme of clothes. The shades of the selected wardrobe should be light, pastel, plain. You should not choose the colors that meet on the street - red, yellow, green, orange. The correct contrast of clothes and nature will help to draw attention to the child and get the intended result in the photo.


The mood of the autumn is diverse, which allows you to realize any ideas of the autumn photo shoot. A photo with a child on a clear and sunny day will turn out bright and memorable. Bright colors and rich contrasts create all the conditions for the embodiment of the most interesting ideas. September and early October are ideal for shooting in such conditions.

Autumn photo shoot in nature with children

Cloudy weather as a background can play the role of a favorable contrast to children's cheerfulness, activity and positivity. Or serve as a pretext for home or studio photography.

During the rain, entertaining work is obtained. You can capture how a child runs through puddles, catches droplets of water. Pictures with an umbrella can be used as an idea for an autumn photo shoot. Photos with a child in such weather conditions should not leave unpleasant consequences, so a rain cover and rubber boots are required.

Place of shooting in nature

An autumn photo shoot in nature with children helps preserve the wonderful moments of family unification. Popular pictures near water bodies - lakes, rivers, waterfalls. You can launch paper boats, organize fishing with dad or just enjoy the water.

If possible, you should organize a shoot in the garden. Multi-colored trees will set an original background, and ripened fruits can be used as additional attributes. A child can be captured by picking or eating apples. The images with the fruits of viburnum and mountain ash look spectacular. Bright berries can be used as decoration - hang on your ears, like large earrings, or weave a bracelet, beads.

autumn photo shoot of mom with a child ideas
Autumn photo shoot with a child in the park is considered the most popular option. Fallen leaves from trees are a banal, but wonderful natural props for memorable shots. Children love to play with them! You can sit and even lie on a multi-colored fallen rug, toss the foliage up, photographing it in the air.
On a clear day, an autumn photo shoot in the forest will take place successfully. With children, you can pick mushrooms and berries, removing the search process, and then a rich harvest.

Indoor shooting

Rainy and windy weather is not a reason to refuse memorable pictures. The cloudy and dreary background outside the window will serve as an expressive background for images. The child can sit on the windowsill and look at the rain, read a book, draw on glass.
As an alternative solution, studio shooting can be made. With the proper selection of clothes and decorations, a successful autumn photo shoot with a child will turn out. Ideas in the studio can be very diverse. For example, role-playing or costume shooting. Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the woods to her grandmother, and in the background is Papa Wolf. Good Leshy waves a pen at the lens. Perhaps the reason for the photo shoot will be Halloween.

autumn photo shoot with a child ideas in the studio
Autumn portrait is a suitable option for the studio. A close-up of a child or the whole family with a bright element (a beautiful leaf or a whole herbarium, rowan berries, a basket of mushrooms) looks fun and lively.

Thematic Photography

Planned images and selected costumes adorn and revitalize autumn photo shoots in nature. Ideas with children are especially diverse, because there is an obvious reason to plunge into a fabulous and incredible world!

Little earner and breadwinner . The child will happily be a mushroom picker in rubber boots and a long waterproof raincoat. A fishing rod and a bucket for catch will turn the baby into an avid angler. And which kid will refuse to feed the forest squirrel, the birds that live in the park, or the fish that live in the pond?

Autumn Girl . A wreath made of colorful leaves or flowers, a charming dress - and a delicate look is ready! It is harmoniously complemented by a basket full of natural gifts. A child can hold a branch of a tree, carefully examining - such pictures, despite their simplicity, are deep and sensual.

Fairytale character . The most exciting photo shoot ever. In any costume, the baby will look interesting and fun, and the bright autumn background will complement and enliven the fabulous image.

Auxiliary details

Additional attributes that emphasize the mood of the work accompany many autumn photo shoots in nature. Ideas with children and their parents basically imply the entertaining nature of the shoot. Balloons filled with helium or air will delight small participants in the process, which will certainly affect the resulting picture. A kite flying under the clouds and soap bubbles will have the same effect. Original pictures look in which goodies take part. A huge candy, a delicious apple or bagel beads are perfect in this case.

The book, wrapped in a beautiful binding, will give the photo a mysterious and deep mood. It can be thoughtfully read or simply put nearby. For schoolchildren, pictures with a stack of textbooks lying on colored foliage will be relevant.

Cozy autumn

What mood will ultimately result in the autumn photo shoot with the child. Ideas can be varied, but the correspondence of the season is relevant for any of them. Early autumn is not just beautiful and mysterious, it is homely at home. Highlight a warm blanket of light tones, a mug of hot drink. A similar option is perfect for studio photography.
Many families prefer to go out for an autumn picnic. Why, in this case, not combine the pleasant and the useful, capturing the memory of joint family leisure? Camping is often accompanied by sports games - catching up, leapfrog, ball games. Shooting in such conditions will give many interesting photographs that display a variety of emotions and feelings.

Mother and child

What shooting does without the closest and dearest person? An autumn photo shoot of mom with a child is always appropriate and relevant. Ideas for such a shooting may not contain a complex script or a costume production. The love of mother and child is so beautiful and sincere that additional adjustments to the image are optional and not even always appropriate.

The child in her mother’s arms is trite, but very touching and sweet. Hugs and kisses against the backdrop of a dying summer, a walk by the hand or a gathering on a bright carpet of leaves will help convey a picture of tender family feelings.

Autumn photo shoot in the forest with children
The game of plans diversifies the shooting interestingly. Mom can be in focus, while the child is in the background and enthusiastically collects leaves or cones. The reverse is also possible. While the child is passionate about something, it is noticeable in the background that the parent at this time is blissfully resting, enjoying nature and its beauty.

Interesting ideas

An autumn photo shoot with a child is always fascinating and interesting. Ideas can be very interesting and original. So, for example, a family placed in a large frame looks fun and friendly. It can be either bought or pre-made independently from wood or cardboard.

Fallen leaves can be laid out the name of the child or his age, date of shooting, words of recognition or other symbolic phrases. A photo with such a signature will leave bright and pleasant memories of the past autumn for many years.

Children are very fond of animals, so shooting with squirrels and birds will delight every child. No one will be indifferent to a photo with a domestic dog. A small owner who hugs his beloved pet or walks on a leash looks very moving and funny.

Favorite toy (doll or car) will cheer up the baby and become an interesting addition to the frame. A large teddy bear will be able to attract the attention of the smallest participants in the shooting and will look cute in the arms of school children.


How the autumn photo shoot with the child will depend on the general mood. Ideas must match the emotional state of the child. As a rule, kids are characterized by cheerfulness and curiosity, so funny fun, colorful balls and ribbons, funny costumes will be very appropriate.

But schoolchildren, especially in adolescence, often fall into autumn spleen, and pictures in cloudy weather will correspond to their experiences. Sad emotions have a right to exist. An insightful, sincere picture will certainly touch the parent and leave the child in the mood, the reasons for which, quite possibly, after a few years will seem ridiculous and insignificant.


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