Jean Lloret: Adolf Hitler's son from a Frenchwoman

This story began in the midst of World War I, when the province of Picardy in northern France was occupied by German troops. As soon as the war began, the young Adolf Hitler became a volunteer. He fought well and therefore quickly received the rank of corporal and was arranged as a liaison officer at the regiment headquarters. He first met with Charlotte Lobby, with friends on the street de Seran in the spring of 1916.

Acquaintance with a Frenchwoman

There are several versions of Hitler's acquaintance with a French mistress. According to one of them, a sixteen-year-old girl worked in the field with other local residents. The daughter of a local butcher was attracted by a young German soldier who was concentrating on something nearby. Charlotte came closer. It turned out that the soldier, who turned out to be Adolf Hitler, paints a picture.

about the son of adolf hitler

According to another version, the meeting took place with friends of Charlotte Lobjoy's relatives. The beauty was then eighteen years old, and the future Führer - twenty-seven. As a coherent German army, he lived exclusively in apartments in the city, and not at a military base. The war then reached a positional dead end, so the soldier had quite a lot of free time. He really drew a lot, and one of the paintings depicted the very young Charlotte.

Fleeting romance

Between a German soldier and a young French beauty, a stormy but fleeting romance ensued. In 1917, Adolf Hitler received a vacation. He went to visit his relatives, leaving Charlotte at home. Prior to this, the girl several times moved with him to different places of the regiment's deployment: in Wafren, Ardua, Furnu, Seklen. Later, the connection was interrupted, since Hitler was being treated for the wound. After his recovery, he did everything possible to return closer to his mistress.

jean marie lore

The birth of an illegitimate son

True, when Charlotte Lobjois informed her lover about the pregnancy, he quickly packed up on vacation and went to relatives in Spital. Their sexual and epistolary relationship on this ceased.

On March 18, 1918, Charlotte gave birth to the illegitimate son of Adolf Hitler - Jean Lore. The metric noted that the father of the child is a German soldier. This news reached the future Fuhrer in May 1918, but he himself was in full swing with the novel with Maria Schmidt - the daughter of his native aunt. In general, incest was a common thing in this family - Hitler's parents were in kinship, and he subsequently cohabited with his niece.

Hitler's son

Biography of Jean-Marie Lobois

The illegitimate son of Hitler, Jean-Marie Lore (then Lobois), spent the first seven years in his grandparents' house in his grandfathers in the village of Seboncur. In May 1922, Charlotte Lobjois married a lithographer named Clement Felix Lore. The man adopted the boy, but apart from his surname, it did not give anything to Jean. His mother went to Paris with her husband, and Jean-Marie stayed in the village with Louis Joseph Alfred and Fleuré Filomena Lobois.

After the death of his grandmother and grandfather, the boy’s aunt identified him in the family of the tycoon Freezone. Jean-Marie got the opportunity to attend a Catholic school. In 1936 he went to the army. With the rank of sergeant, he defended the last frontier of France on the Somme River. Then the French made one but fatal mistake. They blew up all the bridges across the Somme, but left two railways to use in a counter-offensive. It was on these bridges that the German army entered the French capital.

Truth about the origin

Shortly after the German advance, Charlotte got married a second time. The wedding took place in the summer of 1940. Her second husband was Janvier Emmanuelle Godino. The woman changed her name again, so the Gestapo had a hard time finding her. The Germans found Hitler's son Jean Lore.

The young man was popularly explained that you should not compromise the name of the Führer with his low origin. He was forbidden to tell anyone about his true origin.

Charlotte Lobby

Until the end of the occupation of France, Adolf Hitler from time to time took care of his son and his mother. The security service constantly transmitted reports to the Führer. There is information that SS officers even delivered cash envelopes to Jean-Marie and his mother. Hitler repeatedly tried to approach his son. Of considerable importance in this was the fact that anthropologists confirmed the Aryan origin of Jean.

Kinship Confirmation

Charlotte Lobjois died in 1951, and her son tried to come to terms with the truth that was revealed to him during the Second World War for another twenty years. In 1971, Jean Loret even appeared in the office of the famous lawyer François Guibot. After telling his unusual story, the man sincerely admitted that he wanted final confirmation or a refutation of the fact that he is the son of the leader of the Third Reich.

Experts disagreed. Some relied on the testimony of colleagues of Adolf Hitler that he was strongly opposed to love affairs with French women. Jean Loret passed the examination at the University of Heidelberg. Researchers concluded that he may be the son of the Fuhrer. For the exact answer, it was necessary to use the genetic material of Hitler himself, to get which was nowhere.

Adolf Gitler

"Your father's name was Hitler"

In 1981, Jean Loret outlined his story in the book "Your father's name was Hitler." This autobiographical work in his homeland was extremely skeptical. The biography of Jean Lore, Hitler's son, did not become a sensation. He died in 1985, but debates about his origin and relationship with the Fuhrer continue to this day. Hitler’s alleged son has children and grandchildren. They have nothing to do with the terrifying Nazism of World War II.

And young Charlotte in her time fell in love with a young artist, and not with a cruel man who killed tens of millions of lives.


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