Tours to Kiev - Great Opportunity to Spend a Vacation

Many of the residents of not only Russia, but also Ukraine, underestimate the importance of Kiev as a tourist center. And here they are very mistaken. This city with more than one and a half thousand history is worthy of the attention of travelers. There really is something to see and special tours to Kiev will help you with this. But first, itโ€™s worth learning a little about its history, because most of the sights are inextricably linked with it.

Many of those who come here for the first time know the legend of the three brothers (Kie, Horeb and Cheek), as well as their sister (Lybide), who once founded the city. And in the name of the city only the name of the eldest was imprinted - Kia. Modern Kiev will delight guests with a sculptural image of relatives on the Dnieper embankment.

Other rulers of Kiev left their mark. Places such as the Vydubychi Monastery, built at that time, and the Vladimirovskaya Gorka, where a monument to him has been erected today, are associated with the name of Vladimir the Baptist. A trip to Kiev is worth it.

Yaroslav the Wise left St. Sophia Cathedral as a heritage , which for many years has been an educational center among all the Eastern Slavs. In addition, the period includes the construction of the famous Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, which includes the Assumption Cathedral. This place became the tomb for such famous people as the hero Ilya Muromets and Yuri Dolgoruky, who was the founder of Moscow.

Also worth mentioning is St. Andrew's Church, which is related to the architecture of the 18th century. The famous architect of that period, architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli, was specially invited from Italy for its construction.

In addition to the above listed architectural monuments, Kiev is famous for the Golden Gate of 1037, the Mariinsky Palace of the 18th century, the Opera House and many others.

Well, if you have not been to Kiev before, then you should certainly take a walk along the famous Khreshchatyk to the equally famous Independence Square, go on an excursion to the Memorial complex of the Great Patriotic War, on the territory of which there is a monument known in many countries of the world, โ€œ Motherland". This is a very useful vacation in Kiev.

Also, do not ignore the numerous Kiev museums. It is especially worth paying attention to the unusual Pirogovo Museum, which presents folk architecture and life. Here you can appreciate the Ukrainian flavor in all its diversity, and tours to Kiev will certainly help you in this.

Also do not miss the opportunity to visit โ€œKiev in miniatureโ€, which is located on the territory of the hydropark. Here you can appreciate the beauty of all corners of the capital of Ukraine, including those where you for some reason did not visit live.

If you expect a lot of relatives, as well as colleagues, to return from vacation, then you just need to look at St. Andrew's Descent, where the works of folk artists from all over Ukraine are presented. Here you can pick up a souvenir, both for your boss, and for your little son or daughter. The choice of goods will simply amaze you.

The natural beauty of the local streets is also indescribable in words. It is especially beautiful here in late spring, when chestnuts bloom everywhere, and many candles decorate the trees. But the city is beautiful and in colorful foliage, and in the midday heat, and under the snow cover. Whenever you come, you will always find something to admire. The main thing is not to be too lazy and tours to Kiev will bring a huge variety to your life.

So the next time you decide on a vacation destination, remember that there is always a trip to Kiev at your service. Here you will never be bored, and the sights will be enough for more than one day, and not even for one vacation. And having come here at least once, you will fall in love with this capital city, appreciate its unique beauty and you will not be able to part with it for a long time. Special tours to Kiev will help you to verify this personally.


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