What is binding? Book binding

The part of the book block that provides the fastening of pages is what binding is. Sometimes this term also means the action itself - to bind.

what is binding


A binding is a cover made of some solid material, in which a book or notebook is enclosed. Mainly for these purposes cardboard is used, which is covered with leather or glued with cloth or paper. In olden days, morocco binding or calico binding was used.

Binding history

If you go to the bookshelf, you can see a lot of bindings, they are also sometimes called roots. This is essentially the spine of the binding cover. New and old, taut and shabby - they carry information about which of the books has never been picked up, and which was read to the holes. They have the smell of publishing. Just as a person’s eyes are a mirror of his soul, so a book’s binding, which preserves history, speaks volumes. This is what binding is.

Antique Book Binders

For a long time, bindings were made of wood. In times of absolutely manual labor, binding books was a daunting task. Wooden coverings were covered with leather, which was bent inward, and the pages of the book were kept on screeds and ties. Bindings made entirely from this natural material (leather) were very rare.

The aesthetic side of the process

It was important not only how solid the binding was made. In antiquity (however, as now), not only its protective functions were valued. But what has now become routine design and decoration was then an absolute aesthetic. Rich people could afford books with luxurious bindings that adorned not only with beautiful fabrics, but even with precious stones. The finish was top notch. What is binding, if not the opportunity not only to save, but also to design a book? This is also evident in current realities, although not at such a level.

book binding

The rarer the publication, the more elegantly it was decorated. In the mid-nineteenth century, books in French were increasingly supplanted by works and translations in Russian, and in noble houses it became fashionable to design personal libraries. This led to an increase in the demand for bindings, because what binding is already known for a long time. By the end of the century, publications were exhibited at fairs and festivals, and bookbinding excelled.

Bookbinding began to acquire modern features in the twentieth century. The types and types of book binding that were used at the beginning of this century are still in use today, although during the years of Soviet rule there was a continual discussion about the priority of decoration for which books should be provided.

Modern book binding

Hardcover is a term that comes from printing. It is defined as the bonding of the pages of a book (i.e., its internal block) with a cover (i.e., external). It is made of reliable material, as it is required to ensure the safety of the almanac. In addition, hardcover is part of the decoration and contains data on the print edition.

There are two types of hardcover.

Hard cover

Hardcover 7B

Hardcover 7B is made of leather or fabric, bumvinil or balacron. Cardboard binding is lined with these materials and substances. For drawing illustrations and letters using the technique of embossing or lettering. Apply foil (gold or silver).

Binding 7BC

If 7B seems a more classic and rigorous binding, then 7BZ implies more imagination and imagination. It is more often used in children's publications. Laminated design cover with glossy or matte polymer film makes it possible to colorfully decorate both the binding and the whole book.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15809/

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