We study geography: where is Ufa?

“Dark water” - this is how Ufa is translated from Bashkir. The old Russian city was founded at the end of the XVI century. Locals call the city "Efe". In the territory where the city of Ufa is located, two rivers flow : Belaya and Ufa. The city is located on the Ufa Peninsula and is the capital of Bashkiria. In terms of area, Ufa is second only to Moscow, Volgograd, Peter and Perm. The marten is depicted on the flag of the city as a symbol of pride and wealth.

where is ufa

Monument to S. Yulaev

Salauat Yulai is a national hero of Bashkiria. He was known as Sesen (improviser-poet) and a fighter for the rights of the Bashkirs. The monument to Yulaev is the visiting card of Bashkortostan and the most memorable sculpture in Ufa. The monument was built at the end of the 20th century by the artist S. Tavasiev. In Russia, where Ufa is located, this monument is a record holder.

where is the city of ufa

The height of the equestrian statue is almost 10 meters; it is the largest not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Tavasiev worked on the monument for more than 30 years, and this is his best creation. The monument is located in the central part of the city, in front of it is a magnificent fountain.

Fountains of Ufa

Bashkiria, where Ufa is located, is known for its creative fountains. There are more than 20 of them in the city. The fountain season opens in early May. The fountain at the Youth Palace is the oldest, over 60 years old. Thanks to the reconstruction, it became musical, and in the evening a bright laser illumination is turned on.

Sarcastic expression "sell everything, buy kurai!" became the unofficial name of the fountain "Boy with Kurai." Kurai is an ancient musical instrument of the Bashkirs and Tatars. The central part of the fountain is represented by a nude graceful figure of a teenager, he is holding a Bashkir reed pipe in his hands.

Ufa Botanical Garden

The area where Ufa is located is characterized by a temperate continental climate. Humid air, cold winters and warm summers create favorable conditions for plants. Ufa Botanical Garden is 85 years old; it is located in the local forest park. The park delights visitors with rare and unique exhibits of flowers, trees and plants. Entrance to the territory of the Ufa park is paid. If you liked the plant, you can purchase it.

where is ufa

Entertaining facts

  • There are two creative monuments in Ufa : the monument to the Janitor and the sculpture "Marten's House".
  • They wanted to replace the marten on the emblem of the city with a white horse.
  • The highest building in Ufa is Uralsib Bank (over 100 meters).
  • In Russia, where Ufa is located, there are no problems with humor. The city is jokingly called the "Three Screws."
  • It is curious that Freedom Street in Ufa ends precisely with the "Dead End of Freedom".

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15819/

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