Where is Johannesburg, photo and description of attractions

Often you can hear from novice travelers the question of where is Johannesburg? "In Africa," is the most common answer. More precisely, in the Republic of South Africa. This city has a long and difficult history and today tourists are not in special demand. However, those who want to know the real Africa should come to this city and see everything with their own eyes. We’ll talk about where Johannesburg is located, what it is worth doing, and how best to plan your trip.

where is Johannesburg

Geographical position

Considering the map and thinking about the question of where the city of Johannesburg is located, you should look to the south of the African continent. The city is located almost in the center of the Republic of South Africa.

The settlement was located on a high plateau, on the veld, between the rivers Limpopo, Baal and Orange. The city is located on a flat, arid part of the plateau at an altitude of 1700 meters above sea level. The relief of the city is mostly flat, only in the northern part there is hillyness.

Geographical coordinates of Johannesburg: 26 ° 12 '8 "south latitude and 28 ° 2' 37" (28 ° 2 '61) east longitude.

The city is the largest population center of the country, today it is home to just over 3 million people. The ethnic diversity of the inhabitants is great, about 73% of the population are black. The most popular language in the city is English.

Johannesburg is the capital of the Gauteng province. This is the richest region of the state, providing about a third of the total gross product of South Africa. The settlement is located in a very picturesque place, near the Witwatersrand mountain range. For many years, the main growth factor of the city was the nearby rich gold deposits. The administrative division of Johannesburg includes several districts. The business center is the fashionable Sandton, and the areas of Hillbrow and Berey are its absolute antipodes.

hillbrow johannesburg where is


The area where Johannesburg is located has a subequatorial and subtropical climate. Winter here begins in April and ends in October. It is a dry and cool season. In June and July, the average daily temperature is about 15-17 degrees. The same months are the driest.

High tourist season falls on April, May and August. However, the weather in Johannesburg is relatively comfortable all year round. The average annual daily temperature is 23 degrees Celsius. The hottest month is January, when the thermometer tsolbik rises to 30 degrees in the afternoon, the highest amount of precipitation falls in the same month.

History of the city

The place where Johannesburg is today, in ancient times was inhabited by hunters and gatherers. The development of these lands in the XVII-XVIII centuries led to the complete extermination of the local population. Until the end of the 19th century, the Basuto and Zulus tribes who fought with the Boers succeeded each other here.

In 1886, everything changed dramatically. The Australian gold digger found the first mine here, and a stream of wealth hunters poured here.

Here the city begins to be built, first spontaneously, then with the help of architects. The settlement is filled with people of different races and cultures. A wealthy city attracted the attention of British conquerors. In 1899, the Boer War begins, as a result of which the land went to Britain. Rapid construction in the city began in the 1930s, due to the economic boom in South Africa. Until the mid-1970s, Johannesburg grew and developed, by this time its business and residential infrastructure had formed, its architectural appearance had developed, it was even called “African New York”.

When the struggle against apartheid politics led to the fall of the regime in the early 90s, the development of the city came to an end. Over the next decades, he gradually loses his infrastructure and decent appearance. When most of the white population left the city, entire neighborhoods populated by squatters appeared. At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, the authorities made efforts to maintain the attractiveness of the city for residents and tourists. In 2010, it even hosts the World Cup. Today, the flow of tourists to Johannesburg is very small, but it exists and even increases slightly.

where is the city of Johannesburg

Orientation in the city

Today, Johannesburg, where the economic and business center of South Africa is located, is clearly divided into decent and relatively safe north and south, in which there is a lot of extreme. The city center is the center of attractions, shops, museums, as well as offices. Hotels are better to choose in the northern regions. And it is better to go to the areas of Hillbrow, Soweto and Berey only with a reliable guide or to take a sightseeing bus or to abandon this dangerous undertaking altogether.

Where is Johannesburg in Africa


Until recently, Johannesburg was one of the most dangerous cities in the world. But over the past 20 years, the government has been taking effective measures to combat crime. And today the city is becoming less dangerous. However, the Berey and Hillbrow districts in Johannesburg, where the real ghetto is for the poor, continue to be a place with low levels of personal safety for tourists. Therefore, travelers are advised to take the necessary precautions to protect themselves and their belongings.

coordinates of Johannesburg

What to do in Johannesburg

Johannesburg is a modern city, and there are many different ways to spend leisure time. The real focus of cafes, bars, discos and clubs is the Newtown area. Various shows are held here, exhibitions of contemporary artists are organized, concerts are held. Life in this area is in full swing.

Those who love educational tourism should pay attention to local museums. The most popular of these are the Apartheid Museum, the Museum of Africa, the Museum of Art of South Africa and the Museum of Transport.

Africa attracts the opportunity to see exotic animals, so when you come to Johannesburg, you should visit the local zoo, which presents more than 600 species of representatives of the local fauna, or go to the lion's nursery.

The Gold Rif City theme park recalls the times of the Gold Rush. Here, tourists are offered to go down to the mines where they mined gold and diamonds, to take part in the casting of ingots.

Arriving in an exotic country, many tourists like to go shopping. In Johannesburg, it’s worth buying a variety of ethnic-style items. Local crocodile leather handbags are also famous. And, of course, South Africa is famous for its diamonds, which are worth buying only in official stores. If a tourist makes a serious purchase of stones, then usually he is given the service of delivering products to the airport in a safe case.

johannesburg attractions


The city of Johannesburg, whose attractions will satisfy the most varied tastes, attracts with its unusual history and location. In the city you should see the skyscrapers of apartheid times, the city hall, the Telkom tower, a kind of chinatown, go to Gandhi Square and see some very interesting temples of different faiths.

50 km from the city there is a UNESCO-protected monument “Cradle of Humanity” - a complex of caves where the oldest remains of primitive people were found. A great way to get to know the city is to take excursions on a double-decker bus, whose route passes by the most remarkable places. Near them, you can get off the bus, look around, and then continue the trip.

Johannesburg where is located

How to get there

Thinking about where Johannesburg is and how to get there, it is worth looking at the map. It immediately becomes clear that the best option is a plane flight. There are two airports in the city, but, unfortunately, South Africa does not have direct flights with Russia, so you need to prepare for a long journey. The most popular options with a departure from Moscow are flights to Lancer and Mapu Tu, Gaborone. It is possible to get from these cities of Africa to their cities in South Africa both by air and by land.

Festivals and Holidays

Johannesburg is not only a city of interesting history and special culture. It is worth coming here to attend unusual events. For example, the festival "Dancing Umbrella" gathers choreography lovers from all over the world. In August, a wine festival takes place here, and they are magnificent in South Africa. On the river bank, shows are organized, tastings and various master classes from the best sommeliers are held.

Practical information

Arriving in Johannesburg, you should carefully choose a place to stay. Are considered budgetary and quite safe areas of Renburg (Randburg), Melrose Arch (Melrose Arch). Wealthy tourists choose a respectable area with a history - Sandton. This is the safest area, however, you need to be prepared for the fact that some streets are literally fenced with barbed wire. Business life is in full swing here, many good restaurants work. The city has well-developed public transport, but for safety reasons, tourists are advised to rent a car with a driver or use an official taxi.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15839/

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