The phone does not see the memory card, solution to the problem

The most popular damage to cell phones can be called a malfunction in which the phone does not see the memory card. Most often, such problems arise in modern models. Let's first understand what a memory card is. This is a special device that is inserted inside the mobile, thanks to which the telephone capabilities are significantly expanded, it is designed to store all kinds of information.

Most often, the memory card is not sold complete with the phone, the consumer selects and purchases it on their own. The first reason why the phone does not see the memory card is the incompatibility of this flash drive model with your phone model. It is important to choose a device for storing information from manufacturers responsible for the quality of their products. A plus for the purchase will be a guarantee for a USB flash drive, you can be sure that if for some reason the mobile phone does not work with the card or the situation is that the phone does not see the memory card, you can always return the money spent on it.

Important nuances of operating memory cards

In order to be able to transfer information from a phone to a computer or vice versa, to download music, video, you must have an adapter or a card reader. It is best to use the second option of transmitting information, as the transfer speed and data volume increases several times compared with the Bluetooth adapter. If after installing a new card and turning on the mobile, it is not possible to read information from it, namely the phone does not see the memory card, then before contacting the store’s service, check if you installed the card correctly. To do this, open the phone, remove the memory device and insert it back. If even after this information is not available, then you have to upset - you will have to format the USB flash drive, that is, delete the information.

Why the phone does not see the memory card? There can be many reasons. Important: if you want your card to serve you for the entire period after the purchase, and this is usually about five years, keep in mind the following:

  1. it is impossible to allow various physical effects on the card, causing device bends, cracks;
  2. it is not allowed to store the device near sources of heat, water, nor can it be kept in the sun;
  3. Do not expose the card to electrostatic discharges;
  4. It is not recommended to disconnect the USB flash drive while receiving and transmitting information (this is fraught with data loss).

Why the phone does not see the flash drive? If you comply with all operating conditions, the reason may be a card lock. A feature of flash drives of some standards is their blocking after applying or deleting information. This can be checked manually or using an adapter.

There is another, perhaps the biggest problem, that the phone may not see the memory card - when the card is password protected. Solving this issue will require a lot of time and effort. If suddenly your card is under a password, and you do not know this password - use special programs. Again, they will help only if the memory card was not formatted before installing the program, if formatting was done and your card is not a novelty, then, alas, it will have to be discarded or replaced.

The telephone in our time is not only a means of communication, it also serves for entertainment, information transfer, study and work, in general, it performs many functions, including educational. You should not try to use a card that does not match the parameters of your phone or insert a device with a large supply of memory into the old model’s mobile phones . You risk not only ruining the flash drive, but also thoroughly breaking the operating system of your phone. And in this case, you can neither sell it nor repair it.


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