Credit consumer cooperative "First Tomsky": loans and savings programs

Since 2002, there has been a CPC “First Tomskiy” - a credit consumer cooperative. This is a reliable organization that offers to arrange loans and form their savings. The activities of the CCP are legal. It is regulated and controlled by the Central Bank of our country.

Consumer loan

One of the popular services of a credit cooperative is the provision of loans. Persons wishing to receive a large sum for the long term can apply to First Tomsk and apply for a consumer loan. It is issued absolutely for any needs. The borrower can spend money on travel, education, treatment, etc.

The minimum term for which a consumer loan is issued is six months. If desired, you can draw up a contract for 5 years. This is the maximum time limit. The available amount on a consumer loan is determined taking into account the solvency of the client. It in some cases reaches 500 thousand rubles.

In the credit cooperative "First Tomsky" the interest rate depends on the period for which the loan is made:

  • from 23.0% to 29.9% per annum for a period of six months to 1 year;
  • from 26.8% to 30.0% per annum for a period of 1 year and 1 month to 2 years;
  • from 27.0% to 33.8% per annum for a period of 2 years and 1 month to 3 years;
  • from 28.0% to 33.6% per annum for a period of 3 years and 1 month to 5 years.
Credit Consumer Cooperative "First Tomsk"

Express loan

Credit consumer cooperative “First Tomsky” offers borrowers to use not only consumer loans. The list of services still includes the Express loan. It is drawn up for a short period of 30 days. This loan is also called a payday loan.

The maximum amount that can be approved is 15 thousand rubles. The expected interest rate is 160% per annum.

Maternity loan

In the list of services of credit consumer cooperative “First Tomsky”, a special loan is one that is provided under maternity capital. Its difference from other loans is that it is issued only for certain purposes - to improve housing conditions (purchase, construction of real estate).

A loan is issued for 4 months for an amount that does not exceed the amount of parent capital. The interest rate depends on the locality, because KPC has several offices:

  1. G. Seversk, p. Bakchar. The current interest rate of 23.53%.
  2. G. Asino, Kolpashevo, with. Kargasok, s. Kozhevnikovo, p. Molchanovo, s. Melnikovo. The current percentage is 28.22%.
  3. G. Tomsk, p. Teguldet, p. Moryakovsky Zaton, s. Podgorny. In these settlements, the interest rate is set at 31.4%.
  4. G. Simferopol (Crimea). Interest rate - 35.5%.
Interest rates

To whom are loans granted?

The borrower is subject to certain requirements. First, a loan can only be provided to a member of a cooperative. In order to become one, you need:

  • to be of legal age;
  • have Russian citizenship;
  • write a corresponding application for entry at any of the offices of the credit consumer cooperative “First Tomsky”.

Secondly, you need to have a permanent job. In isolated cases, money is provided in debt to the unemployed. However, the CPC approves applications from such persons not at their own peril and risk, but only if there are additional guarantees for securing loans.

Another requirement for borrowers is the availability of permanent registration (registration) in the territory of the cooperative. But here, exceptions are allowed. Money at interest can be issued to the borrower with a temporary residence permit. A decision on an application from such a person is taken by the loan committee and the director.

Requirements for borrowers in the "First Tomsk"

List of required documents

It is recommended that you apply for a loan at a Tomsk credit cooperative only if you have all the necessary documents. To obtain a consumer loan, you must provide a passport, a 2-NDFL certificate, a pension certificate (if any), and guarantors. The easiest loan is an Express loan. Only a Russian passport is required from the borrower.

A whole package of documents is required for a loan under maternity capital:

  • passport;
  • certificate from the Department of Social Protection of the Tomsk Region or from the Pension Fund;
  • a certificate from the Department of Social Protection of the Tomsk Region on the non-use of regional maternity capital or from the Pension Fund on the residual amount of maternity capital;
  • land certificate or rental agreement and building permit;
  • document for the purchased real estate.
List of documents

Savings in the First Tomsk

A number of savings programs were developed in the Tomsk credit consumer cooperative under consideration. "First Tomsky" offers favorable conditions for generating additional income. For example, there is the Capital program. Cash can be deposited into a savings account for a period of 2 months to 2 years. The longer the term, the higher the percentage. The smallest annual interest rate is set for 2 months - 5%. If you draw up a savings contract for 2 years, then the maximum rate will be valid - 10.25% per year.

There are also special programs in “First Tomsk” designed specifically for senior citizens. One of them, for example, is Veteran Pension. People who are pensioners can apply for the transfer of pension to the account of the cooperative. Cash will accumulate, and additional interest will be accrued - 5% per year.

Savings programs in the PDC "First Tomsk"

Reviews on the consumer credit cooperative “First Tomsky” indicate that this is an organization that has earned an excellent reputation and trust over a long period of existence. People without fear here arrange loans, make savings. Savings programs are not risky. All accumulations of shareholders for amounts up to 1,400,000 rubles are insured.


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