The most interesting sights of Pushkin of the Leningrad region. City Pushkino, Moscow Region

Pushkin is the closest suburb of St. Petersburg, mentioned in many works of art and official documents as Tsarskoye Selo (renamed in 1937). Once upon a time, summer residences were built here by members of the royal family and even personally ruling monarchs, as well as their close and simply noble and wealthy people. Many parks and palaces have survived to this day. Sights of Pushkin annually attract a large number of tourists. What exactly is worth seeing in this city in the first place?

Catherine Park and the Palace

Pushkin sights
The Tsarskoye Selo Museum-Reserve is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The real gem of the complex is the Grand Catherine Palace and the adjacent green zone. The construction of the residence was started in 1717, it was supposed to be a gift for the wife of Peter I Ekaterina Alekseevna. The palace took on a modern look after perestroika under the guidance of the famous architect F. B. Rastrelli. The mistress of the renewed residence was Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. In the future, the palace remained loved by all subsequent generations of the royal family. Pushkin (Leningrad Region) has a variety of attractions . But it is the Catherine Palace that is the most luxurious and interesting of them. Today, here you can see the restored interiors, including the famous Amber Room, as well as genuine personal items and household items of the royal people. Around the palace there is a park with a total area of ​​more than 100 hectares. On its territory you can see exquisite sculptures, pavilions and other buildings. Here are Pushkin's attractions such as the Admiralty, the Hermitage, the Pyramid, the Cold Bath, the Marble Bridge, the Upper and Lower Baths, the Grotto.

Alexandrovsky park

Pushkin Leningrad region attractions
The residence built for Alexander I has survived in Pushkin to this day. The Alexander Park is bordered by Catherine’s on the north side. The total green area is about 200 hectares. In the list of "The most interesting sights of Pushkin", the Alexander Palace takes an honorable second place. This is a magnificent building, designed in the classical style, with a colonnade of the Order of Corinth and two symmetrical outbuildings. Date of construction - 1792-1796, the chief architect of the project is D. Quarenghi. Today, the interior of the palace is available for viewing by tourists. The park has a large lake, as well as interesting objects: the Chinese village, the White Tower, Arsenal.

Sights associated with the name of A. S. Pushkin

Sights of Pushkino, Moscow region
Until 1937, the city was called Tsarskoye Selo (from 1918 to 1937 - Children's Village). And on the centenary of the death of the great poet, he was renamed Pushkin (February 10, 1937). There is a memorial museum-cottage of A. S. Pushkin. The exposition is located in the one-story house of A.K. Kitaeva, the widow of the court valet. Here Pushkin spent the whole summer with his wife Natalya Nikolaevna in 1813. Tourists interested in the life and work of the Sun of Russian poetry can visit the memorial Lyceum Museum. In the educational institution founded by Alexander I, A.S. Pushkin spent the whole 6 years. Other Pushkin sights associated with the poet who gave the city its name: the historical and literary museum and the monument to Alexander Sergeyevich.

Babolovsky park and palace

Pushkin St. Petersburg sights
Pushkin is a city of parks and palaces. The Catherine Palace and Park Ensemble is adjoined by another, once luxurious Babolovsky Garden, which once housed the original Gothic palace built for G. A. Potemkin. To date, only the ruins of the chic residence of His Serene Highness Prince of Tauride have remained. But even in this form, the palace deserves attention. In its central hall, the King Bath was installed - a huge bathhouse carved from a single granite monolith. It is said that this thicket has been perfectly preserved to this day. The Tsar-bath is unique in its size and manufacturing method, only the city of Pushkin can be proud of such a rarity. The sights of Babolovsky Park are also some miraculously preserved buildings on its territory. The very territory of the green zone today looks neglected and resembles a mixed forest.

Other sights of the city

If you come to Pushkin for a few days, you will probably want to see something else, except for the most important, iconic sights. Visit the “Tsarskoye Selo collection” - the art museum, the House-Museum of P. P. Chistyakov. Not so long ago, an exhibition dedicated to Anna Akhmatova appeared in the city. The city of Pushkin (St. Petersburg) has sights not only of a cultural and secular type. There is also an old church, today restored and functioning. This is the temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Sign”, founded in 1734 and originally consecrated in 1747.

City Pushkino (Moscow region)

Pushkin city attractions
In honor of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin in our country, many geographical objects and settlements were named. And the number of streets and thoroughfares named after the great poet simply cannot be counted. Probably they are in all cities. In the suburbs there is also a settlement with a similar name - Pushkino. It is a small and cozy green city. Interestingly, here, as well as in St. Petersburg Pushkin, tourists regularly come. The sights of Pushkino in the Moscow region are mainly summer houses of famous writers. Here Tyutchev, Mayakovsky, Stanislavsky, Demyan Poor rested and worked. Many estates today are restored and accept tourists as house museums. The Museum of Local Lore, the sculptures of Krylov, Pushkin and Mayakovsky, as well as the Memorial to the soldiers who died during the Second World War, are also of interest.


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