Corporate Card Report: Example. Corporate Bank Card Accounting

Recently, payments by corporate cards have become commonplace for most enterprises. These payment instruments are easy to use.

corporate card report

Corporate card bookkeeping is pretty straightforward. Experienced accountants, as a rule, do not have any problems reflecting operations. Difficulties may arise when compiling a report on a corporate card by the employee to whom it was issued. Next, we consider the features of the reflection of operations.

General information

Corporate cards are called bank cards, the funds on which belong to the organization. With their help, payment of expenses incurred by employees in the framework of their professional activities is carried out.

A corporate card can pay for travel, household, and entertainment expenses. This payment tool is not used for the personal purposes of the employee, crediting earnings to her, as well as social payments.


There are credit and settlement (debit) cards. With the help of the latter, payment is made at the expense of funds located at the enterprise’s account, or overdraft.

According to credit cards, accordingly, settlements are carried out using borrowed funds provided by the banking structure.

Features of the operation

Replenishment is made by bank transfer. For this, a payment order is sent to a banking organization.

Funds are spent only with a card. This can be either ordinary cashless transactions or cash withdrawals.

Corporate cards are not subject to settlement limits established by the Central Bank for cash settlements. Meanwhile, banking organizations, guided by the recommendations of the Central Bank, can set a limit for issuance. For example, on a corporate card of Sberbank the maximum amount is 100 thousand rubles per day.

corporate card for legal entities

Benefits of Payment Instruments

The following advantages of using corporate cards can be noted:

  • Control of employee spending. Firstly, all operations will be reflected in the account of the enterprise. Secondly, a corporate card report is generated, which reflects all expenses incurred for a specific period.
  • The ability to use funds at any time. Access to money in the account around the clock.
  • Quick card lock in case of problems.
  • The ability to use funds on business trips abroad. There is no need to purchase foreign currency when traveling outside the Russian Federation. At the same time, from Russia you can quickly replenish the account of an employee who is abroad.
  • Significant time savings when booking and paying for tickets, hotel rooms.

IFTS and Funds Notice

Information about an open account should be sent to the FIU, BCC and the tax service. At present, the notice is sent by the banking organization serving the settlement system.

Notification is carried out within 7 days (workers).

Important Nuances

Corporate cards for legal entities are issued for specific employees of the enterprise, i.e. are registered.

Reflection of operations in accounting for corporate cards is carried out, as a rule, on a separate account.

A bank account can be opened both in rubles and in foreign currency. Moreover, in the first case, it is not necessary to open an additional currency account. According to the Regulation of the Central Bank No. 266-P, payment by a corporate card can also be made in a currency different from the currency of the account. Upon receipt, for example, of dollars, the bank system will convert the required amount (it will automatically translate rubles into dollars).

corporate card advance report

Spending goals

Regulatory acts establish a list of operations that can be carried out in foreign currency using a corporate card:

  • Receiving cash foreign currency abroad of the Russian Federation to pay for representation, travel expenses.
  • Payment of expenses (representation / travel) in trading / service organizations in foreign currency outside of Russia.

Other transactions are considered illegal. Monitoring compliance with the list is carried out by the banking structure.

Organization Local Document

An act must be developed at the enterprise that defines the basic rules for using corporate cards. In this document you must install:

  • The list of operations and costs that are allowed to be performed by an employee.
  • Settlement limits.
  • The procedure for submitting a report on a corporate card .
  • Information about the inadmissibility of the disclosure of the PIN code to third parties.
  • The time period within which an employee is required to submit an advance report on a corporate card. In the same paragraph, it is advisable to list the documents that will confirm the information.


  • The order of the head determines the circle of employees entitled to receive corporate cards.
  • Liability agreements are concluded with the relevant employees.
  • Employees holding cards must be familiar with the procedure for using signature cards.

Return and issue of payment instruments is carried out in a special account book.

Reflection features

Accounting for the current account is maintained at the company on the account . 55. A sub-account 55.4 is opened for him.

If an account has a minimum balance, it is advisable to create sub-accounts of the second order: "Minimum balance" and "Payment limit."

If the organization has opened several accounts (for each card), then sub-account 55.4 is created for each of them. If several cards of different workers are issued for one payment card, which make payments within the general limit, the need for conducting analytical accounting in the context of holders is determined by the enterprise independently.

In cases where a corporate card is tied to a single settlement account, it is advisable to create a subaccount to the account. 51 or 52.

corporate card tied to a current account

Operations accounting

Rules for reflecting operations for convenience are presented in the table:




the confirmation



Transfer of the amount of the payment limit and the minimum balance (in rubles) from the account of the enterprise to the card account (ruble)

Payment order, bank statement.



Transfer of a payment limit and minimum balance in foreign currency from a foreign currency account to a corporate one.

Payment document, bank statement.



Receipt of credit funds to the card account on the date of one-time crediting, if the relevant agreement is concluded with the banking structure

Bank order, bank statement.



The receipt of credit funds to the card account on the day of payment by credit funds of the banking organization in the absence of the company's own money, if an overdraft agreement is signed with the bank

Bank statement, warrant.


51, 52

Payment of bank fees for processing, issuing, servicing a card

Bank statement, accounting statement.



Accrual of interest on a credit granted by a corporate card

Bank statement, accounting statement.



Transfer of funds to repay a loan or interest on a loan received in connection with the use of a card

Payment order (document), bank statement.

To reflect the replenishment of a corporate card in "1C ", the document "Write-off from the account " is used. It is located in the "Bank and cash desk" section.

corporate card in 1s


There are two options for reflecting operations: simplified and academic. Their features are shown in the tables.

Simplified way




the confirmation



Reflection of the amounts paid by the card for work, services, goods, as well as cash withdrawn from the card in the context of holders (accountable employees) as of the date indicated in the bank statement

Bank statement with decryption application for corporate cards.

10, 15, 25, 20, 26, 44, 40, etc.


Reflection of paid materials, work, services, in accordance with the advance report submitted by the employee with the application of supporting documents, as of the date the report was submitted.

Invoices, tickets, receipts, checks, originals of slips, ATM checks, etc.

Academic option




the confirmation

10, 20, 26, 44, etc.


Reflection of materials, works, services paid for by a corporate card, in accordance with a report with supporting documentation on the date of its provision

Tickets, checks, originals of slips, checks of terminals, etc.



Reflection of a transaction made on a card, but not recorded on a bank account

Accounting information.



Reflection of the amount of paid goods, work, services, cash withdrawn from the card, in the context of accountable persons on the day of their reflection on the bank statement

Bank statement with a breakdown on cards.

If the date of the report on the corporate card coincides with the day the transaction was reflected in the bank statement, the postings are made according to the first option.

Additionally, for both options, the amount of damage should be taken into account:




the confirmation



Reflection of the amount of material damage that arose as a result of the employee's failure to provide supporting documents or in connection with the use of the card for personal needs

Bank statement, accounting statement.

50, 70


Compensation of harm by an employee through the cash desk of the enterprise or deductible from earnings

Accounting certificate, receipt order.

Corporate Card Report: Example

The employee who received the funds for the report must provide a document that lists all the costs incurred. Supporting papers are attached to it. The relevant regulations are established in the Procedure approved by the Central Bank.

The order of the State Statistics Committee of 2001 approved the standard report form AO-1.

In the form, however, there are no lines in which corporate card transactions can be reflected. There are two ways to fix this situation:

  • Complete the standard form. As established in the Procedure, the organization has the right to add additional lines to the unified form.
  • Develop a form yourself. Unified forms from 01.01.2013 are not considered mandatory for enterprises. The corresponding provision follows from the Federal Law No. 402.

Consider an example. The employee was issued a corporate card of Sberbank , on which 50 thousand rubles are available. He was instructed to buy a multifunctional device, the cost of which is 110 thousand rubles. In accordance with the payment order, 65 thousand rubles were transferred to the card. After acquiring the device, the balance turned out to be 5,000 rubles.

corporate card report example

The accountant of the enterprise supplements the standard report form with several lines. First of all, graphs are provided to reflect the amounts of funds on the date of use of the card:

  • "Balance on the map." This line is filled in if the employee did not return the payment instrument.
  • "Issuance of card No. ...". This line contains information if the payment instrument was issued before the task.

According to the conditions of the example, the balance on the card is recognized as 0, since the employee was issued a card before executing the order. The line "Card issued" indicates its number and the amount available.

To reflect the replenishment of funds, the column "Payment order" has been added to the report. It indicates the date, document number.

The line "Total" should contain the amount of the balance on the issued card and the size of the additional transfer. Under the terms of the example, the total is 115 thousand rubles.

The back of the report should list the documents with which the employee confirms the expenses. The employee must indicate the date of expenses and the amount.

Cash withdrawal

When developing a report form, it is necessary to foresee a situation where the employee will not be able to pay for services or goods by bank transfer. Accordingly, the employee will have to cash out the required amount.

To reflect such operations, the following lines are added:

  • "Taken from the map."
  • "Cash spent."
  • "Added to the card through the terminal."
  • "Cash balance".

All operations with funds are reflected on the front of the report.

Receipt of the document

The accountable employee must submit a report to the accountant or company manager. After that, the document is checked, then approved by the director of the organization.

Goods, services purchased by an employee are accounted for. The employee receives a receipt on acceptance of the report - the lower part of the form. If it is not provided for in the form developed by the enterprise, the receipt is drawn up in any form.

current account accounting

Form Approval

According to general rules, the head must approve the form developed by the enterprise independently. Such an order is established in the Federal Law No. 402. The same requirement applies if the organization uses a unified form.

Typically, sample forms of primary documents are provided in the appendices to the order on approval of accounting policies.

Account opening

To create an account with corporate cards, the company will need first of all the documents necessary for opening a regular account. In addition, you must write a statement, the form of which is provided by the bank. It is written for each employee who holds the card. Also attached are documents by which the relevant employees are identified. This, in particular, about the passport, as well as documents confirming the employment relationship with the company (copy of the contract). The bank may request other securities, if necessary.


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