Kandahar is a city in southern Afghanistan. Sore point on the body of the planet

Kandahar is a city in southern Afghanistan, the second most populous in this state. He was and remains a troubled point on the map of Asia. What does Kandahar look like today? What sights can I see in the city? And do tourists come here?

Kandahar - a city in the middle of the desert

The city is located in the province of Afghanistan of the same name , at an altitude of about a kilometer above sea level. From all sides it is surrounded by a lifeless rocky desert. However, Kandahar arose within the oasis, so in the city and its surrounding areas you can see cypress trees, mulberry trees and other plants.

Kandahar is a city with an ancient history. So, 50 kilometers from it is a unique archaeological site - Mundigak. It is the remains of a village of the Eneolithic.

The climate of Kandahar is severe. In summer, the air here often warms up to +40 degrees, and in winter, temperatures drop to zero Celsius. There is very little atmospheric precipitation per year (no more than 200 millimeters). Most of them fall in the winter.

Kandahar: photos of the city and a brief history

Kandahar has a long history. The city was founded in the 4th century BC. Its first inhabitants were the ancestors of the present Pashtuns. In the first century, the city was described in his book by the ancient Greek wanderer Isidor Harakski.

Kandahar city

In the XVIII century, Kandahar managed to visit the capital of Afghanistan. It is here that the tomb of Ahmad Shah, the father of Afghan statehood, is located.

Until the beginning of this century, the city was under the control of the Taliban, and the largest al-Qaeda camp operated in its vicinity. In 2001, Kandahar was occupied by troops of the Northern Alliance - the united alliance for the salvation of Afghanistan. Today, the city is under the watchful eye of the military. Nevertheless, the Taliban, who consider all foreigners and non-Muslims to be their enemies, periodically carry out terrorist attacks and shooting in the city.

According to the population of Kandahar - the city is quite large. About half a million people live here.

Kandahar Airport

The main transport gate of the city is Kandahar International Airport. It was built in the mid-twentieth century as a refueling point for aircraft. During the Afghan war of the 80s there were fierce battles near the airfield, but its infrastructure was almost not affected.

In 2001, when Kandahar was occupied by the forces of the Northern Alliance, the Americans had their first military base in Afghanistan at the airport. In 2007, it began to be used for civilian passenger flights.

Kandahar Airport looks very colorful and unusual for a European tourist. So, here you will not see gangways, sleeves for passengers to board an airplane, parking lots with numerous taxi cars at the exit. The area around the airfield is guarded by a vigilant military.

Kandahar city of which country

Modern Kandahar: a walk around the city

Traveling around the city is better with a local guide, or by car. After all, a lone tourist in a clearly “alien” European robe can be an excellent target for terrorists.

Kandahar itself looks poorer and more desolate than other cities in Afghanistan. The city has a lot of military, police, roadblocks. Some driveways are completely blocked by concrete blocks with barbed wire. At the entrances to the city, the military carefully inspects many cars. In a word, everything in Kandahar recalls the turbulent situation in the region.

Tourists in Kandahar are better off in the spring. In June-July, as a rule, sultry heat is established here. There are hotels in the city. However, living in them is very expensive (at least $ 100 per room), and staff often do not know English.

Kandahar City Photos

Sights of Kandahar

Are there any objects in Kandahar that may interest a visiting tourist? Of course there is.

One of the main attractions of the city, founded by Alexander the Great, is the Harka-Sharif mosque. The building is guarded by the armed military, but the mosque itself is open only on Fridays. The building with one large dome is built in the Moorish style. An important Islamic shrine is stored in this mosque - a fragment of the Prophet’s cloak. However, non-Muslims are not allowed inside the mosque.

where is kandahar

The most famous place in the city is the Square of the Fallen Martyrs. It is decorated with a small but beautiful monument, built in the 40s. Near the square is the city bazaar - an unusually colorful place. On it you can buy absolutely everything. Local and delicious bread is sold here.

Another interesting attraction of Kandahar is the Shikhl Zina grotto, located in a high rock. A steep stone staircase leads to it. Having gone upstairs, a gorgeous panoramic view of the city and its immediate surroundings opens in front of the tourist.


Kandahar - the city of which country? Now you know the answer to this question. Where is the city of Kandahar? The village is located in southern Afghanistan and is the second most populous in the country.

Kandahar continues to be a hot spot on the map of Asia. Terrorist attacks and street shooting are not uncommon here. Despite the presence of interesting sights, the city is very rarely visited by tourists.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16249/

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