Ancient Kiev is the capital of Ancient Russia. Ancient Kiev: history and architecture

Ancient Russia became the cultural teacher of Europe. Her science, board style, etiquette and architecture were admired far beyond the borders of the state. No wonder the princes were held in high esteem, and each of the rulers had the honor of friendship and intermarry with them.

The ghostly founder of the city

All words are messages. The message that ancestors left for future generations. And the history of ancient Kiev is hidden in its name.

ancient kiev
The most famous legend about the foundation of the city is the story of three brave brothers: Kie, Schek, Horeb and their beautiful sister Lybid. According to legend, it was this family at the end of the 5th century that laid the first stones for the future city. In honor of the elder brother and named the settlement. But the opinion of scientists is divided by the veracity of this theory. The first consider that only Kiy was a real historical figure, and his brothers - the imagination of the people. The second cast doubt on the existence of even an older brother. In general, ancient Kiev is not the only city that three brothers built. Also, more than a hundred other ancient towns with a similar root are scattered in Europe. Therefore, researchers criticize this concept.

origin of name

Rejecting the myth of Kie, scientists found other explanations. So, in the Turkic language there is the word “kov”, which translates as “river bank”. “Kiwi” in Sarmatian dialect means mountains. There is a very distant version. According to it, the city took its name from Prakrit (Old Indian language), where the word "koyava" is translated as "place of the throne." Given that Kiev, the capital of ancient Russia, is located in a mountainous area on the banks of the Dnieper and has been the center of the political elite since its foundation, each of the explanations has a right to exist.

The most native is the Slavic interpretation. She leads the name of the city from the word "cue" - that is, a stick, a staff. Magi and princes owned this item, and each city in which these people were called Kiev was called. This explains dozens of namesake cities across Europe.

history of ancient kiev

Heart of Russia

In fact, Kievan Rus as a state did not exist. The term was coined by scientists in order not to get confused between Russia, which formed in the 9th century and the Moscow kingdom, which is five centuries older.

At that time, one of the largest states of medieval Europe, whose center was ancient Kiev, was simply called Russia. The territory was inhabited by Eastern Slavs, who subsequently gave rise to Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians. Trade has done a lot on the path to establishing statehood. The country arose on the transport route from Scandinavia along the Dnieper down through the Black Sea to Byzantium. This road is called "the path from the Varangians to the Greeks."

In the middle of the IX century, the Varangian Rurik was called to reign in Novgorod. This was done for a specific purpose. The foreigner had to put things in order. But there are no other reliable sources confirming the words from the "Tale of Bygone Years" (these events are mentioned in the annals). The representative of the new government came with his people, which was called Russ. It was from the Varangian that the word "Rus" came from.

First princes

In 862, those who arrived with Rurik Askold and Deer subjugated ancient Kiev. According to other sources, these men were descendants of the famous Kiy, who founded the city.

ancient Kiev photo
882 was a turning point in history. Prince Oleg came to Kiev. He was from the Rurikovich clan. After the death of the latter, he became regent with his son Igor and began to reign on Novgorod land. During his campaigns, he approached Kiev and found out who ruled there. Then he hid his army and summoned the rulers to him, calling himself a merchant. Askold and Dir led to the bait and were subsequently executed by Oleg's army. The regent of Igor noted that they are not of a princely kind, therefore they do not have the right to sit on the throne.

Since then, ancient Kiev has become the new capital, thereby combining the two centers of the Slavs. It is Prince Oleg that scientists consider the ancestor of Kievan Rus.

Pagan culture

Long before the advent of Christian rulers, the lands of Kiev were inhabited by pagans who had their own culture and architecture.

Eastern Slavs believed in the forces of nature, idolized them. The places of worship became energy points where strong mystical energies were felt. As a rule, these were hills. Our ancestors arranged temples on them. This was the first architecture of ancient Kiev. Usually in the center stood a figure of a wooden or stone idol. There was an altar to which believers offered gifts. Such temples were found on Annunciation Mountain, which was a holy place for the god of lightning Perun.

Kiev is the capital of ancient Russia
The ancient Slavs attached great importance to the mountains, although they lived mainly on the banks of the rivers. In the hills, they prayed and made sacrifices. Until now, places of worship have been preserved in Kiev. Usually this is a stone circle with protrusions on the four cardinal points. At the same time, the temples were political centers where important issues were resolved. The general geographical map of ancient Kiev reveals all places of worship of the Old Believers. Each mountain was the center of the ritual of sacrifice.

There are allegations that the Gentiles built temples several years before the adoption of Christianity.

The pearl of Christianity

With the advent of the princes, Christianity became popular. It was the basis of the architecture of Russia and gave a new direction in the development of spiritual construction.

Previously, religious objects were built of wood. The first stone center of worship was the Tithes Church, which glorified ancient Kiev. A photo reconstruction of this architectural masterpiece takes into account the description of the annals. You can get acquainted with it in the Historical Museum of Kiev.

map of ancient kiev
It was a miracle that impressed with its wealth and magnificence. It was built around 989 at the expense of taxes. The best craftsmen from Byzantium were brought for its construction. She was also lavishly decorated from the inside. The number of mosaics, frescoes and icons is still not taken to count. Feudal fragmentation was the beginning of its collapse.

Modern Kiev architecture

The history of ancient Kiev has been preserved in architecture to this day. The most striking example is St. Sophia Cathedral. The first stones were laid in 1037. Constantinople and Slavic architects worked on it. In the XVII-XVIII centuries, the cathedral was rebuilt in the style of Ukrainian Baroque. In 1934 it became a museum - Sofia Reserve.

Scientists are still arguing about who was the initiator of the idea of ​​building a temple - Vladimir or his son Yaroslav.

architecture of ancient kiev
The Golden Gate is another architectural monument of Russia, which pleases today. In addition to cultural meaning, the construction carried a protective purpose. The city was actively built and required defensive fortifications. The name comes from the analogue in Constantinople.

Architecture is a time machine that will show ancient Kiev. Photos of objects can be found in the article, but it is best to see everything with your own eyes.


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