What does the atmosphere of Pluto consist of? Atmosphere of Pluto: Composition

The atmosphere of Pluto is the most mysterious air shell of the Solar System. Firstly, because it is as if torn off the surface, separated by a vacuum. Some of its particles reach Charon. Secondly, its average density is several times higher than the density of the Earthโ€™s atmosphere. However, the gases of which it consists, alas, are unsuitable for humanity. But thirdly, the atmosphere of the planet Pluto is a variable phenomenon. Given its density and mass, it is able to evaporate in the so-called "summer" on the planet. If these and many other phenomena that occur on Pluto interest you, we suggest you plunge into its world.

Where to look for the ninth planet?

Pluto is the ninth object from the Sun, which is included in the category of dwarf planets SS. Literally in the last century, he occupied the place of honor of the planet farthest from our star. It was later discovered that the object is part of the Kuiper belt, and in its parameters is even slightly smaller than some other dwarf planets that are in this asteroid ring. The orbit of Pluto is the largest in our system, because the full revolution around the Sun here lasts 248 Earth years. In our era, astronomers have the opportunity to observe the Plutonian summer. This fact is also positive because the planet is as close to the Sun as possible, it is more clearly visible through telescopes. At this time, the atmosphere of Pluto is also excellently observed. Initially, its existence was proved hypothetically, but later it was possible to consider the air shell thanks to optics.

pluto atmosphere

Opening atmosphere

The planet Pluto itself was discovered recently - in 1930. It was recorded as the ninth full-fledged object of the SS and as if forgotten about it for a while. In the 80s, observations of the planet resumed. Most of the pictures were taken thanks to the Hubble telescope, which revealed to us the secrets of space. In 1985, the atmosphere of Pluto was first discovered. The composition of the air shell was established mathematically, since it was not possible to launch the shuttle to take air samples. In parallel with this, the surface of the planet was also studied. As it turned out, it consists of crystalline dry ice, consisting of hydrogen and water itself. Despite the fact that the planet is solid, like the Earth, it is its surface that evaporates and forms an air gap. Because the composition of these two components is identical, which greatly makes the work of astronomers easier.

pluto atmosphere composition

Component chemistry

Before proceeding to the study of the properties and interactions of various gases in space, we consider what the atmosphere of Pluto consists of. This is a rather thick shell, the width of which is 3,000 kilometers. Its base is nitrogen - it occupies 99% of the entire airspace. 0.9 percent is carbon monoxide, and the remainder is methane. All these gases hover around the planet because they evaporate from the ice covering its surface. Over time, the evaporation process increases in scale, due to which the atmosphere of Pluto grows. At the same time, its composition remains the same, but sublimation takes on a more global scale. This entails an increase in the temperature of the celestial body, as well as an increase in its gravitational field. Perhaps in the future, which cannot be compared with human life, Pluto will become an inhabited planet.

presence of pluto atmosphere

Pluto air shell in summer

We have already said that now, looking through a telescope at Pluto, we can see how the summer goes there. During this period, the planet approaches the Sun as much as possible and warms up great. It was at this moment that a gaseous atmosphere of Pluto was formed, which Earth researchers could see through telescopes. In the summer, due to the greenhouse effect that occurs when exposed to sunlight, evaporation occurs. Only here, surface ice does not transform into water, but immediately into gas, since there is no gravity on Pluto. This gas, consisting mainly of nitrogen, rises in a giant mono-cloud above the planet, even slightly tearing away from it and forming the so-called vacuum layer. Some molecules of nitrogen and methane are able to reach the surface of Charon. Thanks to this summer greenhouse effect, in fact, the presence of the atmosphere of Pluto was proved. Scientists have noticed that the planet does not have a clear outline, but is as if in the abyss of a large cloud. A closer examination established all the above facts.

atmosphere of the planet pluto

Winter in the kingdom of cold

If humanity had reached today's technological heights 200 years ago, it would be unrealistic to prove the presence of Plutoโ€™s atmosphere. At a time when the dwarf planet is moving away from the Sun, all the gases that soared above it in the summer return to the surface and become part of the glaciers from which they evaporated at the beginning of last season. In this case, Pluto looks completely โ€œnakedโ€, and its shape is clearly visible through a telescope, since it is not obscured by the air shell.

what is the atmosphere of pluto

Air temperature in various layers of the atmosphere

We are used to the fact that the air shell of the Earth cools as it moves away from the surface, and many believe that on all planets things are exactly the same. But this is not at all true, and the atmosphere of Pluto is a clear example of this. The surface of the planet itself is incredibly cold - 231 degrees below zero. This indicator is also characteristic of the lower atmosphere. As you move away from the eternal glaciers that cover Pluto, the temperature rises. In the upper atmosphere, we already encounter an indicator of โ€“173 degrees, which, in principle, is normal for a space environment. Moreover, there is a striking paradox. In the summer, when gases are separated from the planet, due to sublimation, its surface cools even more. This is the so-called anti-greenhouse effect. In winter, due to the fact that the gases disappear and direct sunlight falls on Pluto, the eternal glaciers heat up a bit.

what the atmosphere of pluto consists of

Sky of pluto

Due to the fact that the gravitational field of this dwarf planet is too small, it does not hold the atmosphere around it. Those gases that evaporate are removed from the surface, in no way protecting this planet from the effects of cosmic radiation and asteroids. But even if vapor mixtures of nitrogen and carbon monoxide could be delayed over the crust of Pluto, a person definitely could not live in such conditions. Due to the lack of hydrogen, as well as due to the extremely low density of space, the atmosphere of Pluto is maximally discharged. This means that a special layer cannot also form here, which will change the color of the sky depending on the time of day. Therefore, theoretically, being on Pluto, you will not distinguish day from night. A black sphere will constantly revolve in front of you, on which distant stars and passing planets will appear with bright flashes.


Today, astronomers are most interested in what kind of atmosphere Pluto actually has. Are their calculations and observations really accurate and how much do they agree with reality? In the near future it is planned to launch a satellite that can overcome the orbits of the gas giants, after which it will land on Pluto. In theory, the shuttle, which will be launched into the atmosphere of this dwarf planet, will reach the surface and will be able to take air and ice samples. After all, there are no destructive chemical elements for technology, like on Jupiter.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16275/

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