Red duck

The red duck or Ogary (Tadorna ferruginea) is a waterfowl from the family of ducks. Akin to pegans. The red duck is quite large, the wing length of males is 35.5-39.5 cm, the beak is less than five centimeters. The weight of the bird is from 1.2 to 1.5 kg. Females are slightly smaller. The color of plumage is orange-brown, white wings, fly feathers black.

The red duck swims well, however, in flight it looks somewhat hard. In summer, during nesting, a dark ring appears on the neck of males.

As a rule, red ducks live in small groups or pairs. In rare cases, form a large flock. However, during molting or during wintering, they can be collected in large groups on slow rivers or lakes.

The red duck in captivity, as a rule, is aggressive and uncommunicative. It is better to keep such birds in pairs or on a large area. Red ducks can be kept with other representatives of the duck family, but in any case, they can be aggressive during nesting.

Among Buddhists of Tibet and Mongolia, Ogarok is considered a sacred bird. In Slavic mythology, she was also revered.

As a rule, Red Ducks pair up for several years. Mating games take place in the spring. In this case, the female herself chooses the male. The mating dress of the female is characterized by the presence of almost white feathers on both sides of the head.

It should be noted that the seasonal color change of the plumage in both representatives of the species is almost not expressed. Only some details of the outfit of the males somewhat dim. Young growth looks similar to an adult female, while it looks more faded against her background.

Bird nests are very diverse. They dig holes in clay cliffs, in some cases more than four meters in length. In addition, ducks nest in fox, badger holes. Sometimes their nests were found in abandoned buildings, sheds.

In August, molting of adults begins, when the young growth reaches independence. Like other ducks, Ogarks have two molt: premarital and full.

Red ducks winter in Syria, Iraq, Arabia, South China, India. On the territory of Russia in the cold season they can be found in Turkmenistan, in Transcaucasia.

Red ducks feed on plant and animal feed. At the same time, when birds feed on insects, crustaceans, various small animals, the meat has an unpleasant odor. However, starting in the fall, when individuals switch to plant food (grain and green winter seedlings), the meat is of excellent quality.

Another motley representative is the Mandarin duck. It is distributed only in East Asia. In Russia, Mandarin ducks are found on Sakhalin, in the Amur Region, Primorye, and the Khabarovsk Territory. They winter in Japan and China.

Mandarin duck is a small bird. Her body weight is from four hundred to seven hundred grams. In the mating season, the male is very difficult to confuse with any other bird of the duck family.

The duck is distributed on forested mountain streams, with tree branches hanging in the water. It can be found in the riverine mountain forests. The bird swims quite well, while it sits on the water high, raising its tail somewhat. Mandarin duck rarely dives, only if wounded. The flight of the bird is maneuverable and fast; it takes off very easily, sometimes even almost straight up. Mandarin duck, unlike most other ducks, often sits on coastal cliffs or tree branches.

Hunting this bird is prohibited. Mandarin duck is listed in the Red Book. In parks, she is bred as a decorative one. A reduction in the population is facilitated by hunting. The fact is that this bird wears a different plumage in winter, and hunters often take it for a representative of a different species.

Mandarin duck feeds on aquatic plants, acorns, worms, fish caviar and shellfish.


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