The tablet does not dissolve in the dishwasher: finding the causes and their elimination

The dishwasher is able to facilitate the work of housewives, as it saves time and energy. But this device is able to fail. If the tablet does not dissolve in the dishwasher, then this may be due to several reasons. Troubleshooting is described in the article.


If the tablet does not dissolve in the dishwasher, the reasons may be as follows:

  • wrong bookmark in the device;
  • expired, solidified or wet tablets;
  • weak pressure of water;
  • clogged tablet compartment;
  • Use with packaging of insoluble packaging.
the tablet does not dissolve in the dishwasher

Before work, a check of 1 tablet is required, which is dissolved in a glass of water. It is necessary to check the correctness and the bookmark, the serviceability of the technique. If the specified parameters are normal, then a call to the wizard is required.

Other reasons

If the tablet does not dissolve in the dishwasher, the reason may be incompatibility with the technique. Detergents may not be suitable for the machine, if they are modern, and the device is old. In this case, the dishwashers cannot properly dissolve the product. It can remain in the cuvette.

finish quantum max

The tablet does not dissolve in the dishwasher if the equipment is used improperly. In some situations, users themselves set the wrong washing program. Carefully read the manual for the use of detergents. It is necessary to pawn funds correctly. It is important to choose the right pill.

When the tablet does not dissolve in the dishwasher, the cause may be a malfunction in the dosing system. The structure of the cell is complex. It consists of a compartment for tablets, gel, powder, rinse aid. The compartment includes a special valve. It is he who is able to fail if the dishes are placed incorrectly or there is a blockage. The tablet in this situation gets wet badly.


The machine may have some parts defective. Pills in this situation will not dissolve in it. This may be due to such reasons:

  1. TEN (low temperature). It should be at least 60 degrees.
  2. Inoperative temperature sensor. A tablet does not dissolve if it does not give the water heater a command - β€œheating”.
  3. Impeller is broken. When the appliance is working, the impeller rotates. If the dishes are not placed correctly, then the beam can be broken. Repair this part yourself will not work.
  4. Damage to the water heater. The part burns out due to the appearance of scale.
  5. Difficulties with the circulation pump. This part is necessary to provide the necessary pressure in the machine.

It is better not to replace broken parts yourself. It is advisable to contact the masters for help.

What else causes a malfunction?

The tablet does not dissolve due to the small amount of water. The flow filter is gradually clogged, and as a result, the device is not able to properly collect liquid. An error may not be issued, and the wash cycle continues.

eyelid dishwasher

Detergents include many items that are stored in a dry environment. When moisture gets on the tablet, its properties deteriorate. Brand products are often produced in a soluble shell. If it is stored in a humid environment, then the packaging is damaged. Using such tools is undesirable.

What to do?

For high-quality dissolution of the tablet, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. It is important to read the instructions for the device and determine exactly what means are suitable for it.
  2. You also need to read the instructions for the tablets. There is information from the manufacturer about the rules for laying the tablets in the cuvette of the machine.
  3. Regularly clean the device from scale and other contaminants. Particular attention must be paid to the cuvette: it is cleaned, rinsed, wiped and allowed to dry. Do not put the tablet in a cuvette that has not yet dried.
  4. It is important to clean the filter and make sure that water easily enters the device.
  5. Only use quality pills. You should not buy them if the packaging is damaged or the expiration date has expired. Also, do not take funds from an unverified manufacturer.
  6. The dishes must be placed correctly, and it is also important to choose the appropriate washing program.
how to load dishes in the dishwasher

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to perform high-quality washing dishes in the dishwasher.

Download Rules

How to load dishes in the dishwasher? First, remove the leftover food from the plates. The better this work is done, the less risk that the drainage system will be clogged. And if you rinse the dishes beforehand, then it will be washed better. The structure of the units of all firms is similar, but may have some features. If a dishwasher "Veko", "Bosch" or other popular brand is installed, then loading is performed according to the following rules.

First, glasses, mugs, cups are loaded. The top tray is usually highlighted for them. They must be installed upside down so that the water washed the inner surface, and then flowed down. Horizontal placement is not allowed, as water hardly gets inside. Wine glasses and glasses are fixed with the leg up on a special holder. Glasses should not touch.

After that, the plates are stacked. Depending on their size and purpose, they are placed on the upper and lower trays. Plates are laid with the inner side to the center so that they do not touch each other. The greater the clearance between the plates, the better they are washed.

washing dishes in the dishwasher

Then you can fold the cutlery. There is a special basket for them. Place the spoons and forks freely and preferably alternate them. If you fold the products tightly to each other, they will not be washed. Knives should be placed with the blades down.

Pans and pans are placed in the lower container. It is advisable to wash these dishes separately from containers made of glass, porcelain and crystal, choosing the intensive mode and high temperature. Frying pans and baking sheets are placed sideways, and pots upside down.

Here's how to load dishes in the dishwasher. Considering the above tips, the risk of breakage is reduced. The rules are suitable for the dishwasher "Veko", "Bosch" and equipment of other famous brands.

Filter cleaning

This part may differ in shape, size, method of attachment. In some devices, you only need to twist the part and pull it out of the hopper, and in the rest you need to unscrew the fixing screws. Usually they pull out the filter as follows:

  1. The tank door opens.
  2. The bottom basket is removed.
  3. An external filter is twisted and a fine mesh is obtained.

How to clean the filter in the dishwasher? The procedure is performed in the following ways:

  1. Mix dishwashing gel and cleaning powder. The mixture is applied with an old soft brush. After cleaning, wash the parts with running water.
  2. Eliminate fat will allow soda. It is mixed with small table salt. The product is applied with a sponge for dishes, and then washed off under the pressure of water from the tap.
  3. Citric acid or vinegar will help get rid of limescale. Details are soaked in their solution, and then washed with water.
the tablet does not dissolve in the dishwasher

Check the impeller of the pump, which is located behind the filter. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Water is scooped out of the tank where the pump is located. To do this, use a sponge.
  2. The damper is pulled to the side, and then towards itself. The cover retracts to the side.
  3. The impeller is checked for clearance, it is cleaned.

It is necessary to clean the interior of the hopper. This can be done with your hands, brush and detergent. You can start the machine idle using a special tool. To check the inlet filter mesh, shut off the water. The intake hose is disconnected from the machine, the net is taken out. A damaged filter must be replaced. The price of a plastic element is 3-4 thousand rubles.

Best pills

Now many types of tablets are on sale. Certain tools are suitable for each machine:

  1. Finish quantum max. The tool protects the glass from damage. Tablets are able to eliminate any contamination in different modes and at any water temperature. Finish quantum max rinses well and does not stain dishes.
  2. AlmaWin. Pills eliminate fresh impurities and old greasy stains. Dishes after using this product shine.
  3. BioMio Tablets clean dishes even at low water temperatures. They eliminate all types of pollution, make dishes shiny. Using tablets, glass does not lose strength. BioMio softens water, protects against limescale.


There are rules for using pills. One piece will be enough for 1 load, you can wash up to 12 sets of dishes. It is necessary to choose the right mode of operation. 3 in 1 tablets can be used only in long-term modes - more than 1 hour.

how to clean the filter in the dishwasher

It is necessary to store the tablets correctly. They should be placed in a dry place. If a detergent with a soluble coating is used, it must be taken with dry hands. Pills are a convenient solution. The main thing is to use them correctly.


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