PocketBook 630: reviews, review, instructions. PocketBook 630 Fashion: reviews

Well, the modern world is full of opportunities. Only here the abundance of gadgets sometimes makes you think about what is best to buy. This applies to everything - and computers, and phones, and televisions. And even e-books fall under this distribution. Today we will get acquainted with the PocketBook 630. This is a fairly popular e-book that won the hearts of many buyers. But why? What's so special about her? What features does the PocketBook 630 have? We have to find out about all this now. In addition, do not forget about studying the many reviews about our current model. They will help clarify the picture regarding the e-book to a greater extent.

pocketbook 630

Why do I need an e-book

But for starters, it's worth figuring out for what purpose a gadget is generally needed. Maybe it will be useless. Indeed, modern technologies often replace each other. In the case of e-books, only one thing can be said - this technique is easily replaced. But there are advantages in it.

The PocketBook 630 e-book is a device that you need to read books in electronic format. Usually with this device you can also listen to music and watch movies. But there is no Internet access in it. And, of course, calling / playing also fails. Therefore, many refuse electronic books in favor of tablets and smartphones. But, as practice has shown, often this particular option is perfect for schoolchildren. He will not allow distractions. And for students, as well as businessmen, such a device is very useful. Lightweight, practical and comfortable. You can always carry with you all the necessary literature and documents. Let's find out if it's worth paying attention to the PocketBook 630 Fashion.


The most important thing that you can only imagine in this technique is the screen. It is he who is responsible for most of the functions in the device. And for its quality as well. PocketBook 630 reviews are average in this regard. After all, this model is not the latest in the word technology. But she has a good screen for an e-book.

For example, the diagonal is 6 inches. Also, a fairly high screen resolution - 1024 by 758 pixels. For a tablet, this is not so much, but for a book - enough. The image on the screen is always clear, the glass is protected from scratches and damage. But there is one significant drawback for modern technology. The point is that the PocketBook 630, an overview of which is presented to our attention, is not color, but black and white. That is, you can’t watch a movie on such a device. Many buyers are repelled by non-color devices. They are considered outdated, outdated. Nevertheless, if you only need an electronic book and a device exclusively for documents and books, then the option we are considering is perfectly suitable for everyone. In addition, there is a backlight, but there is no auto-rotate the screen. Not critical, but sometimes not very convenient.

pocketbook 630 fashion


Well, device dimensions are also important. Especially when it comes to e-books. It is generally accepted that the smaller the size, the better. In principle, this is understandable - no one wants to carry an extra huge gadget with them. And PocketBook 630, an overview of which is presented to our attention, has far from the largest sizes.

For example, the length of the device is only 11 centimeters. And in width - 151 millimeters. The thickness of the e-book is 8 millimeters. But this is enough to comfortably use the device. The screen, as already mentioned, is quite large. In addition, it is touch. This means that with such an e-book, with its size, it will simply be handled. This is exactly what everyone needs.

In addition, such a device weighs not so much. So, wearing it will be a pleasure. The weight of the PocketBook 630 Fashion e-book is 155 grams. Approximately the same weight as a modern smartphone. So you can be sure that it is with this model that you will be comfortable and cozy.

pocketbook 630 review

Book formats

Any e-book supports certain book formats for reading. And many buyers are paying very much attention to this moment. After all, sometimes you can download this or that book, but it will not work to reproduce it. In such cases, you have to use converters. And this is not very convenient.

Fortunately, the PocketBook 630 e-book receives extremely positive reviews in this regard. After all, it allows you to play a huge number of different formats of books. Here you can find the familiar Doc, TXT and DJjVu. And more professional formats like RTF, MOBI, PDF, FB2. In addition, here you can read books that are downloaded as PalmDOC, as well as ACSM, PRC, TCR or ePub. So with this device, problems with reading should not arise. In any case, as many owners note, it was this gadget that helped eliminate the eternal impossibility of reproducing a particular format.

Read more

True, PocketBook 630 can "launch" and other extensions. Those that are not related to e-books initially. You can, for example, see some graphics or Internet data here.

pocketbook 630 manual

Unfortunately, everything is extremely limited here. For example, the following formats are available to the buyer as graphics: JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and also BMP. In principle, this is often enough. But sometimes such a small list can confuse the modern buyer. And all the same, the proposed formats are the most common. In addition, you can also open data like ZIP, HTML, RSS and CHM on PocketBook 630. This moment is already pleasing. Especially if you download entire archives of books directly from the Internet. In any case, you will have a great opportunity to purchase a multifunctional gadget that will open access to many formats. Not every manufacturer can boast of such a feature.

Additional functionality

But there are some incredible features of the PocketBook 630, reviews of which are encouraging and make you think about buying a device. It is worth considering immediately that such additions are present only in small amounts of analogues. So, our gadget has an unrivaled advantage.

For example, the PocketBook 630 has a so-called USB interface. Plus, you can also charge the device’s battery with the UESBi cable. Sometimes this is very helpful. For example, you can do without a charger - just connect the book to the computer.

In addition, the PocketBook 630 has Wi-Fi. If necessary, you can view some web pages with this type of connection. But do not rely on anything more. For example, 3G and 4G are not here. This means that there will be no “own” Internet here either. In principle, in most cases this is not necessary at all.

CPU and memory

For any technique, RAM and a processor are also important. You probably can’t imagine a modern phone, tablet or computer without these components. And e-books are also affected. Fortunately, the power for such a device does not need very much.

ebook pocketbook 630 reviews

In our case, the PocketBook 630 is equipped with a processor with a clock frequency of 1 GHz. This is normal for a book. But no more than that. RAM is not enough - 256 MB. However, for viewing books and photographs such a space is enough. Buyers claim that you should not be afraid of such low rates. PocketBook 630 e-book works very well. And she can handle the Internet, and with weighty documents too.

True, you should not hope that this model will quickly reproduce large pictures and graphic images. For example, if a photo weighs 20 MB, then it will be a long time to open. Nevertheless, this is not a reason to refuse such a high-quality and multifunctional e-book.


The free space that can be filled with your data is another extremely important point. The more it is, the better. This is especially true for those buyers who prefer to download books in graphic format. That is, individual photographs or images. Such documents weigh a lot. Initially, the PocketBook 630 Fashion reviews in terms of space were not the best. For example, because we were given only 4 GB of space. Not so much if you think about it.

But not everything is so sad. Indeed, this book has a special slot for a memory card. It allows you to connect a device with microSD format. And in addition you can get up to 128 GB. This is currently the maximum indicator that is present on smartphones, tablets, and e-books. So, regardless of the usual built-in memory, you can provide yourself with a lot of books. And all this for a small fee. After all , microSD memory cards are not very expensive. About 2,000 rubles for 128 GB. It is cheaper than looking for an e-book with a lot of free space in the system.

pocketbook 630 reviews

Price and quality

Well, the basic characteristics of today's device are already known to us. Now it’s worth analyzing what the overall quality of the electronic book is. After all, the PocketBook 630 manual is silent about some features of the model. For example, you have to constantly think how long the battery will last. The instructions say that the power is 1500 mAh. The average runtime of such a battery is approximately 1 day of continuous reading. As many buyers say, about 8,000 pages can be read immediately. But in practice it is clear that PocketBook 630 works longer. With active reading, the charge lasts for 4 days. And with simple but regular use - for a month. It is very pleasing. Convenient for work and study.

But does a long time of operation correspond to the quality of the device and its price? Definitely yes. After all, this e-book is distinguished by its long life and battery life. And it is not very expensive. You can find PocketBook 630 for about 10-11 thousand rubles. As practice shows, this indicator is not so high. Yes, if the electronic book were color, then its popularity would be several times higher. But even so she is quite good.

Is it worth it

And here is the eternal question that haunts all customers when choosing a device - is it worth buying. In general, in our case, a more positive answer can be given. After all, PocketBook 630 reviews are getting quite good. This e-book is suitable for work, for study, and for relaxation.

e-book pocketbook 630

In addition, it is also worth considering the fact that such a device is not able to distract the student with the possibility of surfing the Internet or an abundance of games, films and other "children's" joys. If you decide which is better - a book or tablet, then the first option is more suitable for a child or student.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16291/

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