Geyser coffee maker and French press: the history of creation, the basic principle of action, advantages and disadvantages

The geyser coffee maker was created quite a long time ago and is recognized throughout the world by those who are not indifferent to coffee. The first car of this type was invented by the French jeweler Jacques - Augustine Gande. This profession is characterized by a scrupulous and very filigree approach, attention to details, all these qualities he showed in the process of inventing such a coffee maker. In models of this type, the beverage is brewed by repeatedly passing hot water through a layer of ground coffee. A peculiar design feature was the invention of a new type of water supply to the brewing chamber under sufficiently high pressure. Due to this, the effect of spraying hot water over a layer of ground coffee was achieved.

Until today, the geyser coffee machine has been continuously improved and over time has reached a modern level. At the moment, manufacturers equip this device with a thermal control device, it allows you to control the operation of heating elements and protect them from excessive overheating. It is also necessary in order to prevent the operation of the apparatus in the absence of cold water in the tank. The main part that no geyser coffee machine can do without is a removable electric heater. It is needed for direct heating of water before it enters the geyser.

A geyser coffee maker requires knowledge of certain subtleties, following which will prevent damage to the device. In order to enjoy properly brewed coffee in such a device, you need to grind the coffee well and fill it with a mesh cylinder to a certain level. The amount of coffee to be poured in grams can be found by the marks marked on the receiving cylinder. A very important point - water should not reach the mesh cylinder, where coffee is poured.

Also, along with the geyser, various types of coffee makers are available on the market today. These types of devices are divided into filtration, espresso, and also devices of combined action, in which both the filter type of the coffee maker and the type of espresso are present. In addition, there is a device called the French press.

This type of coffee machine is a piston-action apparatus, which was developed by a French company in 1920. It is nothing more than a coffee pot, at the base of which there is a glass cylinder, heat-saving and rather heat-resistant, as well as a piston, in which the lower part is connected to a metal mesh filter . This filter fits snugly against the walls of the coffee pot; in turn, the upper part of the filter passes through the lid. Making coffee in this machine is quite simple, you need to pour ground powder into a coffee machine, pour water at the right temperature and insist for about five minutes. Then gently lower the piston down, thereby collecting coffee grounds to the bottom, and the drink itself remains on top. This model is ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, as boiling water for brewing can be cooked on a fire or on an alcohol lamp. With all this, this coffee machine is compact in size and weighs within 300 grams.

Moka Express is a type of geyser coffee maker, whose homeland was Italy. There are also similar types of devices that do not require electricity in their work. They are simply placed on a tile or on another heat source, and you can wait for the water to boil. Otherwise, the principle of operation is similar to the electric version.

According to the manufacturers, the coffee mug of the type described has acceptable thermal insulation properties. It is able to maintain a tolerable temperature for drinking coffee for one hour. Also, another undoubted plus is the low price, unlike electric coffee makers. Among the advantages can also be noted the unnecessary additional filters and other parts that require investment.

Today, almost all manufacturers of household appliances produce coffee makers of various types. But the most popular manufacturers of geyser coffee makers, for quite some time, remain Italian companies - GAT, Pedrini and Bialetti.


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