How to lull a person?

How to lull a person? The question, at first glance, is rather strange. It would seem, for what this might be needed. In fact, such a skill can be useful not only in medicine, but also in everyday life. Let's understand in more detail than you can put a person to sleep.

A bit of history

The healers of antiquity mastered medicine with timid steps. They tried to come up with a way to euthanize a person painlessly and at least for a short period of time. Indeed, even then, complex surgical operations were carried out, including amputation of limbs. Over the centuries, new versions have been born.

In Syria and Egypt, for example, a person was euthanized by squeezing his neck vessels. Most often, this method was used during the cutting operations. Of course, there were many frankly barbaric methods. Suppose a modern person might think that carrying out euthanasia by bloodletting, resulting in brain anemia, is simply unacceptable.

And finally, anesthesia was invented. If you do not know to whom this merit belongs, then you might think that someone from the cohort of surgeons did it. After all, it was they who were most often worried about the answer to the question of how to lull a person, by virtue of their kind of activity. However, the dentist was the first to use anesthesia. His name was Thomas Morton. He needed patients, but most were panicky afraid of the pain that such treatment usually brings. Therefore, their teeth were often old and damaged, which only complicated the situation. Thomas used diethyl ether and initially performed animal experiments. The next step was the extraction of teeth to fellow dentists. And after that, Thomas designed the apparatus for anesthesia, of course, very primitive. He conducted his first public operation in 1846. All who were present were astounded.

To the delight of all, in 1942 a balanced multicomponent endotracheal anesthesia appeared.

Non-medical cases

In everyday life, such a skill may also be needed. How to lull a person if he is drunk? Indeed, many in this state become violent and even inadequate. You don’t even need any medicine. In the Ancient East, there was an opinion that on the human body you can find points, when clicked on, he simply falls without feelings. There are several of them, for example, on the shoulders (a little closer to the neck) or the carotid artery (almost everyone knows where it is located). Be careful, each person is certainly individual, therefore, the effect can be obtained differently.

We all saw in the cinema how to euthanize a person with chloroform. A little liquid needs to be poured on a scarf, and then pressed it to the face of another.

If you do not go along a difficult path, then it is easier to buy sleeping pills in a pharmacy. Now there are a lot of tools that produce the described effect. When using sleeping pills, extreme caution must be exercised. There are drugs when taking which even the slightest deviation from the dosage indicated in the annotation is unacceptable. Pay attention to the fact that before in our country there were very common cases when people were euthanized by clonidine for the purpose of robbery. This remedy was most often mixed in alcoholic beverages. But such a mixture extremely negatively affects the human body. Therefore, never use clonidine to euthanize a person if he is intoxicated.

Understand that putting a person to sleep is not easy. Even for a period of several hours. What can we say about a long and complete immersion in sleep. With the help of hands and pressing on some points on the body, this is almost impossible to do. There are now various drugs and hypnosis techniques. But to call such methods reliable is difficult. Unfortunately, unambiguously, only one thing can be said: at the moment there is no completely painless way to instantly euthanize a person.


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