Abkhazia, Anakopia fortress (New Athos): description, history

Since ancient times, there were many defensive structures in the territory of Abkhazia. However, it is this fortress located in the city of New Athos that is considered the best-preserved historical monument.

The majestic Anakopia fortress, the coordinates of which is 43 ° 5'40 "N 40 ° 48'29" E, was built on top of Mount Iverskaya. Translated from the Abkhaz language, its name means "rugged." And the Greeks called the fortress Trachea, which translates as “stony stony”, so do not be surprised if you find the name Trachea-Anacopia in some tourist guides.

Abkhazia anakopia fortress

Anacopian fortress: history

This land has long been attacked by aggressive neighbors. For a long time Abkhazia was famous for military defenses. Anakopia fortress was intended to strengthen borders and protect against enemies. In the first centuries of our era, Transcaucasia, or rather its western part, was under the rule of the Romans. In the III-IV centuries, nomadic tribes of the Huns, Goths, and also the North Caucasian highlanders invaded Colchis.

The forces of the Romans, located here during this period, are used to control and subjugate the local population and protect the peripheral possessions of the East Roman (Byzantine) empire. Abazgi and manholes were supposed to guard the passes and passages from the north. This was in the interest of the local population.

new afon

To carry out such a defense, fortresses and other military-strategic structures were required. At the turn of the early Middle Ages and ancient times, several serious fortifications appeared on the territory of Colchis, among which Anacopia occupied a special place.

Anakopia fortress was built in the IV-V centuries, but, unfortunately, today we can no longer see the beautiful fortified city as it was in the distant past. Merciless time, bloody wars with fierce battles, of which there were many on the century of this building, did their job.

Description of Anakopia Fortress

For many neighboring peoples, Abkhazia was attractive. Anakopia fortress became a formidable defensive structure, occupying a rather large area - 70 thousand square meters. She had two defensive lines (main), as well as an external defense line.

The Anacopian Mountain became the site of the construction of the first line, which was a citadel 83 meters long and 37 meters wide. I must say that for the time of construction it was a very powerful structure. Anakopia fortress, whose height was more than five meters, and the wall thickness exceeded a meter, scared away many who wanted to capture these lands.

Anakopian fortress Abkhazia how to get

The main defensive function was assigned to the Roman Tower, from its top positions sea and land surroundings were perfectly visible. The power of the fortified city grew over time: in the 4th century it was already considered the largest city of Abazgiya, and already in the 7th century it became the residence of the Abkhaz rulers, the spiritual and political capital of the country.

Tower and walls

The tower, as well as the fortress walls of the second line, were supposedly built in the 7th century. The tower is made of brick, mortar and white stone. The builders used the technique of the Byzantines and the Romans, which consisted of alternating laying of bricks with white stone.

Anakopian fortress height

The two lower floors of the building date back to the 7th century, and the upper superstructures appeared much later - in the 11th-12th centuries. Seven towers were located every sixty meters and protruded slightly from the walls. During excavations in the area of ​​the second line, objects and objects of historical value were discovered. Among them are the remains of a hall-type temple, a furnace in which lime was burned, eleven burials made in accordance with Christian rites.


Anakopia fortress (New Athos) had the main gate, which was protected by a round tower. They were built of three limestone slabs, and they were located quite high above the ground. To get to the fortress, one had to use the attached wooden staircase.

Anakopian fortress history

Gate tower

This structure is remarkable in that its location and shape made it possible to fire at an enemy at an angle of almost 290 °. On the second floor there are five loopholes, which are arranged in special niches, and an arched entrance. The combat power of this tower was due to the fact that it reliably protected the approaches to the gate.

East tower

According to the researchers, in the early thirties of the XI century Tsarevich Dmitry and Tsarevna Alda took refuge in Anakopia, who surrendered the citadel to the Greek garrison. So, the fortified city of Anacopia and the surrounding land for a long time passed into the possession of the Byzantines.

It was at this time that an eastern tower appeared in the fortress. She served as the main command and observation post. She was the last line of defenders in the event of a fall of the fortress. The tower has no architectural refinements - everything is subordinated to its main functional purpose. It is built of limestone hewn blocks of rather large sizes, which are fastened with a lime-gravel-sand mortar. At the base, the wall thickness is two meters, at the highest point - 1.6 meters. An observation deck was created upstairs. Today, the eastern tower after reconstruction is open for tourists.


Many guests from the countries of the former USSR are attracted by Abkhazia. Anakopia fortress is included in almost all tourist routes. Pilgrims are attracted here by a well with life-giving Anacopian water. He is adjacent to the temple. It is believed that this capacity hollowed out in the rock is inexhaustible, and the water filling it is life-giving and healing.

The well is carved into the rock and faced with limestone. In ancient times, rainwater was collected from roofs, and today, water comes in due to the appearance of condensation on the cold walls of the “bathtub”.

Anakopian fortress coordinates

The aqueduct to this miracle well was built in ancient times by the builders of the fortress. He acted on the principle of communicating vessels. Presumably, such a water conduit could be carried out in a ditch dug on the slopes of the Iverskaya and Mount Athos. It passed through the valley located between them under a river, and was later disguised as land.

Temple of Theodore Tyrone

Many ancient places of worship are famous for Abkhazia. Anakopia fortress had its own temple, which was located on top of the Anakopia mountain. The temple was erected in the VI-VII centuries in the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary. From the 11th century chronicles that describe the battle with the Arabs at the walls of Anacopia in the thirties of the 8th century, it follows that the Anacopian icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary had a miraculous power that protected the inhabitants of the fortress.

anacopian mountain

There is an assumption that on the slopes of the mountain there was another temple, but it did not survive. In the XI century, the temple was rebuilt and consecrated in the name of Theodore Tyrone. This is confirmed by the epigraphic monument found in the fortress. Abkhazia (Anakopia fortress) still attracts historians. In our time, the remains of the temple buildings of the fortress of different times have not yet been fully studied, due to the lack of comprehensive large-scale architectural and archaeological research, written evidence. In this regard, there are numerous scientific disputes, however, all experts agree that the temple was rebuilt many times.

Scientists are sure that the last changes in the temple were carried out by the monks of the New Athos monastery. This happened at the beginning of the 20th century. He cleared the rubble of the southern aisle of the cathedral, as well as the adjacent premises (on the eastern side). Its purpose has not yet been clarified.

description of anakopia fortress

A small chapel was built inside the temple. In addition, minor changes were made to the layout of the surrounding area. Some sections of the walls were completed.


The facade of this early Christian building was decorated with only one slab, on which three crosses were depicted. It was located under the arch. Three crosses symbolized the Great Trinity. Some researchers believe that these are symbols of Christ, John the Baptist and Our Lady.


In 2008, the reconstruction of the fortress was completed. As a result, the watchtower was restored, an observation deck appeared on it. True, many tourists believe that after restoration work the tower began to resemble a remake. The slopes of the Apsara mountain and the hiking trail leading to the top were put in order.

How to get there

We hope that you are interested in Anakopia fortress (Abkhazia). How to get here? Pretty simple. Today, an asphalt road leads from New Athos to the fortress . A guide for travelers is a stop in the form of a huge shell, by the way, it is called the “Shell”.

Abkhazia anakopia fortress

Near it, turn towards the Iverskaya Mountain, and follow the asphalted serpentine road past the famous New Athos cave. Then you should turn onto Chanba street and continue driving uphill. Soon you will see the observation deck and car parking with a seating area. Here you can leave your car, buy tickets at the ticket office and join the tour group. A professional guide will accompany you on an excursion that will last an hour and a half.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G1630/

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