Learn how to weave chokers around the neck.

The name "choker", meaning "strangler", figurative. Once they called them all the necklaces worn by the Indians of North America. Later, when fashion migrated to the UK, this name passed to jewelry that fit tightly to the neck, and a generation of hippies came up with their chokers - tattoos. In the article, we will talk about how to weave chokers on the neck of this kind.

What are chokers?

how to weave chokers around the neck

Jewelry is made of fabrics, precious metals, pearl threads, beads and stones. Today, as in the hippie generation, tattoo chokers that weave from ordinary fishing line are fashionable. Since the material is thin, they resemble a tattoo, which attracts the attention of young people.

Chokers prefer to wear the most extraordinary personalities. Even the world famous Hollywood stars Angelina Jolie and Britney Spears loved this jewelry very much. Often teenagers are also interested in how to weave chokers around their necks. Today they are made not only from fishing line, but also from lace, spandex, ribbons. There are some simple mating rules. Therefore, many prefer not to buy specially lace, but learn on their own how to weave a choker. The photo below illustrates how this stylish decoration can turn out.

do-it-yourself choker

What clothes to wear a choker?

The tattoo-shaped jewelry looks great with jeans, leather clothes, T-shirts, bizarre hair and unusual makeup. No wonder it is called informal!

If the girl prefers sophisticated outfits, then lace options for chokers will suit her.

Male species

For extravagant men, such necklaces are also often made. No wonder it was men who began to wear them in ancient times in North America. Often even today you can meet a representative of the stronger sex with such an ornament (with fangs, bones and other similar attributes). But the choker is often made in the form of a simple leather cord.

Women's options

Girls often purchase or make a woven or openwork choker with their own hands. Leather and velor jewelry are reminiscent of Native American traditions, while wicker fishing lines are a demonstration of the hippie style.

21st century tattoo chokers differ in their workmanship - they learned to make them even out of wiring from headphones. Of course, the wiring should be the thinnest, otherwise it will turn out to be a cumbersome and rough drawing. In addition, women's jewelry is also made of beads, and the simplest and easiest to manufacture is the option of two threads. This is the base of the necklace. It can be worn either separately or supplemented with other patterns. Below we will look at one of the techniques how to weave chokers around the neck from fishing line and similar material.

In the 90s, it was popular to wear several jewelry at once, or female and male at the same time.

Complex weaving is often combined. For example, you can use spandex threads with metal chains or elements using beads. Such tattoo chokers were demonstrated at Versace shows. Then Donatella created a whole collection in the style of punk rock, where woven necklaces looked the most extraordinary way. At the heart of some of them were razor pendants, nails and spikes.

How to weave chokers around the neck?

how to weave a choker scheme

We proceed directly to the technique.

  1. After choosing the material, we cut a piece two and a half meters long, fold it in half and attach it with a clamp to a hard surface.
  2. The right end should be placed under the left and then returned under the same right thread.
  3. Having thus obtained a loop, it must be moved to the clamp.
  4. Further, on the contrary, they put the left thread under the right and return its end under the same left thread.
  5. So the steps are repeated sequentially with one or the other thread. Do not forget to move the resulting loop up.
  6. In the middle, you can insert a stylish decoration, for example, from beads or interesting pendants.

Besides how to weave a choker on the neck, many are wondering how to complete the weaving. After all, he must hold tight so that you can attach the clasp. Of course, some options can simply be worn over the head. But most often, the craftswomen still prefer to make a fastener.

Here is one way to do this. Excess pieces of fishing line (if this material was used) should be cut so that the ends can be glued together under the influence of high temperature. In this case, it is best to hold the tips with tweezers so as not to burn yourself. At the end, you need to pass the line into the formed loop and set it on fire as well. Then the do-it-yourself choker will hold tight. The tips can be painted over in the same color as the beads, if used, or come up with an interesting design. This jewelry can be complemented in the same way by a woven ring and bracelet.

For clarity, see how to weave a choker. The circuit is apparently affordable and very simple.

how to weave a choker photo


So, with your own hands you can create a beautiful and stylish decoration. Of course, at a party or official event, you canโ€™t put it on. But in everyday situations, the decoration will be handy. Therefore, when there is a free minute, you can learn how to weave a choker on your neck, and make a jewelry yourself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16306/

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