The principle of operation of the infrared heater. Infrared heaters: characteristics

An infrared heater for the home emits infrared rays like the sun. It is so called due to the fact that most of the heat that comes from our luminary is in this spectral range. The principle of operation of the infrared heater is quite simple, and the difficulties lie in practical methods for implementing this device. It is worth considering what devices of this type exist today, and along the way tell how they work.

The principle of operation of the infrared heater

Tube equipment

The principle of operation of the infrared lamp heater is close to how the sun itself works. This subcontract presents a lot of devices, including halogen ones. Their essence is as follows: in a medium of inert gas a nichrome spiral is placed , which is wound around a heat-resistant core, for example, a ceramic one. The effect of the passing current leads to the effect described in the Joule-Lenz law. The whole point is that the total amount of heat depends on such factors as the resistance of the material, the voltage at the ends of the spiral, the duration of the current.

Nichrome, which is characterized by solid resistance, is intended to enhance the effect. The spiral is red-hot gradually, which leads to the onset of active radiation in the infrared range. The glow is provided when the temperature reaches at least 500 degrees Celsius. Often the spiral heats up to higher rates. Inert gas provides radiation without much loss, after which it reaches the glass bulb of the heater lamp. For this part, quartz sand is used as a material, which perfectly transmits the waves of the working range. That is why an infrared heater for the home is characterized by minimal energy losses, often even zero.

Infrared heater for home

Heat distribution

Then the radiation is indoors. It is worth noting that most of the heater lamps are symmetrical about their axis. This makes it possible to obtain radiation uniform in power in all directions. To correct this drawback, an infrared lamp is placed in the focus of a special reflector with a mirror surface. For these purposes, stainless steel is usually used. Ideally, this should be silver, which is applied to the back of a solid quality glass. But it will be too fragile and expensive option, because of which it would be difficult to produce relatively cheap infrared heaters for the home.

In addition to everything described, in its very center there is a dead zone, which is blocked by the lamp itself. But this trifle does not in any way reduce all the available advantages of infrared heaters, and the efficiency of the device is quite high.

Alternative developments

Lamps would work well if there was a vacuum inside, however, this technical solution has a couple of drawbacks. The product will be brittle, as it will be affected by atmospheric pressure. Glass walls will need to be made thicker, and this will not only reduce the efficiency of the device, but also increase its cost. The spiral begins to evaporate in a vacuum. Atoms in such conditions will leave the red-hot spiral, because of which it quickly becomes worthless. Such stray particles may well settle on glass, which again affects the efficiency of the device. A mirror surface will form on the transparent shell, which is completely unnecessary in this case. Inert gases and special additives not only slow down these processes, but also help atoms return to their places.

Infrared heaters Peony


That is why the infrared heater lamp is filled with special inert gases. Perhaps this slightly reduces the efficiency, but for halogens the transmission spectrum is chosen so that the useful radiation is delayed to a minimum. In this case, we can still talk about a negligible gas layer inside the lamp in comparison with the atmosphere.

Thus, a real sun was obtained, not heating the air, giving off heat to the bodies located under it. For the bedroom, you can recommend a device such as an infrared ceiling heater. Reviews about him say that the emphasis on the flow of power is best directed to the legs of a lying person, then the heat will be distributed evenly, creating the most comfortable conditions.

Ceiling infrared heater reviews

Models for country gatherings

There are not only infrared electric heaters, but also gas ones. They can be light and dark. The division into such categories depends on whether a fire or a hot ceramic grid is visible to the observer of the device. You can consider the device is a fairly simple device, oriented to use in restaurants or in the country. Since gas combustion occurs inside, it is clear that there must be a path for the movement of the substance inside. At the foot there is a gas cylinder, hidden from human eyes with a special base of a rather massive size. A firebox equipped with a ceramic heat-resistant grill is placed just above the steel intake path. Combustion products exit through a kind of chimney, slightly rising above the appliance.

Types of gas heaters

The device is about 1.8 meters in height, and the design itself is presented in two varieties: a fungus and a fireplace. The first type is like a beach umbrella. In its wide base there is a gas cylinder, and in the leg there is a pipe supplying gas to the top. The hearth is located under the hat itself, where the process of burning the flame takes place. The conical shape of the umbrella is chosen for a reason. This is a kind of reflector for infrared radiation. It reflects all the energy in a circle, heating everyone who is nearby. It is such infrared heaters that are suitable for gatherings in the fresh air. The characteristics of these devices allow you to spend time outdoors in cool weather with proper comfort.

The second type is actually a fireplace, which in the firebox contains a vertically placed heat-resistant ceramic grate exposed to the flame. When it is red-hot, it begins to give light and heat in large quantities. To focus the flow, the fireplace has a limited portal. Heating takes place only for the sector by about 30 degrees. This option is very good for organizing a romantic evening together.

The first type supplies heat all around, however, subject to a slight distance from it (i.e., do not leave the limits of the reflector in order to warm up). But sitting directly at the foot is also useless.

Electric infrared heaters

Gas heater: how is it arranged?

Such an infrared heater for the home can be built-in or mobile. In the first case, we are talking about a device in the form of a wall fireplace. The supply of blue fuel is carried out using a special yellow tube entering through the wall from the street. Nearby, another one is similarly mounted, which is used for air intake and exhaust of combustion products. Its diameter is slightly larger. The output and input flows pass along the same path, but they are separated by a steel wall.

If we are talking about a mobile device, then it is mounted in a hollow steel case, while the cylinder occupies the main part inside. The front part is equipped with a gas heated grill. She radiates light through the portal. Gas emission occurs right here, therefore, such devices are highly not recommended for use in residential premises. For a garage, an open flame also poses a considerable danger.

How does a gas appliance function?

You can consider the principle of operation of an infrared heater that runs on gas. If we are talking about the stationary version, then it is placed on the wall, and the gas and coaxial pipes are drawn through the wall and are located behind the device. The flames here look yellow and alive, encircling a heat-resistant ceramic grill. The portal is protected by refractory glass, so there is no question of an open flame. The intake of air is carried out from the outside, there is also the emission of exhaust gases. Such devices are quite good household infrared heaters, from which you can get not only the desired heat, but also give the home comfort and coziness due to the presence of such an interior item.

Household infrared heaters

Film models

Now we know that strong stable infrared radiation can be obtained only if the body is heated to a temperature of 500 degrees Celsius. And a person with a temperature of 36.6, it turns out, also emits infrared waves with a length of 9 microns. To enhance this minuscule effect, special film devices are now being created for rooms, operating at a temperature of 45 degrees Celsius. This technology is revolutionary, while ensuring complete fire safety. So we got an infrared ceiling heater.

Reviews of such devices speak in favor of their extreme efficiency with absolute safety. The Armstrong system looks like an ordinary polyurethane foam tile, which contains foil inside. An electric current is passed through it. A special insulation, located on top, ensures that the heat directs from the device directly down. The principle of operation of the infrared heater in this case is as follows: after the start of heating, the tile material gets its share, and when there is nowhere to go energy, it goes down, directly to the floor. The result is a sun with an area of ​​the entire ceiling. This type of device is not at all dangerous.

Pros of infrared heaters

The first and main advantage of such devices is the instantaneous heating of the room. Electric infrared heaters are able to warm a large house in just 30 minutes. This is quite an important point, especially for regions with a cold climate. In large buildings this becomes especially significant. It is for this reason that infrared heaters, the characteristics of which indicate their focus on large areas, are especially popular in production when equipping work shops.

The absolute safety of operation of such a device is another of its advantages. Even if it falls, the fire will not start. Therefore, household infrared heaters can be used in wooden houses. This device does not burn oxygen, which is another obvious advantage. Even with its continued operation, there will be no impression that it has become stuffy. Infrared heaters "Peony" do not create during operation extraneous noise characteristic of windmills.

When using such devices, you can correct the state of health. Scientists have proven the benefits of such radiation to humans. The waves emitted by infrared heaters "Peony", recognized as "rays of life", since this type of radiation inhibits the growth of cancer cells, normalizes the production of insulin in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Infrared heaters specifications


The main disadvantage of using such devices is that they can negatively affect ancient paintings placed with them in the same room. In particular, it was noticed that the Bilyuks infrared heaters dry the canvas of the picture. However, this can be fixed: it is necessary to stop the humidifier near the device. This combination will normalize the humidity in the room.

Some people think that a household infrared heater, which is mostly positive for users, consumes a lot of energy. This is relevant only for large areas. In other cases, their consumption is comparable to oil devices. The infrared ceiling heater is very convenient, reviews of which testify to its convenience, ease of use and exceptional benefit to humans.


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