How to fill out a cash flow statement: example of filling, filling procedure, rules, instructions

One of the accounting standards that is annually submitted to statistics is a cash flow statement. This document reflects data on the availability of money and their equivalents, sources of their occurrence and directions of use. Let's consider in more detail how to fill out a cash flow statement.


This report reflects payments and receipts to the accounts of cash and cash equivalents. The latter are highly liquid financial investments that can be easily converted into cash, but whose value may slightly change. All organizations that conduct accounting must submit a statement of cash flows. The sample filled out by the accountant must be submitted before the end of the first quarter of the following year after the reporting one.

how to fill out a cash flow statement

Let us consider in more detail which articles are not included in the document:

  • amounts for exchange transactions;
  • cash equivalents invested;
  • currency operations;
  • receiving money from the bank, transfers of funds between accounts that do not change the total amount of assets.

When filling out the report, all flows are distributed by current, financial and investment activities. In the first case, the financial result from ordinary activities is reflected, in the second - associated with the acquisition of non-current assets. Payments that change the structure of capital and borrowings relate to financial activities. Next, instructions will be presented on filling out the cash flow statement, which describes in detail what amounts to enter on each line.

Collapsed Key Figures

The standard form does not provide line numbering. If the document is handed over to statistics, then the codes must be entered independently, based on the Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 66. In other cases, you do not need to number the articles.

Some cash flows are shown minimized. For example, if they characterize the activities of counterparties more than the firm itself. Such operations include:

  • agent cash flows related to payment of commission services;
  • VAT and excise taxes;
  • revenue from the counterparty related to the reimbursement of utility bills on lease.

When reflecting the folded VAT, it is necessary to indicate the difference between the amounts received from counterparties and those transferred as part of payments. These numbers may appear line by line:

  • 4119 if the VAT transferred to suppliers and to the budget is less than received from buyers and from the budget;
  • 4129, if the VAT transferred to suppliers and to the budget is greater than that received from buyers and from the budget.


  • The report does not reflect the entire list of cash flows. One and the same operation can be assigned to several categories. In this case, the single payment must be divided into separate transactions.
  • The report is filled in thousand or million rubles.
  • If funds are received in foreign currency, then the amount transferred in Russian rubles at the exchange rate on the date of receipt of payment is entered in the report. If the number of homogeneous operations, the price of which is expressed in the currency of another state, is large, then you can use the average rate.
  • Be sure to reflect the cash equivalents of assets that change the price and can be sold at any time.

cash flow statement instruction


First of all, information about the organization is entered in the report: company name, TIN, type of activity. Next, the balances are deposited in the accounts and at the cash desk at the beginning of the period. All flows are divided into three groups (current, investment, financial operations), each of which is additionally divided into income and expenses. How to fill out a cash flow statement? Opposite each article are two columns. In the first (“3”) amounts are entered for the reporting period, and in the second (“4”) - for the previous one.

Operating activities

The main source of funds of the organization is the money of buyers and suppliers. Therefore, the line (page) 4111 reflects the amount of revenue and advances received, net of VAT and excise taxes. This information can be obtained from the turnover on DT accounts of accounting for the most liquid assets (from 50 to 58) and KT62 (76).

Amounts of received lease, license and other commission payments minus VAT are reflected on page 4112. If the organization's usual activity is property rental, these amounts should be included in revenue. On page 4113 income from the resale of financial investments is indicated, and other income is reflected in a separate article (4119). This article, in particular, includes:

  • repayment of loans issued to employees;
  • the return of previously unspent reporting amounts;
  • financial result of foreign exchange transactions;
  • interest on debt investments.

The total amount of receipts is recorded on page 4110. This is how the first part of the accounting standard is prepared for the statement of cash flows.

The procedure for filling out expense items is similar. First, the amount paid to suppliers of raw materials is indicated (4121). The data are taken from the balance sheet, specifically the amounts indicated for the turnover of KT50 (51, 52) and DT60 (76). The transfer of money to counterparties is reflected through account 91/2, and cash is spent by accountable persons. Further, the report indicates the amount of paid salary (4122). These data are taken from the postings DT70 KT51. To reflect the amount of interest on liabilities, a separate page 4123 is allocated.

The amount of income tax paid is indicated in the same page p. 4124. The sum of all other taxes, except indirect taxes, social security contributions is reflected on page 4129. The following is the total amount of cash expenses (4120) and the financial result from current activities (4100). Here's how to fill out a cash flow statement on accounts from the balance sheet.

how to fill out a cash flow statement using the direct method

Investment activity: income

In the process, the organization can buy and sell non-current assets. The movement of money in such operations should be recorded in the statement of cash flows. A completed sample form will be presented below.

The second section of the report shows the amount of dividends received (p. 4214), income from the sale of shares in other enterprises (p. 4212), and financial investments. Information is taken from the turnover for DT50 (52, 58) and KT 76 regarding dividends received. To determine the actual volume of financial investments, it is necessary to select the amounts that were posted on the “Interest on bills” subaccount from the specified transactions. Also, the report contains information on the repayment of loans issued (p. 4213), which is taken from the DT50 KT58 turnover. Separately allocated is the sum of other (p. 4119) and total revenues (p. 4210).

Investment activity: expenses

A separate amount is allocated for the purchase of debt securities, loans (p. 4223), financial investments (p. 4222), interest paid to holders of shares and bonds (p. 4224), other payments (p. 4229). Next, a line is highlighted to display the amount of expenses. Information on the basis of which data are entered into these articles is taken from the turnover in DT58.

Here's how to fill out a cash flow statement in the second section.

fill out a cash flow statement

Financial activities: income

Information on cash flows related to changes in the capital structure is recorded in the third section of the accounting standard “Statement of cash flows”. The filling procedure is similar to that presented earlier. First, the amounts received by the enterprise in debt (4311) are indicated. Information is taken from revolutions according to 66 (67) 50 (51). The amount of the loan issued by the bill of exchange is indicated separately (4314), as well as the contributions of owners for the reporting period (4312, 4313), other transactions (4319) and the total amount of receipts (4310).

Financial activities: expenses

Information on cash flows aimed at buying promissory notes, debt securities, loan repayments is reflected in page 4323. Data is taken from the turnover for DT66 (67) and KT50 (51). The amount of paid dividends (4322), other expenses (4329) is separately reflected.


On page 4400 the total balance is displayed, which is obtained when adding the sums on pages 4100, 4200 and 4300. A negative value is entered in parentheses. Additionally indicated:

  • The balance of funds at the beginning (4450) and the end (4500) of the reporting year.
  • Monetary expression of the influence of the exchange rate to the ruble (4490).

This is how a cash flow statement of an enterprise is drawn up. The completed form must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service along with annual reporting. This rule applies to all organizations that conduct accounting, with the exception of non-profit structures. Small enterprises, the results of which can be understood without a report, may not provide information.

How to fill out a cash flow statement using the direct method?

As of 01.01, the LLC has cash balances at the cash desk (3,000 rubles) and in a bank account (60,000 rubles). You need to issue a cash flow statement. The filling rules are described above.

On the line “Balance at the beginning of the year” the amount is entered: 3 + 60 = 63 thousand rubles.

For the current period, the organization received 1.77 million rubles. in the form of payment from buyers and another 472 thousand rubles. in the form of advances. These data are taken from the postings DT50 KT62 and DT50 KT62. The report on the line “Sales revenue” (p. 4111) shows the amounts without VAT: 1770–270 + 472–72 = 1.9 million rubles.

In the current period, the organization received state aid in the amount of 70 thousand rubles. The funds were used to purchase the raw materials necessary for the manufacture of products. In the balance sheet, these operations are confirmed by postings:

DT51 KT86 - received funds from the budget.

DT86 KT98 - deferred expenses are taken into account.

Since state aid increases SK, these amounts are reflected in the second section of the report in “other income” (p. 4119).

During the year, the company transferred 944 thousand rubles to suppliers. Data is taken from the DT60 KT51 wiring. This amount, net of VAT, is reflected on page 4121. In addition, 150 thousand rubles were issued from the cash desk for the payment of employee salaries. Data is taken from the DT70 KT50 wiring. This amount is recorded on page 4122.

For the year, the organization’s employees were provided with financial assistance in the amount of 210 thousand rubles. Data is taken from the DT73 KT50 wiring. This payment relates to current activities and is displayed in “other payments”.

cash flow statement sample completed

The employee returned unused accountable funds to the cashier in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. In the same period, a penalty was received from suppliers for violation of the terms of the contract for the sale of products in the amount of 210 thousand rubles. These operations are recorded in the balance postings: DT50 KT71 (76). The amount of the fine and accountability is 220 thousand rubles. are reflected in “other income”. Here's how to fill out a cash flow statement regarding transactions from operating activities.

During the year, the organization sold the machine and the building. Proceeds from the transaction amounted to 1.18 million rubles. The Central Bank of another organization was also sold at a cost of 40 thousand rubles. These operations are recorded in the balance sheet by posting DT51 KT60 (76) for a total amount of 1.22 million rubles. These transactions are reflected in the report on p. 4211 (for the amount of realized fixed assets excluding VAT) and 4222.

For the current period, LLC was returned 80 thousand rubles. in the form of a loan. Data is taken from the DT51 KT58 wiring. This amount is reflected on page 4213.

The company spent 885 thousand rubles on the acquisition of OS. Data is taken from the DT60 KT51 wiring. Other organizations received loans in the amount of 60 thousand rubles. Data is taken from the wiring DT58 KT51. These two operations are entered on lines 4221 and 4223.

During the reporting period, the organization received a short-term loan of 12 thousand rubles. (DT51 CT66). This amount is reflected on page 4223. The company also returned a loan taken from the bank in the amount of 320 thousand rubles. The figures are taken from the revolutions of the DT66 KT51. This operation is reflected on page 4323.

Cash Flow Statement: Rules for Filling Budget Payments

Cash flows related to VAT need to be shown minimized. The total tax amount is calculated for all transactions, but shown in the context of the current transaction. The amount of taxes and fees transferred to the budget amounted to 360 thousand rubles: NPP - 130 thousand rubles, VAT - 210 thousand rubles, other taxes - 20 thousand rubles. All transferred amounts are reflected in the balance by posting 68 51. These amounts are recorded in the report in pages 4124 (240 thousand rubles) and 4129 (20 thousand rubles).

How to fill out a cash flow statement: an example of filling out the summary lines

The total amount of cash flows from investment transactions (4200) is calculated by subtracting from the sum of all funds received and the amount spent. Previously, the figures must be “cleared” of VAT:

1000 + 40 + 80 –700–60 = 1120–760 = 360 thousand rubles.

There was no VAT movement on financial transactions. Therefore, the resulting stream, which is recorded in p. 4219, amounted to:

270 + 72–144–200 + 180–135 = 43 thousand rubles.

The balance of financial transactions is:

12 + 70–320 = –238 thousand rubles. This amount is reported in parentheses.

The difference between all revenues and expenses (843 + 310–238 = 915 thousand rubles) is reflected in the article “Total balance for the reporting period”. The balance of funds at the end of the year is separately indicated. He is:

63 + 915 = 978 thousand rubles.

Here's how to fill out a cash flow statement. An example of filling is presented in the photo below.

how to fill out a statement of cash flows on accounts

How to allocate VAT?

All income and expenses of funds must be “cleared” of tax before filling out the report. This process is difficult for accountants. Not all VAT accounts are reflected separately. In order not to make errors in the calculations, you need:

  • allocate annual amounts of revolutions according to DT62 (60) KT51;
  • multiply the resulting figure by 18/118, thus highlighting the VAT;
  • the remaining amount will be "cleared" of tax.

This method of calculation is suitable only for counterparties who sell goods subject to an 18% rate. What about products for which a 10% rate is provided, and one that is not subject to VAT at all? In such cases, you need to separate the flows for operations with different rates:

VAT balance = VAT received + Amounts received from the budget - VAT transferred - VAT paid.

The calculated difference will be the “pure” cash flow from a specific type of activity:

  • A positive amount is recorded on page 4119;
  • A negative amount is shown in parentheses on page 4129.

Not all accountants adhere to this algorithm. If VAT flows are not separated in the report, this should be indicated in the explanatory note.

How to reflect salary?

In page 4122 all payments related to labor remuneration are indicated. The question is whether it is necessary to include in this line, besides salaries, vacation pay and bonuses, also personal income tax and insurance premiums? Some experts believe that in this article it is necessary to specify only the turnover for DT70 KT50 (51), and the amounts of the transferred personal income tax, fees and other taxes should be reflected on page 4129. With this separation, you can understand who the funds are sent to: employees or the budget. Others believe that on page 4122 you need to show all payments related to payroll. Then it will be possible to determine how much the organization costs the “maintenance” of employees. Both options have a right to exist. It is only necessary to indicate in the explanatory note the selected method of reflecting information.

how to fill out a cash flow statement example


In order to correctly fill out the form, you need to determine for which transactions the profit was received, which is the source of income tax in the reporting year, and enter the data depending on the results obtained. The most common source of revenue was income from ordinary activities. Therefore, the tax amount is reflected on page 4124.

Cash equivalents

How to fill out a cash flow statement regarding highly liquid financial investments? To begin with, we will figure out which assets belong to this category. Cash equivalents are bank bills, demand deposits and other assets that can easily be converted into cash, but are subject to the risk of price changes. Such values ​​are reflected in the balance sheet on page 1250. The same amount should be transferred to the report.

An organization may have assets on its balance sheet whose price is expressed in the currency of another state. In this case, how to fill out a cash flow statement? An example of entering data on transactions in foreign currency.

The principle of reporting is similar to filling in the balance sheet. Currency values ​​are reflected in the form No. 1 at the exchange rate of rubles at the date of transaction. When depositing the balances of dollars and euros in the accounts at the beginning of the year (p. 4450) and at the end (p. 4500) of the year, the rate for December 31 must be indicated. The difference that happened after the recounts should be summarized in page 4490. If the organization does not have cash equivalents and letters of credit in foreign currency, then the calculations are carried out using the following formula:

Page 4490 = Annual revolutions according to DT50 (52) KT91-1 - Annual revolutions KT50 (52) DT91-2.

You can verify the correctness of the calculations by the following formula:

Page 4500 = . 4450 – . 4400 – . 4490.


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