How much money can I put on a Sberbank card? Sberbank cards: types, terms of use and cost of service

In the article, we will consider how much money can be put on a Sberbank card.

Plastic cards are convenient tools for cashless payments, and at the same time for accepting any payments. But in the process of using it is necessary to know how much money can be put on a Sberbank card.


It should be noted that this directly depends on the type, as well as on the class of the card:

  • For gold, platinum or premium - up to three hundred thousand rubles.
  • On the classical (standard) - two hundred thousand.
  • And on Electron, Maestro or Momentum - up to one hundred thousand rubles.
    credit card

Card replenishment by wire transfer

Not everyone knows how much you can put on a debit card of Sberbank. But you can not only transfer cash to plastic, but also transfer non-cash funds. In the event that the transfer of own funds is carried out from another Sberbank card, then the limit directly depends on the method of financial manipulation:

  • Directly in the department, this is done without any restrictions.
  • In the Internet bank or in the Sberbank Online mobile application, as a rule, up to five hundred thousand rubles.
  • Through SMS-commands to the number 900, up to eight thousand are transferred to one recipient and not more than ten transactions per day.

Card2Card transfers from other banks limit their limits only. Having information about how much rubles can be put on a Sberbank card, you can transfer funds using bank transfers at the bank details.

how to transfer money to a sberbank card without commission

Types of Debit Plastics

The leader in the plastic card market is Sberbank. Today, this largest player offers about forty types of payment instruments for all occasions. Plastic from Sberbank is debit, credit and affiliate. Debit cards are classic, premium, gold, platinum, youth, social, plastic instant issuance, with individual design and so on.

Types of credit and affiliate cards

Credit payment instruments are divided in turn into the classic type, youth and gold, as well as there are instant issuance cards. As for partner plastics, they are as follows: a card called “Give Life” and “Aeroflot”.

service cost

Terms of use and cost of servicing debit payment instruments from Sberbank

Standard debit plastic has the following characteristics:

  • The total cost of maintenance is seven hundred fifty thousand rubles per year.
  • As part of the salary programs, it is possible to issue additional cards.
  • The right to participate in promotions along with the privilege of receiving various discounts, and at the same time, offers from Sberbank partners.
  • The ability to withdraw funds in subsidiary financial institutions abroad on the same conditions as in Russia.

Terms of use and cost of servicing credit cards

Standard credit plastic has the most optimal range of different features, for example:

  • The cost of servicing Sberbank cards is from zero to seven hundred and fifty rubles a year.
  • Credit limits are granted up to six hundred thousand rubles.
  • Used currency: only rubles.
  • Interest rates on loans range from 25% to 33% per annum.
  • The grace period is fifty days.
    how much money can I put on a sberbank card

Sberbank Gold Credit Card - Terms of Use

This plastic is distinguished by the presence of a whole range of additional privileged options and conditions, for example:

  • The cost of maintenance is three thousand rubles a year.
  • The currency used is rubles along with dollars and euros.
  • Taking part in promotions in combination with the option of receiving various bonus discounts, and at the same time offers from partners.
  • Availability of the possibility of issuing additional cards, including for a child from the age of seven.
  • Providing withdrawals at subsidiaries located abroad on the same terms as in Russia.

Thus, there are various types of cards. The choice of plastic for each client is determined by special parameters (we are talking about the timing of production, service tariffs, conditions for issuing, the presence of certain privileges). Plastic cards must be selected based on personal preferences, and at the same time financial capabilities, as well as based on social status. In any case, today Sberbank offers about forty types of different payment instruments, even the most demanding client can choose the products they like.

cost of servicing Sberbank cards

Transfers without commission - is it real?

How much money can be put on a Sberbank card is known. Let’s figure out whether it will be possible to save on commissions.

The transfers of money to the card of this financial institution at no extra charge include:

  • Transfer of funds through an ATM. This institution has a wide network of various terminals supporting the option not only of cash withdrawal, but also of depositing them into card accounts. All that is required from the client is to insert plastic into the receiver of the device and, having selected the necessary option, deposit financial funds. Money will be in the account in just a few minutes.
  • Transfer from card to card through the use of Internet banking.

How to transfer money to a Sberbank card without a commission, it is important to find out in advance.

Such a manipulation implies a non-cash transfer of money between the cards of one holder and the plastic of third parties. In this case, the user must perform a number of the following actions:

  • Log in to your account by entering a login with a password.
  • In the “Operations” tab, select an account with the card number from which funds will be transferred.
  • Indicate the plastic for which finance is expected.
  • Confirmation of action.

Using this method, you can very easily, and at the same time, conveniently transfer from one card to another without leaving your apartment or office.

how much rubles can I put on a Sberbank card

How can I transfer money if there is no computer at hand and the nearest terminal is far away?

In such cases, the use of the mobile bank application helps to solve the problem. Sberbank has developed the program in such a way that it makes it possible to transfer funds to plastic without indicating a number. A feature called “Phone Transfer” is available to users. It is notable for its simplicity, which is why it is considered among the clients most in demand. All that is required is to send the SMS to number 900.

At the same time, the word “transfer” is written in the text, indicating the recipient's phone number with the amount. After a couple of seconds, the funds received by the citizen who owns the specified number receive funds. It is worth emphasizing that the bank does not charge a commission for conducting this operation. True, the customer still has to pay the cost of SMS, according to the tariffs of the operator used.

how much can I put on a debit card of a sberbank

It is possible to deposit funds to the Sberbank card through the bank’s offices. Such a transfer is carried out with the help of an employee of the organization. To do this, you need to contact the nearest branch, providing a passport with the card number on which you need to make money.

Thus, we examined how much money can be put on a Sberbank card. This is a fairly large financial institution, which has managed to develop several ways for customers to replenish their cards. For certain types of transfers, the organization will charge an additional fee, and for some of them there is none.


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