Tunisia in June: weather, sea, entertainment reviews

Tunisia has been attracting tourists from Russia for many years, being a competitor to Turkey and Egypt, which are a bit boring. Different categories of travelers flock to this North African country. History buffs can visit the ruins of Carthage, personally see the ancient amphitheater, the Capitol and many Byzantine churches. Connoisseurs of natural beauty can ride through Tunisia from north to south, enjoying the harsh desert scenery and green slopes of the wild Atlas Mountains.

Ecotourism lovers can visit atmospheric oriental bazaars, dyes, hookahs. And those who carefully monitor their appearance will surely enjoy Tunisian thalassotherapy sessions. It is no secret that most tourists travel to this country across the sea and beaches. And they do not disappoint travelers. Is it only possible to go to Tunisia at the very beginning of summer? Will it allow me to swim and sunbathe there? We have prepared a report for you based on 2018 reviews on the weather in Tunisia in June. The sea - the temperature and state of the water element - will also be in the focus of our attention.

Tunisia in early June - weather, sea, reviews

A brief excursion into geography

To understand what climatic situation awaits the traveler in June in Tunisia, you should at least briefly familiarize yourself with where it is located. In the west, the state borders on land with Algeria, but the eastern borders of the country are exclusively maritime. The coastline stretching from north to south also determined that weather conditions in different resorts of Tunisia could be different from each other. Later we will return to this issue and do an in-depth analysis of weather conditions by region.

As for the Mediterranean Sea, which washes the coast of Tunisia, it is very deep, so it slowly heats up. But you can swim in it, if you believe the reviews about the weather in Tunisia in June. The sea can still keep the memory of winter storms, but they become short-lived (a day or two). Water element completely calms down by the end of the month. As for the climate of Tunisia as a whole, it should be borne in mind that it is the northernmost state on the African continent. The summer here is hot, but odd to the hell that prevails, for example, in Egypt. A breeze blowing from the northwest softens the heat.

Tunisia reviews in early June: weather, sea and temperature

Tourists unanimously claim that the first month of summer in this country is still considered off-season. The weather at the beginning of June differs from that which begins on the 15th, when the beach season opens. At the same time, school holidays begin in Tunisia. So the beaches of this North African state begin to overflow at the end of June, and at the beginning of the month a tourist can count on a fairly comfortable and relaxed vacation.

In addition, before the opening of the season, prices for tours to Tunisia are lower. Although the tour bureaus and entertainment venues are already working to the fullest. The sea is often stormy, its temperature reaches + 19-20 degrees in the north and + 21-23 gr. on South. But the air is already warming up to comfortable + 28 gr. Many tourists say that they were even forced to leave the beach closer to noon, because the sun was very hot. But there is still no sticky July heat, which makes long excursions possible.

Tunisia in June: weather, sea, reviews 2018

Tunisia at the end of June: weather, sea and precipitation reviews

If at the beginning of the month 3 rainy days are still possible in Hammamet, three - in Sousse and two - on the island of Djerba, then in the second half their probability is close to zero. A clear sky will accompany you all your vacation - tourists assure. But the heat will be felt stronger. And here not only our luminary is to blame, which on June 21 passes the summer solstice. In the second half of June, the winds completely calm down, bringing coolness from the northern sea expanses.

But, on the other hand, such weather brings calm. The calm sea warms up faster. And those who arrived in the second decade of June can enjoy long swims (or prolonged floundering) in the water. Sea temperature depends on the region, but even on the north coast it is not less than + 21 degrees. However, in the afternoon hours the heat becomes depressing. Few beach people withstand a stay at sea for the whole day. Most people sit out from 11:30 to 16:00 in air-conditioned rooms. But you can walk until late. The nights in Tunisia in the second half of June become very warm.

Tunisia in June - reviews

North coast. Tabarca and Bizerta

In the resorts of northern Tunisia in June, the weather and sea in the reviews are described as normal for those who do not like the heat and are not afraid of invigorating water. In Tabarka and Bizerta, several cloudy, and even rainy, days can still happen. But this is only in the first half of the month. The closer to July, the higher the thermometer rises. Storm quite frequent guests on the north coast in winter. By June, they will subside, but there may still be unrest for 3-5 points.

Tourists claim that the main difference between the northern resorts from the south are very cool nights. It is worth taking a warm sweater or jacket with you on vacation, since the thermometer column drops to + 16 degrees. But during the day, the temperature stably jumps at noon to + 28 gr. The maximum heat recorded for all years of observation was 43 degrees. But the sea off the coast of Iabarka and Bizerta is cool. Throughout June, its temperature is 21-22 g. After storms, the sea can become 1-2 degrees colder due to the raising of the bottom layers of water to the surface.

Northeast coast. Tunisia city and resort of Hammamet

The capital of the state has a more continental climate, so it is surprisingly hot there already in early June. Reviews about the weather and the sea in Tunisia (city) are rather controversial. Many tourists claim that the thermometer here reaches + 30 degrees in the shade during the day. But for the whole month there is only 10 millimeters of rainfall, while in Hammamet there can be three or four rainy days in June.

In this seaside resort, refreshing winds blow, so at the beginning of the month, daily temperature readings are + 22 degrees on average and only + 25 - at noon. In the second half of June, summer is fully included in its rights. The thermometer column jumps during the day to +28.7 degrees, and at night it does not fall below + 18 g. The sea temperature throughout the month keeps around the mark of + 22 gr.

Tunis (Hammamet) in June - reviews

East Tunisia. Enfida, Sousse, Monastir

This coast is closed continental from the cool westerly winds blowing from the Atlantic. Therefore, the climatic picture in the eastern part of the country is completely different than in the north. Even in the morning and in the evening the thermometer does not fall below the mark of + 26-27 gr. And at noon there is thirty-degree heat, so many vacationers leave the beach. If you believe the reviews about the weather in Tunisia in June, the sea off the coast of Sousse, Enfida and Monastir warms up to + 22g at the beginning of the month and up to + 24 towards its end. The probability of precipitation tends to zero.

But in the first decade of June, one or two cloudy days are still possible. The heat is felt stronger because there is no refreshing wind. Nevertheless, tourists consider June to be an appropriate time for excursions. This month is also suitable for beach lovers. After all, the sea off the eastern coast of the country is mostly calm.

Weather in Tunisia in June - reviews

Southeast Tunisia. Mahdia, Shebba, Sfax

Resorts are located in the north of Gabes Bay. According to the temperature indicators of air, the climate in this part of the country differs little from that which we described in Monastir and Enfid. But tourists in reviews of the sea in Tunisia in June argue that swimming on the southeast coast will not cause any discomfort. Even at the beginning of the month the water here is + 23.8 degrees. And by the end of June it warms up to + 26 C.

The advantage of a holiday in Mahdia, Shebba and Sfax is also that you can walk for long periods in the evenings. Night air temperatures range from + 18 C at the beginning of June and +24 C at the end. In the last decade of the month, intense heat is possible. Extreme in this regard was 2018. Then, on the southeast coast of Tunisia, the heat reached a mark of 41 degrees in the shade. If you plan to make excursions, it is better to come to the resorts of this region in the first half of the month.

The south coast of the mainland. Gabes, Zarzis

In this region, it will be good for those who want to thoroughly calcify their bones on snow-white beaches. Zarzis, the extreme southern resort of Tunisia on the border with Libya, responds especially to these aspirations for a hot summer. This resort positions itself as a place of quiet family vacation. But in June, especially at the end of the month, temperature indicators are not quite suitable for small children from the northern countries. Parents need to be prepared for the fact that the child will adapt for a long time to the heat. The continental climate determines the heat of the day without the slightest breeze.

The column of the thermometer at noon confidently passes the mark above + 30 degrees. And in the evening hours the temperatures are quite high. At night you can sleep with the window open. Tourists claim that the temperature does not fall below +24 C. But the sea is especially happy for tourists in the south of Tunisia. In reviews of the weather in June in this part of the country, tourists claim that the water surface is absolutely calm, and the temperature does not drop below + 23 degrees. By the end of the month, the sea warms up to + 25 degrees.

Tunis Sea in June - reviews

Djerba Island

The resort Medun is very popular among Russians. It is located on the eastern tip of the island of Djerba (Tunisia). Reviews about the weather and the sea in June in this region are the most enthusiastic. Despite the fact that the island is located in the south of the country, the heat that prevails in continental resorts (in Gabes and Zarzis) is less felt. After all, Djerba is surrounded on all sides by the cool Mediterranean Sea, which softens the heat. Therefore, the average daily temperature in June on the island is only + 27 degrees.

Jerba is characterized by a rapid increase in these indicators over the course of a month. So, in early June, summer has not yet fully taken over. In the afternoon in the first days of the month only + 22 gr. But in the last decade of June, the heat can reach + 33 in the shade. But even then the heat will be felt less due to the fresh sea breeze. The water temperature can not but rejoice: + 23 at the beginning of the month and + 26.5 gr. in the end. Tourists claim that excitement is still possible, but a 3–4 point storm does not scare anyone away.

Tunisia (Djerba) in June: weather, sea, reviews

Holidays in Tunisia in the first month of summer

Let's summarize. What is it - rest in Tunisia in June? You can read a lot of conflicting information in the reviews. Someone liked the trip, and someone was disappointed. But everyone has their own concept of comfortable rest. The idea of ​​“hot” - “cold” is also subjective. Summarizing all the above, we can say the following.

If you are set for a rich excursion program, then you should go to the north of the country in June. There prevail temperatures that allow long walk outdoors. But in the north of the country you can not forget about sunscreen, panama and sunglasses. But southern Tunisia is more attractive for those who plan to spend the whole vacation on the beaches.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16334/

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