Color spectrum: what segments is it divided into and how do we see it?

Isaac Newton, a world famous physicist, once conducted one interesting experiment: he installed a trihedral prism in the path of an ordinary sunbeam, as a result of which it was decomposed into 6 primary colors. It is worth noting that the scientist was initially able to distinguish only 5 segments from them, but after that he decided that he would divide this ray as much as seven so that the number was equal to the number of notes. However, after this color spectrum was folded into a circle, it turned out that one of the shades needed to be removed, and the victim became blue. So until now, from a scientific point of view, in nature there are only 6 basic tones, but each of us knows, even with the example of a rainbow, that among them one can see the seventh.

We analyze the spectrum in parts

To understand what the color spectrum is, let's try to divide it into two parts. The first will contain primary colors, the second, respectively, secondary. In the first group we will assign such tones as red, yellow and blue. They are basic and, when properly combined with each other, form all the others. Among them, in turn, are called orange, purple and green. The first can be obtained by mixing red with yellow, the second - red with blue, and the third - yellow with blue. Against the background of all that, it becomes clear why the color spectrum left a blue tone. You can get it simply by mixing blue with white, which already makes it a non-basic tone.

color gamut

More complex spectrum

Modern scientists in the color spectrum distinguish not 6, but 12 segments. Among them there are not only primary and secondary tones, but also tart ones, which fill the space of the circle between the first two categories. This third group includes red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet and red-violet. Such an extension tells us that the color spectrum is a whole scope for various combinations that can form incredible shades. For example, blue-green in a certain consistency with white gives the most fashionable shade of the season - turquoise. And red-violet also in combination with white paint forms lilac, mysterious and mysterious.

what is the color spectrum

Original tones

Surely you know that all of the above colors are chromatic, that is, having a bright shade, fill. Along with them there are achromatic tones, which consist of white, black and all shades of gray, from very light to extremely dark. Thanks to them, the modern color spectrum is becoming much wider, and not even 12 shades are already filling it, but much more. The original depicts a circle consisting of 12 segments. Each of them contains 8 more, or even more shades, which become lighter and lighter as they approach the center. This effect is achieved by mixing the original color with white. In the example that was given above, we indicated that even the tertiary tone of the spectrum can be diluted with white and thereby changed beyond recognition.

color spectrum it's

The effect of color on our lives

In order not to go into the banal demagogy that tells us about the supposedly hidden influences of one color or another on the behavior and psyche of a person, we only briefly note that warm tones seem closer to us, and cold ones, as if pressed into something, are removed from the view. Thanks to this effect, you can manipulate the visual effects in the room, create profitable advertising and carry out various other operations. It is also important to note that the color spectrum may not only tend to white (as described above), but also to dark. Similarly, any segment of the circle, both primary and tertiary, we can dilute with black or any shade of gray, as a result of which they will become either more saturated and even brighter or darker. This fact is also important to consider when creating various projects both in the interior and in other areas of life.

color spectrum visible to humans

What do we humans see?

It is generally believed that the color spectrum visible to humans is all the basic, primary colors - red, blue and yellow, as well as the multiple variations that are formed from them. Thus, this is a circle of tones, which does not consist of 12 * 8 segments, but much more. Our eye is able to recognize shades of different luminosity, moreover, their characteristics in our understanding change depending on many external factors. As for a purely scientific point of view, the red wave has the longest length. Therefore, yellow, ocher, orange and, accordingly, all shades of red we see best. As you approach violet, all colors gradually lose their wavelength.


In fact, the color spectrum is a mystery to nature. We humans see it only partially. Even based on experiments conducted on many birds, one can be sure that they see much more shades of the usual colors for us, while their picture in front of our eyes is more colorful than ours.


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