What is the "apostle" in Christianity and not only

The New Testament often refers to the word "apostle" in different variations. This term is usually found in the biography of Jesus Christ. What is an apostle, the definition of the meaning of this term you will learn from the article.

First christians

The followers of Christian doctrine knew perfectly well what an apostle in ancient Rome was. The definition of this word is difficult to understand if you do not know the history of early Christianity. The ideas of the Christian world were completely new among adherents of the traditional religions of the time. The inhabitants of the Roman Empire lived in three parts of the world - in Europe, Asia and northern Africa, communicated in different languages, had a different upbringing and worldview. The followers of the new religion were not easy. In order to spread the Christian teaching, it was necessary to constantly travel, communicate with new people, spread the new teaching about God and possess the great gift of persuasion. The first people who dedicated themselves to this activity called themselves apostles.

what is the apostle in ancient rome definition

Explanation of the term

The fact that such an apostle can be found in the translation of this term from the Greek language. The ancient word goes back to αΌ€Ο€ΟŒΟƒΟ„ΞΏΞ»ΞΏΟ‚, which means "ambassador," or "messenger." The first apostles explained that they were messengers of a new teaching and a new faith. They carried the news of the Son of God and the sacrifice he made in the name of the people. According to legend, Jesus Christ himself introduced this word into circulation. So he called his closest students and followers.

what is the apostle in ancient rome

First apostles

The Christian church gives a clear definition of what an apostle is. In the New Testament, this is the name of those who knew Christ firsthand, helped him, and followed his teachings. At first, the twelve people closest to him who shared the new doctrine were considered apostles. After the betrayal of Judah, the ranks of the apostles were replenished with two more faithful followers of the new doctrine. So the disciples and the most zealous followers of Christianity became thirteen. There is a separate book of the New Testament, which tells about the activities of the apostles after the death of Christ and his resurrection from the dead. They committed many glorious deeds, spread new ideas, but due to the persecution of the authorities, almost all died a martyrdom.

Christianity and Rome

The Roman Empire at first was extremely negative about the new faith. Adherents of Christianity learned from their bitter experience what an apostle in ancient Rome is. Christianity was persecuted, and the followers of the new teaching were severely persecuted. They were forced to hide in the catacombs, in a whisper, furtively transmit the message of the Savior. No wonder the symbol of the first Christians was fish - as a sign of mystery and silence.

what is the apostle definition

Despite the oppression, the new doctrine continued to expand and attract more and more adherents to its ranks. Soon the apostles recruited another 70 believers. This event is described in a separate book of the New Testament, called the Acts of the Apostles. All converts were disciples of Christ and preached a new faith.

The history of the word "apostle"

After some time, the state authorities of Rome realized the inappropriateness of the struggle against the new religion. Christianity receives state support and becomes an official faith. What is an apostle, what does this person do, and what place does he occupy in Christianity? They already know in the western and eastern parts of the Roman Empire. One of the most important books of Christianity is called the Apostle.
Gradually, the word becomes very popular and in some areas becomes a name or even a surname. Among the Eastern Slavs, the surname Apostle is quite common. The apostle is a famous dynasty of Ukrainian Cossacks, who gave the country several hetmans. In Russia there was a noble family of the Muravyev-Apostles, known for its participation in the Decembrist movement. In Bulgaria and Serbia, this is a fairly common surname. In Greece, there is such a name.

In Russian speech, this word can also be used in a figurative meaning. Earlier, the question "What is an apostle?" lawyers could answer that this is an appeal. Literary scholars - that was the name of the first printed book in Russian, published in the middle of the 17th century.

what is the apostle book
Currently, the word denotes a staunch supporter of an idea.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16341/

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