How many years have they been giving a credit card? What documents are needed to get a credit card?

Making credit cards is popular in banks, as customers appreciated the convenience of the product. But not everyone has access to a means of payment with a grace period, because the bank has certain requirements for the borrower. Not all customers know how many years they give a credit card and what information is needed to receive it. The conditions and tariffs for credit cards in banks differ, but there are common points.

Who can become a credit card holder?

To draw up a means of payment, the bank must be sure of the client. Therefore, the lender has certain requirements for borrowers:

  • Citizenship. Credit cards, as a rule, are not issued to emigrants and foreigners.
  • The presence of constant earnings. Not all companies require confirmation, for example, at Tinkoff it is not necessary to present certificates to get a credit card. But in the questionnaire, the client must indicate what is his permanent income. The bank can verify this information.
  • Registration on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is enough to have a permanent residence in any of the regions where the lender's office is located. If the borrower has a temporary registration, a credit card can be issued at its address.
  • Good credit history. There are cases when credit cards were received by customers with arrears. But in 9 out of 10 applications to unreliable borrowers, the bank refused to issue a credit card.

Documents for a credit card

The list of requirements may vary by bank.

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What documents are needed to get a credit card?

  1. Passport of the Russian Federation. The main document, without it, no bank will consider a credit card application. An analogy may be a military ID for contract employees.
  2. Help 2-PIT. To convince the bank of regular stable income, a certificate of income certified by a seal and signature is required. It should be remembered that the duration of the document is limited.
  3. Copy of work book. Sometimes it replaces the income statement, but it may also be required in the aggregate. If you have a copy, the original book should be taken with you. The loan manager must verify the copy of the document for authenticity.
  4. SNILS. The “green plastic card” serves as an additional document to identify the borrower.

It is not necessary to take all documents at once. It is recommended to clarify what requirements the bank makes for certificates before issuing a credit card. This is easiest to do on the official website of a credit institution.

Credit card: how old can I get it?

The presence of all required documents is not a guarantee of receiving a card. The borrower must comply with other requirements of the bank. For example, to know how many years they give a credit card to match age. Contrary to the opinion of most borrowers, only a few lenders approve credit cards to citizens under 21 years of age.

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An exception is the leading online bank Tinkoff in Russia. The lender willingly issues credit cards to citizens aged 18 years and older. It is believed that Tinkoff is one of the most “loyal” banks in terms of requirements for borrowers. According to reviews, even customers without constant earnings and with delays could order a credit card. Borrowers under 21 years of age who know how many years Tinkoff has been giving a credit card can try to apply online.

But in most banks, chances to become a credit card holder are only after 21 years. To find out where it is best to apply for a credit card, it is recommended to analyze the conditions of the leading credit card issuers: Sberbank, Tinkoff and Alfa Bank.

Tinkoff Bank Terms: Features

Compared with other popular credit card issuers in Russia, almost everyone can receive a payment instrument with a bank limit at Tinkoff. The lender does not impose strict requirements on customers and issues credit cards from the age of 18.

Limits for borrowers are limited: you can get a card without information only in the amount of up to 300 thousand rubles. The exact size of the credit limit will be known only after consideration of the application by bank managers. The client must indicate in the application how much credit on the card he needs.

credit cards from 18 years old

With sufficient solvency, the requirements of the borrower will be satisfied. If the borrower's income is not enough to calculate the limit, he will receive a credit card with the maximum possible financial conditions for him.

Card delivery "Tinkoff"

All applications for Tinkoff credit cards are accepted online. Delivery is carried out by the courier of the bank within 1-7 days from the date of ordering the card. At Tinkoff, credit cards from the age of 18 are issued in any region of the Russian Federation, since the bank does not have branches. You can get a credit card in the office, at home and in any place convenient for the client.

credit card from what age

Interest rates of Tinkoff Bank are competitive: the bank offers credit cards from 12% per annum. But such a favorable percentage is not approved by everyone. The average interest rate on Tinkoff credit cards is 19.9-22.9% per annum. The card accrues cashback in partner stores up to 30%.

Sberbank credit cards for payroll clients: how to get, features

Sberbank credit cards are deservedly popular among the population: customers can receive a card with an approved limit for free in any branch. The conditions are relevant for holders of salary cards who do not have a valid Sberbank credit card in their hands.

Since how many years has a credit card been issued at Sberbank for free? Participants of a salary project can become the owner of a credit card from the age of 21 years. In order to check if a client has a card with a pre-approved bank limit, you need to contact any Sberbank branch with a passport. The operation of issuing a credit card, if approved, takes no more than 15 minutes.

how many years tinkoff gives a credit card

Sberbank customers have advantages over other borrowers: credit card limits for them have been increased to 600 thousand rubles. The interest rate for using borrowed funds is lower, it is 23.9% per annum.

Standard conditions for obtaining Sberbank cards

If the client does not receive wages in the account or card of Sberbank, a credit card is also available to him, but on other conditions. The cost of a classic Sberbank credit card will be 750 rubles per year, and a “golden” credit card will cost the owner 3 thousand rubles.

The age of receiving a Sberbank credit card for those who are not members of the payroll project does not change. The limits on Sberbank cards are similar to the conditions at Tinkoff: getting a credit card with borrowed funds is available for up to 300 thousand rubles.

Knowing how many years they have been giving a credit card at Sberbank, it must be borne in mind that the requirements for documents for other borrowers are more stringent. You need to convince the bank of its solvency. To do this, the client must provide a statement of income or a copy of the work book.

since how many years give a credit card

Application for a card is considered within 2 days. If approved, the client receives a credit card with a limit from Sberbank. The fixed interest rate is 25.9% per annum.

Sberbank, unlike Tinkoff, is demanding of the borrower's credit history. If the payer has made delays, has unliquidated obligations, it is unlikely that the bank will approve a credit card to him. In this case, it is recommended to deal with debts in order to improve the credit history and pay off at least part of the financial obligations. This will increase the solvency of the client and his attractiveness (as a borrower) for the bank.

Alfa-Bank credit cards: conditions for receiving

Alfa-Bank issued more than 5 million credit cards, "100 days without interest." It is no coincidence that the well-known product of the bank has earned the trust of borrowers: almost all citizens can get a credit card.

How many years have they been giving a credit card at Alfa Bank? Clients can receive "100 days without interest" at the age of 18 years and older. Loyal conditions apply to all citizens of Russia.

To obtain a credit card in the amount of up to 50 thousand rubles, only a Russian passport is required, over 50 thousand - the second document, for example, SNILS.

What documents are needed to get a credit card?

If the borrower is interested in a credit card with a limit of more than 100 thousand rubles, he must bring a certificate of employment.

The disadvantage of Alfa-Bank credit cards is the high cost of the product: you can get a card with a commission of 1190 rubles per year.


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