How to live on 500 rubles a week: useful tips for saving, planning expenses

There are different situations in life. No one is safe from job loss, crisis and any other situations when there is not enough money. At such moments, a person begins to plan what he will spend every ruble on, trying to save somewhere and eat a certain amount. How to live on 500 rubles a week?

No restaurants and fast food

Cook at home

Cook at home, do not visit any catering establishments: cafes, bistros and so on. Firstly, in good restaurants you do not have enough of this amount to eat normally. And secondly, what will you eat the remaining 6 days? Let your dishes not be so varied, but food in such institutions is a priori more expensive. Because the price of one dish consists not only of the cost of products. It also includes other costs, such as employee salaries, transportation costs, and more.

Specific diet

In order to save, you can try to live on 500 rubles a week on cheap products. You can, for example, cook a large pot of hearty soup with meat broth, buying only 300 grams of potatoes, 1 ham, 1 onion, 1 carrot and a packet of small pasta. Having spent about 100 rubles, you can eat this dish for several days. For breakfast, you can cook various cereals in water or milk powder. Now in supermarkets various cereals, for example semolina, rice, buckwheat, cost 20-40 rubles. Having bought several packs, you can also cook side dishes and other dishes.

Cooking soups

Summer season

Is it possible to live on 500 rubles a week? Of course, especially in the summer. At this time, many grow various vegetables, fruits, greens in summer cottages. And even if you are not gardening, in the summertime in supermarkets, prices for seasonal products are usually low and affordable. You can cook various salads, for example from cucumbers and tomatoes, boil potatoes. Such food, in addition to cheapness, is not only nutritious, but also very useful. A large number of vitamins and minerals found in vegetables, fruits and berries will bring invaluable benefits to your health.

How to live on 500 rubles a week in the summer

Search for profitable offers

How can I live on 500 rubles a week? Go around stores close to your home and compare grocery prices. Very often people are bought in one supermarket, not paying attention to the amount spent. However, this is the wrong tactic. To save money, it is recommended to periodically compare prices in different stores. Now, to facilitate this process, various applications are being released that allow you to track not only the cost of certain products, but also provide information about ongoing promotions and discounts.

Compare Prices

Balanced diet

How to live on 500 rubles a week? You will have to save on food. For example, go on a diet. Many girls, even without being overweight, dream of losing weight. If you eat a balanced diet, maintaining a diet will not only save money, but also tidy up your appearance. Many also find fasting or fasting days beneficial for health. If you eat certain foods for several days, such as water, kefir, buckwheat or apples, your spending on food will be significantly reduced.

Diet food

Healthy lifestyle

How to live 2 weeks for 500 rubles? If possible, give up bad habits. Now alcoholic products and tobacco products are very expensive. In addition, bad habits have a negative impact on health. Also during and after drinking alcohol, an appetite wakes up. And while intoxicated, you can eat much more food than usual.

Of course, smoking can be difficult. In this case, it is recommended to pay more attention to sports or find a hobby. Spend more time outdoors or dive headlong into work.

Rejection of bad habits


Often students receive a certain amount of accommodation during their studies. Some, especially in the full-time department, cannot afford to work and receive money from anywhere else except their parent's wallet. Therefore, in order to save money, it is better for students to cooperate. How to live a week together for 500 rubles together? In this case, it may be good advice to buy inexpensive products and prepare various dishes for several people at once.

Drinking mode

How to live on 500 rubles a week on the water? As you know, a person can not do without liquid and food. However, if without nutrition he can hold out for about two months, then due to dehydration you can die in a few days. Therefore, if you are very limited in funds, try to consume a lot of fluids, and also buy only the most necessary products.

Additional income

If you are short of money, then in addition to saving on products or other things, try to find a source of income. In the modern world, the labor market is filled with vacancies. You can find a temporary job as an advertiser, try to get a courier, go watchman or dispatcher in a taxi. Earnings on the Internet are also very popular now. The main thing in this business is not to run into scammers.

Work searches

Saving tips

People spend a lot of money on buying products. But in addition to food, you need to pay various bills, clothes, loans and more. Is it possible to live on 500 rubles a week? To save a lot of money and spend some time on a certain amount, use the useful tips and tricks. For instance:

  • Plan your expenses in advance. If you need to purchase something, postpone the required amount immediately while you have money.
  • Do not spend money on travel, gas or vehicle maintenance. If you have the opportunity, walk. In addition to saving, you will benefit your health, because walking helps to keep the body in good shape.
  • Buy food for a month. It is better to go to the supermarket immediately after receiving a salary and purchase everything you need at one time. Then, within a month, you can purchase perishable products, such as bread or milk. Thus, you will not have a situation where there is practically no money left for food.
  • Do not buy mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces. These products are not the most necessary. In addition, they are extremely harmful to health. Therefore, in cases of lack of money, spend the money saved on something more useful.
  • Go to the store with a pre-compiled list of products. Supermarket shelves contain an abundance of goods. Manufacturers and marketers do not sit still. They carefully think over the packaging and layout of goods, so that in addition to the necessary products, your eye "hooked" on something attractive or eye-catching. Thus, if the buyer came for one milk, then most likely he will not leave only with milk, but will buy something else.
Make a list of products
  • Shop on a full stomach. It has long been proven that a hungry person wants to eat everything at once. Therefore, in order not to buy anything superfluous, eat before going to the supermarket.
  • Go to visit. No matter how ridiculous it may seem, going on a visit will also help save money. Usually there they will feed you and give you a drink.

As follows from the foregoing, you can live on 500 rubles, spending money only on products. Of course, if you like to eat very well or are used to visiting restaurants, it will be difficult at first. Follow the helpful tips and tricks from our article, and then this time will pass unnoticed and with health benefits.


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