The youngest millionaires in the world

The youngest millionaires in the world sold eggs and cooked jam, drew and squeezed butter. ... This review provides examples from the lives of students and schoolchildren who were not afraid to take risks, and now they are on top of the world.


Like almost all young millionaires, a simple student from Harvard, a native of an average American family, once did not even think of billions. Mark Zuckerberg was just fond of programming and periodically launched entertaining programs on the Internet. One of his creations was Winamp - a simple and convenient media player that analyzes the user's musical preferences.

young millionaires

One fine day, Mark Zuckerberg, sitting in his room in the university dormitory, launched a modest project - the social network Facebook. Today, his creation is the most popular "social network" in the world, and among other sites for various purposes it occupies the sixth line of the rating. Thanks to Facebook, one day a simple student woke up famous, and today his fortune is estimated at several billion dollars.

Online Ticket Sales at Showclix

Once Joshua Dzhyabyak created his own website for the sale of hosting - Mediacatch. Having unwound the service, he managed to sell it for $ 1 million. At that time, the guy was only 18 years old. The proceeds he had enough for a new prestigious car and LCD-TV.

joshua jiabak

But the story of a millionaire is just beginning! Joshua invested part of the proceeds in his new projects, including ShowClix service. The project helps various organizations like concert halls distribute tickets. For each purchase in the ShowClix system, the site charges a fee of several cents. Thanks to these minimum fees, Joshua Jiabiak earns about $ 10 million every year.

Virtual graduation albums

Katherine Cook, a 15-year-old schoolgirl from the USA, knows firsthand how to become millionaires without any preconditions. Once she decided to transfer ordinary school albums to the world of virtual reality. After convincing her older brother to trust her idea, with her help Katherine launched her own project - an interactive version of the album of graduates. It was in 2005, and at that time there was not a single similar idea on the Internet.

Katherine Cook

By 2006, brother and sister were able to attract investors to their business, and a little later on the project appeared flash-games and online chats. By 2008, the largest American advertisers began to be interested in the service, including Disney itself. The number of users of the social network did not break Facebook records, but Katerin does not need this. Her project became the third most popular in the United States, and then bought the social network Quepasa. Now, Brother and Sister Cook are millionaires. Up to 25 years, they managed to make a fortune, which is estimated by a seven-digit figure.


The 14-year-old Fraser Doherty, an ordinary boy from the UK, was very attached to his grandmother, often helped her in the kitchen and most loved her author's jam. Once Fraser decided to treat his neighbors and acquaintances with his favorite treat.

Soon the news of delicious jam spread around, and the boy began to receive orders for large volumes. At 16, Fraser had already rented a small factory and converted it into the production of jam and jam. By the age of 19, the young man had earned his first million.

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The unusual taste of goodies, the simple story of a guy and his love for his grandmother and her recipes did their job. Today, Superjam jams and jams are the largest supplier of such products in the UK, firmly holding their position in the market.


Brilliant ideas always lie in the palm of your hand or are born in the most unexpected places. All young millionaires can confirm this rule. Michael Furdyk, who once decided to launch his site directly from the basement of his parents in their home in Canada, is no exception. 16-year-old Michael came up with the idea to publish tips on the work of computers, which he found in various chat rooms on the Web.

michael furdyk

By 1999, his MyDesktop project brought in more than $ 60 thousand per month. Later, Michael still sold the site to

Chicken Farm at 3 years old

Ryan Ross is the youngest millionaire in the world. He started his own business at the age of 3, selling eggs of domestic hens, which were bred by the boy’s parents. He offered neighbors to buy a dozen eggs at a price of $ 3, for a day the boy helped out up to $ 60.

Later, he began to take orders for mowing and watering the lawns, but since he could not hold either the hose or the lawn mower on his own, he paid the older children for work, giving them half of his proceeds. So he began to earn from 5 to 100 dollars per hour, doing absolutely nothing.

ryan ross

Ryan Ross decided to invest the accumulated money - naturally, not without the participation of his parents - in real estate, having acquired several buildings in Canada and Columbia. Later in the list of his acquisitions were sites for basketball and hockey. Today, the boy’s fortune is estimated at $ 9,000,000, while 8-year-old Ryan still does not have a mobile phone - mom and dad are not allowed.

Fuel from plants

Daniel Gomez Iniges has developed a technology that allows you to get fuel from squeezing plants. The guy did not have funds for the production of products, so he acted, like many young millionaires, and began searching for investors. The first client at the same time became the first investor - for half the funds from the order, the boy completed the press project and produced the initial batch of goods.

Forbes Young Millionaires

During the year of its existence, the fuel company, which the boy gave the name Solben, attracted investments worth about $ 1 million. Today, the company is booming, and 20-year-old Daniel recently managed to go to college.

Miss O and Miss O and Friends

Juliet Brindack began her journey to success at the age of 10. It was then that the girl painted her Miss O, the heroine of future projects. Juliet was surprised to learn that Miss O was liked not only by herself, but also by her friends. Then she got the idea to make the heroine virtual by placing her in the center of an interactive community for girls on the Internet.

millionaires under 25

Today, Miss O and Friends is one of the most popular projects for girls aged 8 and over. The site has many games for girls, profiles, chat for communication and, of course, Miss O. herself. The creator of the project by the time of success had barely managed to enter the university. Work on the site and study have to be combined.

Beautiful profiles on MySpace

Ashley Kvols, a 14-year-old girl from America, was fond of drawing and design. During the formation of the era of social networks, she noticed that her friends would be interested in decorating personal profiles on MySpace. Ashley could help the girls in two ways, so she created several options for the design of the page and exhibited her work on her own site.

Soon, Yahoo service drew attention to the high level of popularity of Ashley's site. The total number of visits to her MySpace wallpaper pages exceeded a million unique users! Moreover, most of them belonged to the category of “teenage girls”. From the point of view of most advertisers, this category is the most active on the Internet, so Whateverlife, as Ashley called it, quickly found its partners for cooperation.

young millionaires of the world

Today, the annual income from a young American project exceeds $ 1 million. At the same time, Ashley's initial investment was $ 8, which she borrowed from her mother. That's how little girls become millionaires without a penny of money in their pocket!

Online Selling Points

Jamie Murray Wells once received a recipe according to which he had to order and buy glasses. The young man was unpleasantly surprised by the high cost of the thing necessary for him - $ 300! Then he had to buy glasses made using special technology. Wells bought them at an affordable price, and he liked the quality of the optical device so much that the guy decided to organize the sale of such glasses via the Internet.

the youngest millionaire

As a result, Jamie quits school and invests all the money in his project - $ 2,000. His Glasses Direct website earns $ 2 million in the first year after launch, and then begins to actively cooperate with advertisers, attracting investments worth up to $ 34 million. Impressive, right?

Mushroom seller

Once, a 15-year-old teenager from the USA, Ian Purcayastha, decided to import a delicious product - truffles. But the young man had to face some points that impede a successful business. In Arkansas, where Yang lived, the import of delicacies was controlled by local departments, so it was necessary to carry out complex work in order to deliver in accordance with federal laws.

The task of Jan was complicated by the short shelf life of truffles - only 7 days. Then a 15-year-old teenager, fond of picking mushrooms, decided to organize his own truffle nursery - the first in the United States. Today, the boy is rightly called a truffle tycoon. Its products are bought by the best restaurants in New York, including those marked with the Michelin star.

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What is the reason for the success of Tartufi Unlimited? Experts say the reason is Jan’s age. Most of his peers think only about music, computer games and clubs. And Jan Purkayastha just sells mushrooms. At a price of $ 4 thousand per kilogram.

Favorite Songs Business

As practice shows, many young millionaires did not even plan to do business. Milan Tesovich began his business with entertainment. The teenager liked to collect lyrics of favorite songs. Milan collected them all on one resource, which he created himself.

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In 2004, his hobby gradually grew into a business. The Metrolyrics website has collected more than 2 million tracks, and Milan’s earnings on the sale of advertising sites are expressed in six-figure numbers. When the guy got rich, he turned 21 years old.

Tumbrl microblogging

The Tumbrl microblogging platform today is popular even among major politicians, Barack Obama himself has his own account on the project. The creator of the Tumbrl platform is David Karp, who at that time was only 19 years old. Before deciding to create his own project, David changed several study places, completed home schooling and several courses, and gained work experience.

young millionaires

In 2006, the young man decided to abandon the usual office work and began to work for himself. His project Tumbrl became so famous that the number of unique visits in certain months exceeded 13 million users.

Creator of the Red Fox

This story is from the series about the great geeks, which all ambitious programmers and IT specialists are equal to. Blake Aaron Ross began to engage in website programming as a boy. He created his first brainchild as a 10-year-old child.

And it was a full and worthy Internet resource. Then the 15-year-old was invited to Netscape, where he became friends with work colleague - Dave Havitt. So, combining study and work, a 19-year-old guy paired with Havitt created the second most popular Internet browser - Mozilla Firefox.

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Today, Ross does not leave work on his brainchild. But the guy has a ton of other projects. At the same time, young talent manages to occupy the post of product director at the Zuckerberg company.

Hype machine

As you may have noticed, almost all of the young world millionaires mentioned above are residents of the United States or Canada. But on this corner of the Earth the light did not converge in a wedge. In our country, there are also lucky ones. Who are they - the young millionaires of Russia?

Surprisingly, a successful guy of Russian origin, who was on this list, created his brilliant creation thanks to ... laziness! At the age of 9, Anton Volodkin, together with his parents, changed his place of residence from Moscow to New York. By the age of 17, the young man began working at Brainlink. According to Anton himself, the only opportunity for emotional relaxation for him at that time was music.

young millionaires of Russia

But looking for new and interesting tracks was too tedious for the guy, which also took a lot of time. And Anton Volodkin became the creator of Hype Machine - a program that automates the entire process of finding music. The technology found interesting tracks not only in popular blogs of musicians and labels themselves - many web users can. The guy was looking for something more original. And he got his way! The interest of users in the project grew, as they say, not by the day, but by the hour.

Today, the site is visited by more than a million people per month. The recent merger with SoundCloud has opened up new perspectives for Hype Machine and Anton himself.

Random chat

Younger millionaires in the world sooner or later accepted help from investors or agreed to sell their own idea. An ordinary schoolboy from Moscow, the creator of the sensational ChatRoulette project, gave up all these opportunities.

young millionaires of Russia

Andrei Ternovsky invented and launched his website in just three days. The place of work for him was his usual computer desk in the Moscow apartment of his parents. By the end of 2009, the 17-year-old Andrey showed the world his creation, and a real hunt began for the project and its creator. The guy was invited to Europe, they tried to organize meetings with him, and a real fight was launched for his site. As a result, Andrei even refused to Yuri Milner. At that time, ChatRoulette was valued at $ 50 million dollars. However, in his subsequent interviews, the guy said that he managed to regret the refusal.

How to catch luck by the tail

Probably, many would like their fate or the fate of their children to take shape in this way. This is quite natural: well, who does not want well-being and prosperity for themselves or their loved ones? How can I get on the Forbes list? The young millionaires, they said, did not at all try to hit the fat jackpot: they started by optimizing what worked badly, or simply doing what they liked. Some searched for ideas, others realized other people's thoughts. But, according to Jack Ma, creator and owner of AliBaba and the richest man in China, it is all about ambition. If you are not rich and you are already over 35 years old, then you have lived a life in vain ...


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