What is a graphics tablet? Review of the best models

Technology has stepped forward, and now many designers and photographers can breathe a sigh of relief. Of course, this device can be used not only by people associated with creativity. There are those who are much more comfortable using a PC using a graphics tablet. We have to deal with this gadget and understand its true purpose.

Basic concepts

So, a graphics tablet is a gadget that helps you enter information into your computer. Its main difference from a mouse or keyboard is that the user uses his hand directly. That is, it creates information through the movement of the hand. The graphics tablet is the gadget and pen itself. Also in some models there is a mouse.

graphics tablet is


Few people know, but the first graphic tablet is a “teleautograph”. Elisha Gray invented it and patented it in 1888. It is this scientist who is considered the predecessor of the famous Alexander Bell.

The next step in the invention of this gadget happened in 1957. Then, for the Stylator PC, a handwriting identification device was used. It was later presented by the RAND Tablet. The device is considered the first graphic tablet. It was of a special design: under the “screen” of the device was a grid of conductors. Electric shocks arrived with the help of Gray's ternary cipher. This information was received by a stylus that could decode data into a position.

Still over time, another graphics tablet was released. It was a device that had a special pen. It helped to spark. Built-in microphones determined the location of clicks, that is, they looked for the location of the pen.

In the 80s, Summagraphics Corp was able to take on the promotion of this gadget to the masses. Then the appliances received a commercial triumph. They were used as mechanisms for data entry.

Already in today's understanding, graphic tablets appeared under the name "KoalaPad." They were originally created for Apple II. But later, the rest of the PC also needed such an input system. Other tablet models began to appear.

How does it work?

Although the development of technology has changed, the principle of operation of a graphic tablet is very similar to its very first counterpart. The device has a grid of wires. Her step is large enough - reaches 6 millimeters. Despite this distance, the pen is fixed on the tablet very accurately. The device reads the information in more detail - up to 200 lines per millimeter.

graphic key on tablet


Wacom made a step forward. She was able to develop such a mechanism in which the grid could be both a source and a receiver. The pen in this case receives a charge from the grid. After which it sends a response signal, which is a reflection of the original. This “answer” can be considered new, since it already carries additional data. The materials received indicate the identification of the stylus, the strength of its pressing, the fixation and position of the pointers.

Thanks to this mechanism, you can understand what is currently being used: the tip of the pen or its eraser. Conveniently, a separate power supply for this gadget is no longer needed. Although such a mechanism may be affected by other emitting devices.


This detail of the graphics tablet may also vary depending on the model of the gadget. Some are able to adjust the pressure. To do this, they use a capacitor of variable capacitance. It is these styluses that Wacom makes. It is also possible to use a mechanism with variable resistance or inductance.

In general, different components can be used to create a stylus. One of them may be the piezoelectric effect. It creates a potential difference that appears when interacting with a pen. So you can find the coordinates of the point.

intuos graphics tablet

Again, depending on the model of the tablet, different principles for the interaction of the stylus with the surface of the gadget can be developed. The device can perceive not only the force of pressing, but also the inclination of the pen, its course, rotation and the power of squeezing the device by hand.

What do you need to pay attention to?

Now many people know that a graphic tablet is the best assistant for those who work with graphic editors. Depending on the purpose, the gadget may have certain characteristics. When buying a device, you should pay attention to several key parameters. In addition to the price, the dimensions of the device, the sensitivity of the stylus, resolution, speed and work surface are important.


Depending on what you need a graphics tablet for, you need to choose its dimensions. If you use the device not only in the office, but also at home, while studying, and even walking, you need to choose compact sizes. It will be much more comfortable if the tablet fits in a bag. For such purposes, it is optimal to select the A5 sheet format .

If you need a tablet only for work, and you are not going to take it outside the office, then you can choose larger sizes. But it is worth considering that the price of such dimensions will be much higher.


The stylus also has its own characteristics. Depending on how sensitive it is, its response to your commands will accordingly be faster. There are options in which the pen distinguishes up to more than a thousand levels of depression. Relatively inexpensive tablets can identify up to 500 levels. Usually the thickness of the drawing depends on this parameter. That is, this characteristic is important for animators and artists.

wacom intuos graphics tablet


This is also an important parameter that you should pay attention to when buying a tablet. As with the image, this feature helps determine the number of lines per inch: more precisely, the density of the working sensors on the surface. It is clear that the higher this indicator, the better the response. Expensive models have more than 5 thousand lpi.


This parameter speaks for itself. He has no specific indicators. Therefore, when choosing a tablet, it is better to focus on reviews. Sometimes the words of manufacturers may differ from what is happening in practice. However, the higher the response speed, the faster the tablet will transfer information to the PC.

Working surface

Do not confuse this parameter with the dimensions. This feature applies to the monitor of your gadget. Remember that when choosing, you need to know the aspect ratio of the screen. It will have to correspond to this indicator on the tablet. Otherwise, the work will not be entirely correct.


Most likely, the meager variety of graphic tablets is associated with their rare use. Nowadays, rarely does anyone choose this gadget as an input device. Most often, a graphic tablet can be found among designers, architects, artists, photographers, in general, those who need to create projects in electronic format.

bamboo graphics tablet


The most reliable and main manufacturer of these devices is Wacom. The company was founded in 1983. Now it is a leader in the manufacture of these gadgets. One of the most popular and affordable is the Wacom Intuos Pen Small graphics tablet. Its cost is about 6 thousand rubles.

This device is among the youngest of the entire series. It was designed for creative people, those involved in design, photography and illustrations. Its working area is 15x9 cm. It has an average resolution of 2500 lpi. The case is of high quality: it is ergonomic, has rubberized legs and a slight slope, for ease of use. The tablet has a battery that lasts up to 15 hours of active use. The main advantage of this model can be considered the presence of settings for express keys, as well as the operation of the wireless network module.

genius graphics tablet

Another model of the manufacturer is the Bamboo Pen & Touch graphic tablet. It costs about 5 thousand rubles. It has very similar characteristics with the previous model. Its dimensions are a bit more compact. Resolution 2540 lpi. You can enter either with a pen or using a conventional sensor. The sensitivity of this tablet is up to 1024 levels of depression.

Also last year, Wacom introduced a new line of gadgets. The Intuos graphics tablet was presented in four variations: Art, Comic, Draw and Photo. Such names of the model received due to its configuration, or rather software. Each gadget has its own software, designed for a particular direction of work.

wacom pen graphics tablet

The Wacom Pen & Touch S graphic tablet can also be attributed to the new Intuos family. The model also received good reviews from professionals. Its main advantage for many was the size - the A6 format. Also, the gadget supports multi-touch, 2440 lpi and 1024 levels of pressure.

The best of the best

Among all the models, it is worth highlighting the Wacom Cintiq 22HD DTK-2200. This tablet can be attributed to the best. Its main drawback is the huge price - more than 180 thousand rubles. Nevertheless, the gadget is considered an interactive tablet monitor. It can serve not only for creating illustrations and processing photographs, but also for three-dimensional modeling. It has a large screen diagonal of 21 inches. Resolution - Full HD, more than 5 thousand lpi. To protect the information, you can use the graphic key on the tablet.

Wacom Cintiq 22HD DTK-2200

The gadget can identify 2048 levels of depression, as well as up to 60 degrees of inclination of the stylus. In addition to wide functionality, the tablet has well-thought-out ergonomics, as well as high-quality body materials.

Other options

In addition to the most popular and reliable Wacom, there is another manufacturer. Genius EasyPen i405X budget graphics tablet can be purchased for 2000-2500 rubles. The main advantages of this model are 28 programmable keys, as well as high-quality case materials.

Genius EasyPen i405X

This graphics tablet is hardly suitable for professionals. Most of all, just free artists and amateurs will like it. It is very compact, has a good resolution of 2540 lpi. The disadvantage is that you have to buy batteries for the stylus, the touch keys have small cells, and sometimes there are difficulties with the “wood”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16367/

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