Noble deer

Red deer is a cloven-hoofed animal. Its habitats are Asia and Europe, the temperate zone of North America and North Africa. This animal adapted to the climatic conditions of New Zealand, Australia and South America. The species of deer, previously considered independent, differ from each other in the length and structure of the body, the shape of the horns and color details. These include deer, Manchurian deer and wapiti. The European, Kashmir and Tugai deer belong to the same family.

As a habitat, this mammal selects forests of taiga, subtropics, as well as territories where broad-leaved trees predominate. There, a red deer adheres to clearings and clearings rich in young shoots and grasses. Depending on the habitat, adult animals differ in the size of their body. In the Siberian territories, the height of the withers of a deer can exceed one and a half meters, and body weight can reach a weight of three hundred and forty kilograms. For subspecies living in Central Asia, other indicators are characteristic. The height of the withers is not more than eighty centimeters, body weight - up to one hundred kilograms. Deer is a noble and beautiful beast. Its males are owners of large branching horns. The summer fur color of these artiodactyl animals has no spots.

Red deer gather in groups. The usual composition of a herd is a female and her offspring born over several years. Males like to spend a lot of time alone. Sometimes small groups form from them. In winter, individuals of red deer can gather in herds, numbering more than two dozen animals. If the habitat of mammals is a flat terrain, then in the summer they move around the territory, changing pastures. In winter, deer lead a sedentary lifestyle. They can only make small movements to areas covered with little snow. Deer living in highlands migrate much more in search of food.

In spring and early summer, red deer feed mainly on cereals. In his diet, he can include umbrella, bean and Asteraceae plants. In winter, deer use basal leaves and stems of perennials. Of the plants that serve as food for these animals, one can distinguish oak and ash, maple and beech, aspen and linden, willow and mountain ash, ivy and viburnum. Deer eat their leaves, shoots and buds, as well as gnaw on the bark. If there is not enough feed, shoots and needles of juniper and pine, sometimes spruce and fir appear in the diet of animals. Most deer species graze in the morning and evening hours. In winter, due to the scarcity of feed, nutrition occurs most of the day. Depending on the species, in March or April, as well as in January or February, deer drop their horns. In their place, new ones immediately begin to develop.

Goning in animals occurs in the autumn. At this time, the males make loud, hoarse sounds. Between them often conflicts arise, which are a demonstration of power. Around the victorious male, a group of two or three females gathers. In rare cases, their number can reach twenty individuals. Pregnancy in females lasts for eight and a half months and ends with the birth of one, and in rare cases, two deer. The young are for a long time near the mother.

The main enemy of deer is the wolf. A predator cannot cope with a strong male. Therefore, wolves pursue adult individuals with their flock. Young animals can be attacked by many other predators. The deer has a large step while walking. Frightened, the animal goes to a gallop, jumping from five to six meters. Deers are wonderful swimmers. They are able to overcome a wide and turbulent river. The organs of smell and hearing of animals are well developed. To prevent danger, deer always keep their muzzle facing the wind when feeding.


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