What is a teaching method? Types and classification of teaching methods. Methodical techniques in the lesson

A methodical technique translated from Greek means "an option to achieve a goal." This is a certain system of interconnected sequential actions of pupils and the teacher, thanks to which there is a full assimilation of new educational material.

methodical technique

Theoretical basis

A methodical technique is a multidimensional and multidimensional concept. Pedagogical science does not contain any one specific approach to the identification of methods. Different authors offer the following training methods:

  • story;
  • discussion;
  • work with the textbook;
  • laboratory workshop;
  • explanation;
  • test;
  • exercise;
  • illustration;
  • demonstration;
  • various types of survey (frontal, individual, written);
  • exercise.

In addition, each methodological technique has many varieties that help to successfully cope with any didactic tasks.

teaching methods in the lesson

Learning Techniques

The teaching methods in the lesson are used by the teacher, taking into account the individual characteristics of the class, such as a training session. Reception is an integral part of the method. In pedagogical colleges and higher educational institutions, future teachers master all teaching methods developed by leading representatives of pedagogical science. Methods in elementary school provide for the maximum use of visual aids, which is necessary at this age.

teaching methods in elementary school

Work with a book

When reading a book, several techniques are distinguished at once:

  • reading text out loud;
  • drawing up a plan for the text read;
  • filling in the table according to the read content;
  • highlighting the logical diagram of the heard text;
  • compilation of a brief summary;
  • selection of quotes.

In different situations, teaching methods in the lesson can be carried out by using a variety of techniques.

For example, while working with a book, one lesson combines compilation of an abstract and reading aloud, and in another lesson, quotes are selected for the text and a logical diagram is drawn up. When compiling it, the guys use explanatory and illustrative methods. The teacher in the process of acquaintance of pupils with new educational material offer them independent work.

teaching methods are

What you need to use tricks and techniques

Pedagogical teaching methods are implemented only when the educational process is provided with the necessary material resources. For laboratory admission, equipment will be required; for computer technology, a personal computer. Teaching tools are called material objects that are necessary to support the educational process. They become the main tool in the work of a modern teacher.

Material training

These include visual aids: illustrations, collections, imitations; technical training tools, didactic material.

Gestures and facial expressions, speech, communicative, cognitive, labor activity are considered materialized means.

The purpose of teaching aids is determined by their didactic characteristics. For example, when teaching chemistry, the teacher uses a demonstration experiment at the stage of studying new material. To consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills, children are offered practical and laboratory work.

teaching methods and techniques


The teaching aids used in a modern school have several functions.

  1. Compensatory helps to facilitate the educational process, help to achieve the goal with minimal time and physical costs.
  2. Adaptive helps the teacher to correlate the content of the discipline with the individual and age characteristics of students, get favorable conditions for the harmonious development of children, create conditions for organizing independent work of students.
  3. Informative implies the use of various textbooks, videos, projection equipment, laboratory equipment.
  4. Integration is the totality of the studied phenomena and objects, identifying the essence and properties of processes or laws.

Reception "Zigzag"

This methodological technique is suitable for such situations in which it is necessary for a small amount of time to learn a large amount of information. In the school curriculum in many academic disciplines, the minimum number of hours is devoted to the study of specific topics. In order to have time to consider as many paragraphs as possible during the lesson, precisely such methodological techniques come to the aid of the teacher. At school, the “zigzag” allows you to remember the details of a large amount of information in a short period of time. The material is assimilated in an interactive form, the teacher does not offer the pupils a ready-made solution, the students themselves are engaged in the search for it. These teaching techniques are group work skills. All students are mobilized. They learn together to search for the main idea in the text, to systematize information. Such types of teaching methods as “summary tables”, “essays”, “cluster” are suitable for “zigzag”.

The main purpose of applying the Zigzag technique is to assimilate a large layer of new material. Initially, the text is divided into several separate parts by the teacher. There are several study groups in the class, in each the number of children does not exceed 5-6 people. They are considered “primary” blocks. New material is divided into as many parts as there will be participants in each block.

When considering a large volume of text, you can increase the number of children in primary groups to 6-7 people. They offer the guys the same text. Each member of the group receives a numbered passage. Further, the student works out his part of the text individually, makes up a supporting synopsis. Its main task is to obtain a high-quality “squeeze” from a passage that has been read. Methods and teaching methods for carrying out such work by a teacher are not limited. You can draw up a diagram, make a table, draw up a cluster.

At the next stage of work, group work is carried out. Pupils pass to “colleagues”, expert groups are formed. The guys working with different excerpts from the same text will be gathered in one block. The discussion is being received. The guys change their opinions, work, choose the best option for presenting their "piece" of text. As an additional task, the teacher proposes to draw up questions from the passage so that the rest of the children will understand whether the material is learned. Then the students return to the "source blocks", the stage of reflection is supposed. It involves a presentation to the rest of the schoolchildren of that part of the text that was worked out individually by the children. As a result, each representative of the mini-group gets an idea of ​​the whole text. As the final stage of the zigzag technique, the general work of the class is assumed. One of the experts presents his part of the text, the text is re-listened. If necessary, the “colleague” is supplemented by other “experts” from the same group. At the stage of reflection, there is a selection of those presentations that turned out to be the most accessible to remember, understandable from the presentation of the material presented.

Similar teaching methods in kindergarten are offered in a lightweight version. Preschoolers are also divided into groups, but they are not offered a text, but part of a large drawing. For example, the illustration for “The Tale of the Turnip” is divided into several separate pictures. One kid receives an image of a turnip, a second grandfather, a third grandmother, a fourth granddaughter, a fifth bug, a sixth cat. As a result, together they must present to the guys from another block a ready-made version of a fairy-tale story known to everyone.

classification of teaching methods

Reception "collector"

Such methods and teaching methods are suitable for an interactive educational process. "Collector" is good at the stage of preparation for the assimilation of new educational material. It is considered a universal method, since it is equally good for technology lessons and for chemistry. The main reassignment of this method is the establishment of meta-subject and intersubject communications, a demonstration of the possibility of applying new knowledge to explain familiar phenomena.

At the first stage, students need to collect collections. In preparation for the lesson, they are given the task of collecting the maximum number of various subjects that are closely related to the topic of the lesson. For example, when preparing the topic “International Relations of the Russian Federation” in geography, the guys collect foreign labels and labels. They are pasted into a special album, and on the contour map are marked with circles all the countries from which goods were brought to Russia.

For a subject such as literature, they collect a collection of portraits of poets and writers or heroes created by them. In preparation for biology, the guys form a collection of leaves of various trees, algae, bird feathers, etc.

At the next stage of the lesson according to a certain template, all found objects are formed into one album. Each sample necessarily has a description. If the items are related to chemistry, the name of the product, its chemical formula, scope, application to a person, negative characteristics are assumed.

The third stage is to work with the previously created collection in the educational process. The development of methodological techniques of this kind is optimal for consolidating new material and generalizing the knowledge and skills acquired by schoolchildren. The lesson is built in the form of a brain ring, business game, auction. The class is divided into several groups, each making a presentation of part of the prepared collection. The teacher receives such a “bonus” when choosing this methodology as a ready-made reference book or a detailed collection, he will be able to use them when working with other students.

Reception "intellectual ring"

It is widely used for the reproduction of knowledge. With its help, it is possible to conduct a survey of students who not only reproduce learned material, but also have creative associative thinking, are able to establish logical chains between the material passed and new knowledge. You can conduct an “intellectual ring” at any lesson during the actualization of existing skills, preparation for the study of new material, as well as to generalize the topic. Its essence is to represent the child as a “boxer." He must withstand a certain number of “blows”, more precisely, questions asked by the teacher and other children on the subject under discussion. He has only 3-5 seconds to ponder the answer. The questions proposed to the “boxer” imply a specific answer. This technique allows the teacher to quickly conduct a survey, check the level of preparation of the student, give him an assessment. Questions can have a playful form, then in addition to mechanical memory, the teacher will be able to identify the degree of understanding of the topic. Questions can be formed in the form of charades, anagrams, homonyms. In mathematics, questions can be replaced with an oral score, comic tasks. At a chemistry lesson, children are invited to correct errors in formulas and identify authors of laws.

development of teaching methods

Reception "Running Associations"

He is considered an active teaching method. With its help, it is possible to systematize acquired knowledge by comparing new information with already acquired experience. The reception is based on connecting the subconscious, the sensory sphere, into the educational process. The result of the “run of associations” will be a strong assimilation of information, motivation of students to further education. For problematic lessons, with his help, the teacher sets the main goal of the lesson. The teacher divides the class into pairs. Then the main topic of the lesson is set. The child names 2-3 words associated with the subject of the lesson. For example, in mathematics, the “run of associations” is suitable for studying the theme of “circle”. The teacher shows the children round objects. The main task of students is to complement the logical chain initiated by the teacher. If the lesson involves the development of the speech of the pupils, the method of “running associations” also helps the teacher to cope with the tasks. The class team is divided into pairs. One child calls two words unrelated to each other. The task for the second student will be to make a sentence out of them, in which the words will be logically connected.

The classification of teaching methods used in the modern educational process was proposed by different teachers. Different points are chosen as the basis for dividing, taking into account the specifics of the subject, the type of training session. Methodical techniques should be rationally and effectively used in the educational process. Professionals believe that at different stages of the lesson the degree of assimilation of the material changes dramatically. At first, the students are able to remember about 60 percent, from 4 to 23 minutes of the lesson they learn 90% of the information, from 23 to 34 they remember only half of the knowledge. Knowing these statistics, the teacher can build his own methodological system of work.


What should be considered when selecting methodological techniques? Experts say that the level of assimilation is directly related to the time of day. For example, the guys learn the best information from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. High schoolchildren have a slight increase in working capacity on Saturday, because everyone is looking forward to the upcoming weekend. Selected teaching methods should be accompanied by effective visual materials, modern technical means. In addition, there should be full feedback during the training session between the children and the teacher. To maximize the effectiveness of the applied teaching methods, they should be combined with pedagogical tools. Selecting teaching methods, the teacher is looking for those that will help motivate students to learn new material. For example, for teachers of chemistry and physics, design and research methods will be closer. The specifics of these items is such that involves a large amount of independent work. Practically all teaching methods are suitable for physical education teachers; at each stage of the lesson, fragments of innovative pedagogical technologies can be used.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16371/

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