Crafts from tires for the garden with their own hands. Instruction manual

After a long operation, the tire became unusable. What to do with her? Throw out? Not necessary. It can be used to decorate a summer cottage or yard.

Crafts from tires for DIY

In Soviet times, this material was widely used: springboard, swing and much more. If you fantasize a little and make an effort, crafts from tires, plastic bottles can become a real masterpiece.

Crafts from tires for DIY
Tires themselves are well suited for laying flower beds, decorative beds. To do this, they just need to be painted in bright colors.

Crafts from tires. Instruction manual

To create a composition, you need to stock up on a certain amount of tires, white, red, blue paint (you can use other colors, at your discretion), as well as brushes and knives. So, for the manufacture of a flowerpot, it is necessary to make an incision on the wide part of the tire along the entire diameter, but not a straight line, but a zigzag. Next, the tire must be turned inside out. Now the ordinary tire has turned into a blooming flower, its support is a disk block. Such a flowerpot can not only be covered with earth, but also turned into a small reservoir. Previously, crafts from tires for a summer residence with your own hands should be painted on both sides. Next, just pour water and place decorative stones inside.

plastic bottle holders

DIY crafts from tires for a summer residence can also serve practical purposes. For example, from 4 tires you can make a table with chairs. To do this, put glass in one of them, and screw the other three with screws. They will be both chairs and legs. Soft seats can be sewn onto the seats.

Decorating the site with crafts from plastic bottles, you can get an ever-blooming garden. After all, such representatives of the flora are definitely not wilted. If you cut off the bottom (or neck) of the bottle and make cuts to the base, you get a pretty flower. The shape of its petals can be changed. There is a little advice: it is better to color the whole bottle before it is cut. If you have enough time, you can construct a whole palm tree. Cute and funny animals are made from the same material and on the same principle.

For example, from a 5-liter bottle you get a beautiful piglet, which plays the role of a flower bed. To do this, cut a square in the middle, pour soil, sow different flowers. The surface of the bottle is painted in pale pink. Instead of mumps, you can make a hedgehog. To do this, you must first sew his face and put it on the lid. Instead of flowers, the soil should be sown with lawn grass, which will imitate the needles of the animal.

crafts from tires instruction
And you can turn the fence into a real flowering hedge. To do this, the bottom of an ordinary 1.5 liter bottle is cleaned and painted on both sides with white acrylic paint. The center is highlighted in yellow. If you nail such flowers on each board of the fence, it will look much more fun.

So crafts from tires for a summer residence with their own hands become original jewelry. Any products created independently are unique, they create a cozy atmosphere, cheer up.


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