DIY beautiful envelope

When a baby is born in the family, then the whole family is going to discharge from the hospital. A young mother wants her baby to be the most beautiful and elegant on this significant day, so she is preparing for an important event before the birth, looking at the models of envelopes for the newborn. It’s not difficult to sew them with your own hands, especially if your mother knows how to work with fabric and a sewing machine.

The first clothes for the baby should correspond to the season and be beautiful. Therefore, before manufacturing, it is necessary to take an interest in new models, find out what materials are needed to make an envelope with your own hands. Now parents can know in advance the gender of the unborn child, so the color scheme for the product can also be selected according to the results of ultrasound.

The article examined several options for sewing a kit for a baby. A step-by-step description and pattern will help even beginner needlewomen to do the job, and any loving mother will try for her baby, especially since it’s very easy to sew an envelope with your own hands.

Requirements for sewing an envelope for a baby

The baby’s skin is very delicate and thin, therefore, when selecting fabric for sewing a blanket, you must adhere to the following criteria:

  1. Matter must be natural. Such a tissue will not secrete toxins harmful to the baby, it will be hypoallergenic.
  2. Do-it-yourself envelope should correspond to the season of birth of the child. If the child is taken from the hospital in the summer, then a cambric, cotton is used, and the inner layer is insulated with a sheet holofiber. If you need to sew a winter version, then the fabric will need warmer - velor, fleece, several layers of insulation.
  3. The child should be comfortable in the envelope. The size should correspond to the growth of the baby and not squeeze it.
  4. All seams are carefully processed so that nothing rubs the skin. With the same requirements, decorative elements are selected - lace, fringe, velcro or ribbon.

Recommendations before sewing

The envelope needs to be sewn for discharge after birth, and it will last several months. However, the time of year changes, and a light summer blanket is not suitable for use in winter, so it is recommended to make several envelopes with your own hands at once. One is elegant to sew with ruffles and lace inserts for discharge, the other is casual for the summer, and the third is the winter version.

fashionable envelope with applique

For the first publication, they usually use an envelope in the form of a square blanket. This is a classic version of the product. Only now you can not bandage it with a wide ribbon corresponding to the sex of the child, but do horizontal bandaging on the clasp with a lush bow in front.

To make the child comfortable in the envelope, you need to consider that the baby is growing rapidly. As a rule, the sizes of the square version vary from 75 cm to 100 cm. The upper corner, where the baby’s head will be placed, is decorated with great zeal: make flounces or lace frill. What types of envelopes exist?

Variety of products

Before you make an envelope with your own hands, you need to consider their types and choose the one that you like the most. You can sew several pieces, as they can be used in different situations.

  1. Square blanket with straight or rounded corners. Suitable for babies up to 2-3 months, as well as for discharge from the hospital.
    winter envelope for baby
  2. Rectangular option on ribbons, Velcro or buttons. The fabric will take less to sew, and a longer length can be made for a grown child.
  3. The trapezoidal set expands slightly at the feet of the child. Suitable for an active baby who loves to move his legs.
  4. The fitted option on flypapers without head restraint. Convenient when going to the clinic or when traveling in a car. However, the child should have a good head hold by this time.
  5. Option with legs. Two foot cavities are cut out at the bottom of the envelope. This is a more complex style, so it is not recommended for beginners.
  6. Envelope with a hood. It can be created stationary, or you can sew a snake in the center and unfasten it if the child is hot.

Square blanket

The lightest DIY envelope in sewing is a square blanket. To make it, you will need two pieces of cotton fabric of different colors to visually separate the inner light from the darker outer. You also need to cut out the square of the filler. It can be a synthetic winterizer, alpolux or holofiber - depending on the time of year. First stitch the inner layer with the filler around the perimeter.

square blanket

You can quilt the blanket a bit by completing horizontal lines, rhombuses, or twisting patterns (optional). Then, decorative elements are sewn around the perimeter. It can be a frill from the same fabric or lace, satin ribbon or ruffles, strips with embroidery, etc. At the end, sew on top the outer layer of fabric.

Now it’s fashionable to fasten the envelope not with satin ribbons, but with a wide rectangular strip of the same fabric with a bow in front. For splendor, a piece of syntepon is also inserted inside it. After folding the blankets in an envelope, you only need to attach the strip with a bow up and fasten on the back with Velcro or buttons.

Rounded Quilt

An envelope looks beautiful if all corners of the blanket are made rounded. To make them even, you need to make a template on thick cardboard and gently circle it on a small pattern.

rounded envelope

The sewing principle is the same as for a square blanket. There is no difficulty: even the mother who never did it will cope with sewing.

Pattern Envelope

With your own hands, it is easy to sew an envelope according to the pattern below. Three or more layers of fabric and filler are thus cut immediately. The shading marks the places that need to be cut with scissors.

rectangular envelope pattern

The detail of the headrest is made rounded and trimmed with ruffles or lace. An envelope is folded after sewing by raising the bottom rectangle to the child. Side "doors" are fixed on ties, bows or Velcro. The lower part will be visually hidden, so you do not need to decorate it.

The photo below shows that for this pattern, the envelope is going differently. Here, the lower decorated rectangle rises up after the side parts.

envelope with bows

Externally, the front part looks solid, it is desirable to bend its upper edge down for beauty.

You can decorate the surface of the envelope with your own hands in different ways: make an applique of contrasting fabric, attach a bow or sew the outer layer in the style of a patchwork, that is, assemble the envelope from shreds, creating a geometric ornament.

Thick Velcro Envelope

As you can see in the photo below, such an envelope fits the child’s body well: he feels protected in such a “cocoon”. This is an easy option for the warm season, when only a bonnet is put on the child’s head.

envelope for newborn

The bottom of the envelope has a rounded extension for the legs, and the width of the product is regulated from above by Velcro fasteners. You can fasten it tightly or give the baby room for movement.

How to sew an envelope

Look carefully at the photo of the opened envelope. All sizes of the product are indicated, so the craftswoman will be able to sew such a product on her own.

The lower central part is represented by a pocket in which the baby is put. It remains only to smell the side parts on the chest of the baby and pack it tightly.

Velcro envelope

Choose material that is pleasant to the body. This is a daily option, so it does not have any additional elements. You can make an application in the center. Using such an envelope is very convenient, just put the child on the table surface and unzip the sides.

The article examined several of the most popular options for sewing an envelope for a baby: both holiday, for discharge, and everyday. Anyone who once folded an A4 envelope with his own hands understands that the techniques are similar, only paper, but several layers of fabric are taken.


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