Venetian mask: types, purpose, manufacture at home

The magnificence of the Venetian carnival is admired around the world. The popularity of the most massive, bright and enchanting holiday, where various costumes and masks are in the foreground, has gone far beyond Italy. It is believed that only in this country can you feel the atmosphere of a real carnival - the carefully preserved annual tradition, which is rightly called one of the most striking symbols of Venice. This article will focus on such an indispensable subject of any fancy dress, like a Venetian mask.

A bit about the past

The history of this subject is amazing and deep: now this face is hidden only on holiday, and in the past, residents of Italy could wear masks almost every day. And not always with good goals or for the sake of innocent pampering. For obvious reasons, criminals and murderers preferred to hide their faces when they went to work. We must not forget about lovers who did not want to bring their feelings to public discussion. Aristocrats also often wore masks - to walk incognito through the streets of the city and, perhaps, to commit some crazy or inappropriate act to their status. Unfortunately, soon the Venetian mask became so popular with criminals that the city authorities forbade residents to hide their faces not on holidays.

Types of carnival masks

Gatto (Cat). In Venice, there have always been very few cats - perhaps furry animals did not like the abundance of water around and inside the city. For this reason, cats have always been very respectful. So much so that they even dedicated Venetian carnival masks with ears.

Medico della Peste (Doctor of the Plague ). In past centuries, the plague was a terrible disaster for many large cities. During epidemics, such creepy masks, coupled with black robes, were worn by doctors. It was believed that they protect their owner from infection. Special substances and essential oils were placed inside the long beak, and the doctor held a special cane in his hands so as not to touch the patients with his hands.

Volto (Volto or Citizen). A very common Venetian mask worn by ordinary people. Oval, it is most similar in shape to the human face. Such a mask was attached to the head using tapes extending from it, and could also be attached to the handle. In the latter case, the mask was held in the hand and simply applied to the face at the right time.

Moretta. This Venetian mask is interesting in that it does not have an opening for the mouth. Instead, on the inside there is a special pin that you need to clamp with your teeth. Women who wore such an accessory did not have the opportunity to talk, why they looked very mysterious. This oval mask was trimmed with black velvet.

Baut. Another popular variety of masks, which acquired its name from a fictional monster, an analogue of our "Babai", was used by the townspeople to scare naughty children. Also, this mask is famous for the fact that Casanova preferred to wear it. In honor of him, a special version of this accessory was even created - “Bauta Casanova”. Outwardly, the mask looks creepy, but it is thanks to its shape that allows the owner to drink and eat without opening his face. In addition, the mask distorts the wearer's voice, allowing him to remain unrecognized.

Mask making

This amazing accessory is usually purchased at theme stores, but for the annual carnival it’s customary to make Venetian masks with your own hands. Residents of Venice in advance buy everything they need and for several months, or even for a whole year, create a unique masterpiece. To make the simplest mask, you will need a plastic blank (purchased at the store), polyethylene, fine-grained sandpaper, several brushes of different diameters, a sponge, glue and decoupage napkins, a hairdryer, an acrylic primer and paints, a disposable plate, contour paints. Two long ribbons for attaching the mask to the face and decorative materials (feathers, braid, lace, sequins, rhinestones, etc.) are also needed.

Work Technique

It is advisable to think over the appearance of the product in advance, in what style and color it will be made. After that, you can get to work. First you need to sand a plastic blank, then apply a primer to its entire surface and blow dry with a hairdryer. The next step: a sponge is taken and with its help a layer of acrylic dye is applied on top of the mask. This will be the background of your mask, so it is applied to the entire surface. You should not take too much paint, otherwise it will be covered with bubbles. Now you need to use the hairdryer again. After drying on top, you need to apply another layer of background paint.

Next, we tear off a fragment with a picture from a napkin for decoupage. We divide it into the necessary pieces and attach it to the mask using the appropriate glue (if desired, you can spread it with your fingers). This is one of the most difficult stages, because everything must be done very carefully: any defects and irregularities will immediately appear on the product. After gluing all the fragments, the surface should be dried again with a hairdryer. Now the ornament of the picture can be finished with the help of contour paints, after which show imagination and add sequins or braid, decorating the mask to your liking. At the final stage, two tapes are attached to the accessory.


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