How to activate the MegaFon SIM card yourself: command, instruction

Purchasing SIM cards is a common thing. Everyone with a passport can issue a mobile number with a telecom operator. Some people have a question about how to activate the "Megaphone" SIM card on their own. Usually this operation is not required, but there are exceptions. For example, if for some reason the number was deactivated.


The Megafon SIM card can be purchased in just a few minutes. The client only needs to choose a tariff, take money and a passport, come to any Megafon office and purchase a SIM card. But what's next?

Ways to activate the number "Megaphone"

After that, you will have to carry out the activation procedure of the corresponding number. Until this has been implemented, communication services will not work.

The activation of the new Megafon SIM card is initially carried out by the employees of the corresponding communication salon. The operator registers the number, and then issues a SIM card to the client along with the service agreement.

It happens that for one reason or another an employee of the office of a communication salon does not activate the number. In this case, it is worth considering an independent solution to the task. Fortunately, there is a way out of the situation, not even one!

Ways to solve the problem

How to activate a SIM card "Megaphone" yourself? To cope with the task, it is worth determining how a person wants to conduct the appropriate procedure.

Activation is possible:

  • using a USSD request;
  • in the "My Account" on the site "Megaphone";
  • by personal appeal to the company office;
  • by making a call to the operator.

Everyone can choose exactly how to act. Most often, a special activation code for the Megaphone SIM card is used. Self-service tools allow you to achieve the desired result at any time of the day in just a couple of minutes.

How to activate SIM card "Megaphone"

For the first time

If you just bought a SIM card, do not rush using the activation methods listed. It is recommended that you first do the following:

  1. Insert a SIM card into your device.
  2. Wait for the network definition. A signal indicator should appear on the screen.
  3. Carry out any paid action from the number. For example, call another person or send a message.

After that, the number is automatically activated along with the data transfer option. Nothing difficult, but sometimes this technique does not work. There are many ways to fix this.

Special team

I wonder how to activate a SIM card "Megaphone" yourself? The team to accomplish this task is the best solution. It can be used at any time.

The code to activate the megaphone SIM card

Instructions for activating a SIM card in this case will look like this:

  1. Turn on the phone by inserting a SIM card from Megafon into it.
  2. Wait until the network signal is established.
  3. Put your mobile device in dialing mode.
  4. Dial the combination * 121 * PUC-code * mobile number #.
  5. Click on the "Call" button.
  6. Wait for the request to complete processing.

After the actions taken, the person will need to see a message about the successful activation of the number. As a rule, with it comes the settings for SMS, MMS and mobile Internet. They will have to be saved.

Important: The PUC code is written on the card to which the SIM card was attached.

"Personal account" to help

How to activate SIM card "Megaphone" on the phone or any other device? You can achieve the corresponding result otherwise. For example, through the "My Account" on the website of the mobile operator.

Activation of the number in the "My Account"

To achieve the appropriate result, you will need to proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Service Guide service page from Megafon in a browser.
  2. In the field "Login" indicate the phone number to be activated.
  3. In the "Password" section, write the PUC code.
  4. Click on the button responsible for authorization on the site.

After the actions taken, the number should be activated. Many say that now this technique does not work.


How to activate a SIM card "Megaphone" in a particular case? You can make a call to the call center of the telecom operator. This is not the most popular solution, but sometimes it helps to achieve the desired result.

Instructions for use thereof are as follows:

  1. Turn on the phone by inserting the desired SIM card into it.
  2. Call the call center.
  3. Tap on a control called "Ringtone".
  4. Wait for operator response.
  5. Report your intentions.
  6. Name data for customer identification. Usually you need to provide the name and surname of the owner of the number.
  7. Wait a while.

The mobile operator will issue an activation application, after which the number can be used very successfully. Also, a specialist will help you find out why the SIM was deactivated.

Important: this method only works with phones that were previously registered on the network.

Personal visit

Still wondering how to activate the "Megaphone" SIM card yourself? The last method of solving the problem is personal appeal to the mobile phone salon. It is recommended to resort to this option if all the previously presented activation methods did not help.

Contact the office of "Megaphone"

Typically, to achieve the appropriate goal, you must:

  1. Prepare a SIM card and an identity card.
  2. Come to the nearest salon operator "Megaphone".
  3. Contact company representatives to activate the number.

Now you need to wait a bit. The mobile operator’s office will check the SIM for damage, and then activate the phone. Usually a process takes a couple of minutes.

Important: if the MegaFon SIM card is not issued to the person who is applying for the mentioned service, problems may arise. At the moment, office employees have the right to serve only the true owners of numbers.

If the number is issued on another

What if the SIM card is framed for another person, but you still need to activate it? There are several solutions:

  1. Ask the owner of the number to come to the cellular office and personally request the service.
  2. Issue a power of attorney to represent the interests of the person for whom the number is issued according to the documents.
  3. Explain why the cardholder could not personally apply for the service. For example, if a SIM was found on the street.

As a rule, in the latter case, activation is unlikely to be carried out. No one can use other people's numbers.

How much is

Do I have to pay for using the activation code of the Megafon SIM card? And for contacting a communication salon?

PUK activation code

At the moment, you do not have to pay for the service. Room activation is a standard procedure that is usually done automatically. And if this did not happen, you can completely cope with the corresponding task for free. And now it’s clear what to do in this or that case.


We found out how to activate the "Megaphone" SIM card on our own. In most cases, this action is not required. Think about it with a variety of failures and malfunctions.

In order not to have problems with getting the corresponding service, it is recommended to issue numbers for yourself. Then the person will be precisely served at the Megafon office.


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