Constructive criticism

Constructive criticism aims to make improvements. Her expression should lead to better results. Constructive criticism is not based on revenge. It cannot be used as a way of expressing discontent or anger.

One of the most dangerous behaviors is destructive criticism. It helps to lower the self-esteem of the person to whom they express an opinion. In addition, such behavior significantly reduces the effectiveness of activities, shakes self-confidence. The person who is criticized begins to engage in self-abasement, experiences stress and begins to make mistakes in the area in which he was criticized. As a result, he can completely abandon his occupation.

Certainly, criticism is necessary. However, it should help, not hinder. Constructive criticism should not be directed at the individual, but at the action. It is better not to blame, but to offer an alternative.

One of the main communication skills for the leader is the ability to positively (constructively) criticize his subordinates and colleagues, without making enemies and creating favorable psychological conditions in the team. This is important for managers of absolutely all ranks, of different firms and enterprises.

There are certain rules of criticism.

1. Begin with praise. Constructive criticism should include three parts. The first should set up in a positive way, in some way to prepare a person. Begin by pointing to virtues, from their true recognition. A leader who has called his subordinate to a conversation should greet him friendly and start a conversation about the positive business and personal qualities of the guest. After that, you can proceed to the analysis of the violation. Then, after drawing certain conclusions, the necessary sanctions are applied. After this, the leader should again say about the merits of the subordinate, while expressing the hope that such miscalculations will no longer be repeated. In accordance with the "law of the sandwich" in the memory of the invitee will remain the first and last part of the conversation.

2. Do not immediately reject opinions that may go against their own. No need to tell a person that he is wrong. We should not forget that everyone has their own view of the environment, and everyone has the right to express their own opinions.

3. Constructive criticism must relate not only to the actions of another person, but also to their own. You should also remember your shortcomings, recognize them. This position significantly softens the perception, eliminates the need for an opponent to defend.

4. The critic should have the opportunity to save his own prestige.

5. The impression should be made during the conversation that the errors are easily correctable.

6. The leader should act in such a way that people are happy to do what they are invited to do.

7. Criticizing, it is necessary to focus on the main thing, and not on trifles.

8. Do not recall past mistakes. Criticism should be on this and a specific occasion.

9. The leader should blame as little as possible. At the same time, attention should be paid to constructive proposals.

    10. If the opponent is emotionally excited, it is necessary to maintain psychological pauses, allowing the person to “cool down”.

    11. The leader should not forget that he has only a minute to speak. After that, the opponent begins to look for arguments that justify him and reject the comments. Therefore, in the first minute you need to try to say the most basic.

    12. There is no need to demand immediate recognition of errors and acceptance of criticism. A person needs time in order to psychologically prepare for this.

    13. Should not be criticized (whenever possible) publicly.


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