Amsterdam Square, the population of the capital of the Netherlands. Amsterdam landmarks

One of the most beautiful cities in the world is Amsterdam. What state does the city belong to? Very often people get confused about this issue. It is often called the capital of Holland, although in fact it is the capital of the Netherlands. Amsterdam can be called a place of contrasts, since sometimes incompatible things are nearby. The city is very beautiful and interesting, so it is worth a look.

A bit about the city ...

The largest city in the country is located in the south of the province of North Holland. Amsterdam's area is 220 km square. The impressive size of the modern city is impressive, especially considering the fact that once upon a time there was an ordinary fishing village, which gained the status of a city in the thirteenth century.

The population of Amsterdam is approximately 825 thousand people. Twelve percent of the city is occupied by protected areas and parks. The ancient part of the city occupies a very small territory. In the northeast is the train station and harbor.

amsterdam square

All Amsterdam squares and buildings are located on swampy lands. Literally, the name of the city is translated as "a dam on the Amstel River." Since the city is located on reclaimed lands, it is permeated with a network of canals. It has long been famous for its hospitality and inimitable architecture. On its territory there are more than 90 canals with fresh waters, through which more than a thousand bridges have been built. At night, they are lit by small multi-colored lanterns, which adds some fabulousness to the city.

Since the whole area of ​​Amsterdam is littered with canals, the construction of large skyscrapers or huge highways is simply impossible. However, this in no way reduces the attractiveness of the city. It is always a pleasure to stroll through the cobbled streets with large flower beds of tulips and ancient buildings. Ancient buildings betray the city a kind of romanticism. In general, it is worth noting that the time in Amsterdam seemed to freeze. On one street, the mirrored facades of modern buildings are adjacent to museums, boutiques and historical monuments.

Amsterdam is a city in the Netherlands that has the status of the most tolerant city in Europe. In local cafes, you can smoke marijuana without fear, and on the streets of Red Light District you can see real priestesses of love in the windows. Many tourists try to visit the famous quarter, considering it almost the main attraction of the city. However, there are more interesting, albeit quite traditional, historical places, galleries, a monument and squares.

time in amsterdam

Travelers will be interested to know that the time in Amsterdam differs from Moscow only by an hour.

Financial capital

Amsterdam is a city in the Netherlands that is rightly called the country's financial capital. This is due to the fact that the metropolis is leading in Europe in the number of banks and corporations. The main industry is engineering, aircraft manufacturing, oil refining and gem cutting. The city has a whole diamond factory, which is a local attraction. There is an exhibition hall at the factory, which everyone can visit.

Village of fishermen

No written records of the city until 1275 were found. However, local residents tell a legend about its foundation. Once upon a time, two friends with their dog fell into a storm. Having dealt with the elements, they found themselves on a deserted shore, where the river Amstel flows into the bay of Zuider See. Friends built a house on the coast and began to live. Soon relatives and wives came to them. In order to protect the village from the river, residents built a dam. Later the village was called Amsterdam. The city became the capital only in 1814. By that time, it had already become one of the largest cities in Europe, not inferior to such well-known capitals as London and Paris.

How to get to Amsterdam?

The path to the capital of the Netherlands is not so far. The most convenient option is a plane that takes you to Amsterdam - Schiphol Airport. To get to the city, you can use the railway. A train ticket can be purchased in a special machine, its cost is 3.7 euros. A train to Amsterdam is the most economical option. In addition, he goes fast enough. From Amsterdam Airport you can also take a taxi to the hotel, the cost of the trip can be about 45 euros.

amsterdam city in the netherlands

The transport network is well established in the city itself. The population of Amsterdam and its guests can use the subway, trams, buses, taxis, ferry services. In general, locals are more likely to ride bicycles or walk.

Coat of arms of the city

The coat of arms of Amsterdam is designed in the classical style, it consists of four parts: a black and red shield, predatory lions that sleep at the base, the motto of the city and the traditional imperial crown. The modern coat of arms was adopted by the Dutch authorities in 1816, but at the same time it is clear that its elements have a long history.

City center

The old center of the capital is divided into two parts. A newer one is located between Single canals and Domrak and Rokin Streets. Near it is the Yordan quarter, in which workers once lived. And now this is the place where the rich and famous personalities live.

The second part is the older one. This is the most interesting part of Amsterdam. The area of ​​the district is no more than a kilometer square, and in such a small territory all the main attractions of the city are concentrated, including the Red Light District.

City Hotels

Hotels in Amsterdam are quite expensive, but their choice is extremely large. Most of the guests of the capital come to see museums, the city and just take a walk. For this reason, tourists prefer to settle in the center of Amsterdam, as it is very convenient.

Main square

Dam Square is the most important in the capital. All major events in the city are held here. It is worth noting that nighttime Amsterdam is no less interesting. Life in the city is in full swing around the clock.

amsterdam airport

The square owes its name to the dam, which was built in the thirteenth century on the Amstel River. The dam expanded and gradually acquired such dimensions that it was already possible to build two areas on it, later they were combined into one. And after a while a dam appeared along it. It so happened that the square is located in the heart of Amsterdam, next to the station. There are many important buildings on it. One of them is the Royal Palace. The building was originally a town hall and only later became the residence of the kings. Also on the square is a branch of the famous Madame Tussauds Museum of Figures.

The Royal Palace was once built in a swampy area, so they thoroughly approached the foundation laying. Builders drove into the soil 14 thousand. Piles, each of which had a length of about twelve meters. The palace was equipped with Empire-style furniture, tapestries and lamps, which have survived to this day. Representatives of the royal family do not currently live here, but important ceremonies are often held in the building. It is impossible to get into the building on such days, but the free entrance is open for tourists.

New church

Next to the Royal Palace is a new church, which is considered the second largest temple in the Netherlands. Its height is more than 108 meters. The building has a long history, a lot of events fell on its share. Now the temple is open for concerts and exhibitions. It also conducts the coronation of representatives of the royal family.

Madame Tussauds museum

The first branch of the famous London Museum was opened in Amsterdam. Part of his exposition tells about the history of the country. Here you can see the wax figures of wealthy citizens, peasants and pirates. The exposition of the museum was not without copies of prominent figures of our time: from politicians to artists.

Churches of Amsterdam

Most of the churches in the city are Protestant, so in them you will never see the rich design of interiors, icons and other attributes. The fact is that this trend in religion rejects the worship of holy images imprinted on icons, and therefore it is necessary to communicate with God only directly without intermediaries. Therefore, in churches that previously belonged to Catholics were given into the hands of Protestants, transformations were carried out with the removal of religious attributes. The same applies to the old Audi Kirk church. But there are Catholic churches in Amsterdam. The main basilica of the city is the Church of St. Nicholas, which was built in the late nineteenth century.

Van Gogh Museum

Description of the sights of Amsterdam would be incomplete, if not to remember the houses of famous people who once lived and worked in the city. One such place is the Van Gogh Museum. The artist lived in the city for some time. Now in Amsterdam there is a museum in which his paintings are stored. It is worth noting that this collection is the largest collection of works by the artist. In addition, the museum exhibits a collection of Japanese prints that once belonged to Van Gogh. There is also a library.

coat of arms of amsterdam

The museum building consists of two parts. One was built in 1973. A permanent exhibition occupies the top three floors. The works of Van Gogh are exhibited on the second floor, and on the fourth you can see the works of other artists related to the work of the great master. Among them, you can see the work of Claude Monet. The second building is built for modern masterpieces of art. The very first exhibition here was dedicated to Theo Van Gogh. It was thanks to him that he managed to save the collection of his older brother. Subsequently, the paintings were inherited by the son of Van Gogh, who transferred them to the state.

Theaters of the capital

Amsterdam has many theaters of different genres and directions. Here you can watch theatrical, opera, circus performances, admire mimes and listen to jazz.

Stopera is the main opera and ballet theater, which is currently the leading institution in the city. In addition, in Amsterdam there is the Royal Care Theater, which specializes in all kinds of shows. Here you can see performances of different genres: ballet, opera, circus performances, musicals. No less interesting is the country's only pantomime theater.


Amsterdam Zoo is quite old, it was first opened in 1838. In those days, outside the city, a garden was built and buildings were built. The first inhabitants were parrots, deer, monkeys. As a result, many more animals appeared. In 1988, a planetarium was opened at the zoo. Now the park covers fourteen hectares. Over 200 species of plants and 900 species of birds grow on its territory. In addition, cafes and playgrounds are built in the park, and sometimes cultural and entertainment events are held.

Channel museum

Water channels permeate all of Amsterdam. They are the most important feature and at the same time a tourist attraction of the city. In 2001, a canal museum was even opened.

night amsterdam

It has many interesting exhibits on the history of channels. The exposition covers the entire period of their existence, starting from the moment of construction of the very first. Tourists will be interested to know that in the old days, canals were part of the defensive system of the city, since they acted as a kind of ditch in front of the walls of Amsterdam.

You can walk around the museum yourself, but the tour will be much more interesting. An English audio guide is also available.

Nemo Museum

Nemo is a museum of technology and industry that will interest adults and children. In it you can touch everything with your own hands, learn a lot about natural phenomena. The museum was opened in 1932 and at that moment was called the Museum of Labor. And only in 2000, he received his current name. The museum has a large number of scientific expositions, as well as a scientific center. On the top floor of the building there is an observation platform from which you can admire the city.

Archaeological Museum

The museum bears the name of Alard Pearson, who lived in the late nineteenth century and taught archeology at a local university. The professor often traveled on expeditions, from which he brought interesting objects. It was they who became the basis of the museum's exposition thirty years after the professor’s death.

Defense facilities

Since Amsterdam began to develop rapidly and grow, every time new defensive structures were erected along its perimeter. To date, only a few towers have survived. One of them, Monetnaya, is located at the junction of the Amstel River and Singel Canal. Once upon a time, the tower was part of the city wall through which guests fell into the city. It was built in the fifteenth century. Fifty years later, the building was seriously damaged during a fire. True, in the future the tower was restored, giving it a slightly different look. The building was given its current name only in 1672. This is due to the fact that the troops of France and Great Britain captured most of the Netherlands, so it became difficult to import metals to those cities where coins were minted. The problem was solved quite simply by refitting the house of the guards under the workshop. Later, the structure itself was demolished, and the tower has since become known as the tower.

Amsterdam which state

The Wailing Tower is located near the station. A beautiful legend tells that here the wives escorted their husbands-sailors and cried. Another ancient city building is the weight chamber. It is believed that it was built in 1425. In the seventeenth century, the building housed a weight service, and in the nineteenth century it was closed. Since then, the building housed an archive, a workshop and even a fire department. In recent years, it houses a restaurant. In the near future, the building will be closed again for restoration, as it sags due to marshy soils.

Instead of an afterword

Amsterdam is an amazing city that is unlike any other city in Europe. The unusual history and architecture make it incredibly attractive for tourists. There is something to see here, from historical buildings to stunning exhibitions and museums. If you plan to visit Amsterdam, then you should definitely take a walk along the old streets and squares of the city, admiring its beauties.


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